papaver somniferum poppies :)


New Member
I agree completely. Just take it seriously folks....Opium is a fickled mistress and if ur not careful will OWN you. Oh .... and no sex either.:mad:

It's to be dabbled in ... no more.


Well-Known Member
well, i got tired of the tea and tried to make some poppy pod puddy. i thought it made a very nice smokable. i don't know why everyone is hating on it so much. put a little on my bowl pack lit up and laid on my bed listening to music all day. very enjoyable.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
well, i got tired of the tea and tried to make some poppy pod puddy. i thought it made a very nice smokable. i don't know why everyone is hating on it so much. put a little on my bowl pack lit up and laid on my bed listening to music all day. very enjoyable.
Sorry Don, this is now the 'Opium will own you' thread. lol

How'd you make the pod putty? Which was stronger, the tea or the putty? Which method do you think gave you more yield by weight? *curious*


New Member dismissive of a massively addictive substance.... I will pass you by on the street and not even give you a dollar.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member dismissive of a massively addictive substance.... I will pass you by on the street and not even give you a dollar.
Dude, I'm not going to go back and forth with ya like the last couple of guys. I've prob done at least as many opiates as you in my lifetime, and no offense but I for one certainly don't need to be schooled about opiates. lol

I'm pretty sure after the last several pages of this that everyone has got your point, and there's no need to be the karma police anymore.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
We understand they are dangerous and addictive... just make sure next time you go to the doctor's office and to the pharmacy, that you lecture them about it.


New Member
You have both now posted you do get it... that's good.

I post for all the folks viewing and not posting. Several ppl have likened Opium to a walk in the park. It isn't. It needs to be handled like dynamite...with care.

The more Opium at your disposal, the greater chance of you becoming addicted.


Well-Known Member
Opium/opiates is a beautiful drug, however not to be taken lightly. Spread your doses a week apart atleast.

Its easy to overdue something that wraps you in a warm fuzzy blanket. Just be careful.

Its a beautiful drug when done in moderation, beyond that will lead to heart ache and sorrow for you and your family.



New Member
That's all I've been saying. If you grow it and get a bunch... you must be very very careful. Abundance of Opium can easily lead to addiction. Most ppl don't run across it that it's better. But if you grow'll have lots ... be careful.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
That's all I've been saying. If you grow it and get a bunch... you must be very very careful. Abundance of Opium can easily lead to addiction. Most ppl don't run across it that it's better. But if you grow'll have lots ... be careful.
I've never grown them, but I thought that the yield from a dozen or so plants was so little that there would be no way anyone could even have the time to develop a tolerance? Do the plants actually yield more?


New Member
One pod can produce 80 milligrams of raw opiate. Each plant should have two or three large pods.

An acre will typically yield 12 pounds of the stuff.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
One pod can produce 80 milligrams of raw opiate. Each plant should have two or three large pods.

An acre will typically yield 12 pounds of the stuff.
So basically, realistically, if you had like 10 plants you'd prob come out with a gram of opium in total after harvest? I round down a bit, which I like to do. Doesn't sound like all that much. Do you know the breakdown for how much morphine and codeine is in the pure opium, like mgs? And how does this compare to making the tea, or say 'smoking opium' made from refining down the tea? How strong is the dried pod tea product compared to the raw opium excretion?


New Member
oh about 250 mg per plant (3 pods per plant). So 10 pants should yield 2.5 grams. That is an average though...and depends on how well you grow and what strain. there are very large varieties which can produce 120 mg per pod.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
oh about 250 mg per plant (3 pods per plant). So 10 pants should yield 2.5 grams. That is an average though...and depends on how well you grow and what strain. there are very large varieties which can produce 120 mg per pod.
Thanks Jax, do you have any info on on the different preparations of the opium and their potency, like a hierarchy chart or something? I wonder what is the best compromise (as in what preparation) between quantity and quality as far as the high goes regarding the different preparation methods?

Big P

Well-Known Member
I can't wait to hear how it was! Whatcha plan on doing with em?

well im thinking of first trying the coffee machine method,

gonna buy a real cheap coffee machine and brew it through like 6 pods maybe for 2 runs,

then ima shake the drink real well and split into 6 equal parts

then i will bamboozle my nieghbor into dosing one pod at a time with me like every 1/2 to 1 hr until desired effect is achieved

next on a weekend i will try the method where you just grind up the pods to dust ad wash them down with grapfruit juice

they say this takes longer to kick in but also lasts much longer

then ima try to make that goop people talk about

i think i ordered like 70 pods:shock:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Cool, hey I read something somewhere...taking something along with your opiates increases the rate of absorption...NSAID's I think it was...?

You know, a long time ago I also read that taking opiates with a high fat meal like a cheeseburger or something helps your body to more effectively metabolize the drug.

Sorry, just some of my brain droppings.