What do you think? ready or keep growing


lookin good bro but make sure that 80% of your pistils are an amberish color man but hell yea its your choice in the end.(But me i would let em go for a as long as possible for max yeild man.) how long have they been in flowering man?

got five?

lookin good bro but make sure that 80% of your pistils are an amberish color man but hell yea its your choice in the end.(But me i would let em go for a as long as possible for max yeild man.) how long have they been in flowering man?

okay lol just a quick info on the lil lady. i got it as a seed from a dealer who left a few in a sac i bought lol so i dunno much about it so i tried growing it this is my first grow and i already accidently decapitated the top kola haha so the pics are from the side kolas and its probly in my 2nd month of flowering

got five?

plant looks ready. start flush now if you haven't already how bout a pic of the whole plant?
i flushed it just yesterday my plant as a whole looks like shit lol i pritty much did everything you shouldnt to you lil ladys haha so its kinda fucked up looken with burn spots and dead/yellow leaves haha :spew:
Do a little research on trichome development and i would try to as quickly as possible obtain a microscope that will allow you to see the trich's up close to determine where they are at in their clear, milky. or amber process.