Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Aunty I love that Bdamage!!

Grow some no worry about your plant flipping indicas don't revert that easy. Looks like maybe 3-4 more weeks to me


Well-Known Member
If anyone is interested.

Measure Title: RELATING TO COUNTIES. Report Title: Counties; Compassion Centers

Description: Provides that each county has the power to establish compassion centers for the dispensing of medical marijuana. Requires that compassion centers shall only provide service to qualified patients and primary caregivers registered with the department of public safety. Makes compassion centers subject to the general excise tax by making inapplicable the exemption for amounts received from sales of prescription drugs or prosthetic devices. Imposes a general excise tax on marijuana sales. Eff 8/7/2012. (SD1)

Package: None
Current Referral: TIA/PSM, WAM Introducer(s): ESPERO, Bunda, English, Galuteria, Green

2/22/2010S The committee(s) on WAM recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in WAM were as follows: 10 Aye(s): Senator(s) Kim, Chun Oakland, English, Fukunaga, Galuteria, Hooser, Kidani, Kokubun, Tokuda; Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Tsutsui ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Hee, Hemmings.

S = Senate
H = House
D = Data Systems
$ = Appropriation measure
ConAm = Constitutional Amendment


Well-Known Member
Report Title: Medical Cannabis

Increases the amount of cannabis that constitutes an adequate amount by allowing a qualifying patient to possess 10 cannabis plants and 5 ounces of cannabis at any given time. Makes identification of the site where cannabis is grown confidential. Prohibits the department of public safety from requiring that a certifying physician be the patient's primary care physician. Prohibits certifying physicians from naming or describing a patient's particular debilitating condition. Increases the permissible ratio of patients to caregivers by allowing a caregiver to grow cannabis for no more than 4 patients.


Package: None
Current Referral: HTH/PSM
Introducer(s): ESPERO, Bunda, Fukunaga, Galuteria, Ihara, Kidani, Takamine

2/22/2010SThe committee(s) on HTH recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in HTH were as follows: 4 Aye(s): Senator(s) Ige, Green, Espero, Nishihara; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Baker, Hemmings.


Active Member
The moon chart says the 15th is the actual date for the switch. I'll wait till the end of next month to be sure.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey doc, you get in the water today? Pretty good everywhere, :-P Surfdout once again.

Your girls look tasty!!
nope :( work's been kicking my ass lately. I'm too spent by the time I get off work. funny you mention 'cause when I got off work today, I was debating if I should go hit the surf or not but chose to go home. as a matter of fact, I just got home,,, now I wish I went to the beach instead:cuss:lol

thx for the kind wordz surfdout!:blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have to be careful work will kill you. I'm pretty sure work is for people who can't surf.

I'll have to get me camera fixed, the super lemon haze is getting bigger.:weed:

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Hey Puna how you set for long season?
not quite sure yet. But what I got going now, and what will probably be with me this summer too is:

Lemon Skunk( Greenhouse variety)
Blue Wiidow
Blue Hash
Purple Widow( currently breeding beans)
Hash plant Haze(currently growing)

I've included pics of Blue Widow & Blue Hash, both still about two or three weeks out..


Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
5 weeks into flowering

I just flushed it cuz the light cycle is getting me worried. Next month its above 12 hrs right?

85% of the hairs are orange
the tricomes are just turning light amber

any advice would be appreciated, thanks
brah, no flush your plants!!!! They are weeks out if not a month still! The plant will let you know when it's ready. Plant will start changing, leaf color changes, they become harder too. Many, many waays to tell. But now is not the time to cut it down!