For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..


Well-Known Member
Do people ever use more than 12 hours of dark a cycle? What I meant was this: For their initiation in 12/12 would it be better for them to start with an extended bed time*6 hours longer, or to put them to be early*6 hours sooner than usual. Is it acceptable to bend the stem in 2 places at once? Like I am think I will need to do either an s shape to try to turn it into the shape of say a simple race track, or a paper clip.


Well-Known Member
alright.. here is one more idea... that basically follows the same guide line as the last idea... but modified slightly...

in order for the controller bucket pump to turn on the water level must raise the float switch to the on position.. the float valve that needs to do this is only a few inches (if that) off the bottom of the bucket....

if you raised the bottom trays about 4 inches from ground, ran a tube from the tray into the controller bucket (through the side of the bucket so it empties an inch or so above the float valve), and then ran things that way you would still be fine...

reason i bring this up again (knowing you want 2 seperate res's) is that you dont need to have 2 seperate res's... 1 res feeding both of them a flowering solution around 1.4 to 1.6 ec will be perfect... for both the new girls and the older girls.. i know this goes against a lot of what you have probably read, but plants can take a lot of nutes without problem... their root systems only absorb the water and nutes that are needed... they dont just open the flood gate to whatever is available... as long as you have ample light (sounds like you will), balanced ph (top 3 most important things), and good environmental control, then they will flurish just fine using the 1 res... assuming that they have good roots... which im sure they will..

if you are really stuck on having a seperate res for the bottom chamber tho, you can always stick with the same basic plan as above.. except the top tray is looped to its own res.... the bottom tray is done the same way as i mentioned.. except instead of the controller bucket pumping back into the orginal res it pumps into its own.. basically the controller bucket allows you to limit how high off the ground the tray has to be (no more than 6" off the ground) and serves as a stepping stone for the nute solution to get from the tray to the res again... if that makes more sense??

hopefully im giving you some ideas or getting closer to an answer for ya.. ill keep trying until we get it figured out tho!

First off, I want to say how much your work on this board is appreciated. I have read back through the last years posts and have seen you many times helping others to learn, giving your time and experience selflessly. Your patience and good humour coupled with your open mindedness is amazing, and I wish I could rep you more, and if I ever get the ability to do in the future I will.

My grow is in an overall state of flux, but the main thing that I have to be concerned about is having a foolproof watering system. Foolproof as far as any flooding of my growroom would be catastrophic and lead to immediate discovery. I live on the 2nd and third floor of a rented house, my grow is over my landlords daughters apartment.:!:

I have lived here for 2 1/2 years, and I have an extremely low profile. I have confidence in my security from detection as I have no visitors that I don't control access of, I am not well known in the small town I live, my time is my own to spend as I wish because I am on disability, I have one inspection a year which is done at my convenience, I live alone in a quiet residential neighborhood ( a cop lives directly accross the street), I have no family within multiple hours distance, etc. I have wanted to get back into growing before ( I grew inside in the late 80's and early 90's) but, was stymied by the problem of ventilation and odor control. I stumbled onto this site and with the help of a community of stealth growers sharing, I was able to figure out the answers to those problems.:idea:

I have mulled over your well thought out suggestions, and was thinking of building in redundantcies such as multiple timers on backup pumps and such, and it is just too much risk. That and it starts to become complicated which is asking for failure. The beauty of gravity drain in the flood and drain system is foolproof and the main draw for me. Right now I am contemplating building as low a profile res as possible for my lower chamber and relying on ventilation to control heat in the res and some sort of tek, prob FIM, to control height. That would alter the SOG approach some but I am hoping not much.

The Al B Fuct approach is the template I am using, hence the seperate res, but I am altering the 2 week harvest to a 4 week harvest, and 4 res to two res. I have mutiple bookmarks on your teks from this thread and one of them is the weekly flowering ec levels that you use as so does Al B. It makes sense, and is proven. My grows will be comparitively small, but I think can be just as efficient and of sufficient yield for 1/4 to 1/2 lb monthly once the bugs are worked out. I am in no hurry, time is not an enemy. I don't plan on buying seeds till at least two full cycles through my setup, so that would mean sometime in mid to late fall. Right now I have only the top chamber built with a few cfls and nursery trays. I will be ordering a 400w HPS, ventilation gear and pumps, hoses,and fittings, next week.

Once again, thanks for your mentoring to so many on these boards and to your giving to this thread in particular. We all can make this one of the best threads on the site, which it actually already is, but it could become even more epic over time.



Well-Known Member
Do people ever use more than 12 hours of dark a cycle? What I meant was this: For their initiation in 12/12 would it be better for them to start with an extended bed time*6 hours longer, or to put them to be early*6 hours sooner than usual. Is it acceptable to bend the stem in 2 places at once? Like I am think I will need to do either an s shape to try to turn it into the shape of say a simple race track, or a paper clip.
you can bend the plant in different directions with no issues.. just do it slowly over a week.. thats the main thing... if you try to bend to much to fast you run the risk of breaking the stem... just be slow and patient and tighten things every day a little more..

extend the dark period based on what you said.. really it wont matter for the initial 12/12 flip tho.. its after that thats important.. but yes, some people give their plants 24 to 36 hours of straight dark going into flowering.. i do this sometimes if i get the chance.. sometimes it doesnt work out that i can tho..

First off, I want to say how much your work on this board is appreciated. I have read back through the last years posts and have seen you many times helping others to learn, giving your time and experience selflessly. Your patience and good humour coupled with your open mindedness is amazing, and I wish I could rep you more, and if I ever get the ability to do in the future I will.

My grow is in an overall state of flux, but the main thing that I have to be concerned about is having a foolproof watering system. Foolproof as far as any flooding of my growroom would be catastrophic and lead to immediate discovery. I live on the 2nd and third floor of a rented house, my grow is over my landlords daughters apartment.:!:

I have lived here for 2 1/2 years, and I have an extremely low profile. I have confidence in my security from detection as I have no visitors that I don't control access of, I am not well known in the small town I live, my time is my own to spend as I wish because I am on disability, I have one inspection a year which is done at my convenience, I live alone in a quiet residential neighborhood ( a cop lives directly accross the street), I have no family within multiple hours distance, etc. I have wanted to get back into growing before ( I grew inside in the late 80's and early 90's) but, was stymied by the problem of ventilation and odor control. I stumbled onto this site and with the help of a community of stealth growers sharing, I was able to figure out the answers to those problems.:idea:

I have mulled over your well thought out suggestions, and was thinking of building in redundantcies such as multiple timers on backup pumps and such, and it is just too much risk. That and it starts to become complicated which is asking for failure. The beauty of gravity drain in the flood and drain system is foolproof and the main draw for me. Right now I am contemplating building as low a profile res as possible for my lower chamber and relying on ventilation to control heat in the res and some sort of tek, prob FIM, to control height. That would alter the SOG approach some but I am hoping not much.

The Al B Fuct approach is the template I am using, hence the seperate res, but I am altering the 2 week harvest to a 4 week harvest, and 4 res to two res. I have mutiple bookmarks on your teks from this thread and one of them is the weekly flowering ec levels that you use as so does Al B. It makes sense, and is proven. My grows will be comparitively small, but I think can be just as efficient and of sufficient yield for 1/4 to 1/2 lb monthly once the bugs are worked out. I am in no hurry, time is not an enemy. I don't plan on buying seeds till at least two full cycles through my setup, so that would mean sometime in mid to late fall. Right now I have only the top chamber built with a few cfls and nursery trays. I will be ordering a 400w HPS, ventilation gear and pumps, hoses,and fittings, next week.

Once again, thanks for your mentoring to so many on these boards and to your giving to this thread in particular. We all can make this one of the best threads on the site, which it actually already is, but it could become even more epic over time.


thank you very mind for the kind words.. i really do enjoy helping out and hearing success stories.. it makes me happy to know i am helping someone somewhere get the medicine they need and should be able to get!

so now back to your set up...

im sure within the confusion of everything i wrote it got way more complicated sounding than it should...

it would only require 3 pumps.. nothing big by any means... just 3.. and only 2 of which are on timers...

1 pump would be strictly for the top flood tray/res... if the top levels' res was on the floor, it would still be somewhat a gravity feed... the pump would stand only to push the water to the top tray.. it would run down the tray and back into the res via a return line gravity style..

the other 2 pumps would be for the bottom levels' res... only 1 of which is on a timer... the controller bucket (the stepping stone as i refered to it as) kicks on by itself when ever the water level rises enough to turn the float valves on... so if there is a pump in the res that is pushing water through the trays, which gets drained into the bucket, the pump in the bucket would automatically turn on (as needed) and empty back in the res... i really think this would be ideal for you.. mainly its because it would allow you to have a large res for the bottom and top levels... (no need to have a low profile res that doesnt hold enough water... especially when you only need to raise the trays maybe 6" off the ground)...

there are timers that you can get that can run 2 x 120v things from it... so you could potentially get 1 timer for the 2 pumps you need to run... thus cutting down on timers you have to worry about.. and again that 3rd pump will turn on and off automatically as needed.. so you dont have to worry about that...

as far as actual water leakings or home floodings you should have NOTHING to worry about.. the controller bucket is water tight.. its actually a modified version of the ebb and flood controller bucket i have made by the same company.. only difference is that my timer buckets have a timer that runs the ebb and flood cycles.. still has the same float switches and everything.. so i can promise you that its more than reliable...

even if you dont go that way, there are plenty of ways to ensure your system is water tight...

if you are open to some other ideas i have a few more also.. ones that would work and save you from using any timers at all.. just would need a pump per res... let me know if you are interested and ill spit it out..

everything else is sounding solid.. its nice that you have such a laid back aggressive approach.. ready to get things going but not over eager is a good thing.. too much excitement can sometimes lead to failure...

hopefully this thread continues to grow and i can continue to help people.. the hardest part of helping isnt the questions i have to answer.. its getting people to actually read this thread initial and start asking questions.. i have noticed tho that the people who asks questions in here are really concerned with growing good green... not just the "i have a closet in my bedroom at my parents house" type growers.... and for that i thank you all.. it makes it a lot more fun and interesting for me!

Mr frosty

forgot to chime in about led lighting....

its a waste of money.... it truely is.... granted its cheap to run... and you do get results.. its a genuine waste of money...

if you base end results on overall yield (not gram per watt nessicarily) then you would be crazy to get led over hps... it would take probably 5 times the leds to get the same result you get from 1 hps... no, this isnt from personal experience.. but i have done a LOT of following of led journals to see if they get better..

right now the technology is weak... and WAY WAY WAY over priced... maybe someday they might figure it out and get leds that are worth it.. but for now.. its not and they arent..
Hey thanks sampson will leave ozone alone & led lighting !
Will defo show you pic's of my criticall mass when I get them away it will b a while ! The 4 girls that I suppercropped are only 2 weeks into flower so I have a while yet ! Got myself a lumatek 600 watt dig ballast & binned the old 400 so am I right in thinking that I can now let my girls get to about 24" from top of pot and get very good light pen ? Thanks again bro !!


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks sampson will leave ozone alone & led lighting !
Will defo show you pic's of my criticall mass when I get them away it will b a while ! The 4 girls that I suppercropped are only 2 weeks into flower so I have a while yet ! Got myself a lumatek 600 watt dig ballast & binned the old 400 so am I right in thinking that I can now let my girls get to about 24" from top of pot and get very good light pen ? Thanks again bro !!
24" is about ideal height for a 600w lamp


Well-Known Member
Hey my man, still no sign o' beans, I'll get some pics up sometime this week. It's gettin pretty sexy in there!!!

Anyway, instead of my PH drifting up on a daily basis, PH is now startin to gradually creep down every 48-72 hours. I assume that is just the nature & difference between grow nutes & bloom nutes (been on full bloom nute regimen since last weekend). Basically took a week to ween off w/ combos of each per ur suggestions. Love to get ur take though.

Also, as my water level goes down, my PPM are going up. (Also truth time, gotta be honest, I didn't have the bread to get a nice PPM meter as you suggested, I'm usin one of those pen type ones, plan to by the one u posted a link to for that other cat a few days ago in month or 2 after some financial recovery from initial "investments").

That being said, i realize that accuracy is not dead on my side. However, it seems to at least be guiding me in the right direction & is better than nothing.

Long story longer, when my PPM / EC goes up due to water evaporating (or whatever the reason, I have just noticed that it tends to correlate with lower water levels), I have just been adding a gallon of straight distilled to get PPM back down to the 1500's (where the recipe says it should be) and not adding any additional fresh nutes. Is that normal, should I be doing that any different. Like say add x2 gals. of distilled to get PPM down to say 1200, then add nutes for only x1 of the gallons to get PPM back to 1500, or will the nutes stay fresh for an entire week.

Essentially, how long are nutes good for?

I change res. religiously every weekend. Let it sit for the girls' 4 hours of rest that day (their on 20/4 obv.) then double check PH as you suggested righ before I turn light on (which is awesome advice, as I do notice that sometimes the PH does shift during those 4 hours of sitting).

Just wanna make sure I'm gettin them sexy bitches everything they need.

And YES, man this is a wonderfully exciting time, by fuk me, it would be nice if things went a little faster.

Thanks for everything my man.
I been a grower for a long time ,but only with seeds, Lately I been trying clones I have a ez clone set up , they root in a matter of 3 days, But I am leaving them there for 3 weeks to Veg and then flowering,The main problem That I am having is that the stem is too skiny and I have to stake them up , Is there any thing I can do to help the stem to get bigger, so it can support the buds?


Well-Known Member
Hey my man, still no sign o' beans, I'll get some pics up sometime this week. It's gettin pretty sexy in there!!!

Anyway, instead of my PH drifting up on a daily basis, PH is now startin to gradually creep down every 48-72 hours. I assume that is just the nature & difference between grow nutes & bloom nutes (been on full bloom nute regimen since last weekend). Basically took a week to ween off w/ combos of each per ur suggestions. Love to get ur take though.

Also, as my water level goes down, my PPM are going up. (Also truth time, gotta be honest, I didn't have the bread to get a nice PPM meter as you suggested, I'm usin one of those pen type ones, plan to by the one u posted a link to for that other cat a few days ago in month or 2 after some financial recovery from initial "investments").

That being said, i realize that accuracy is not dead on my side. However, it seems to at least be guiding me in the right direction & is better than nothing.

Long story longer, when my PPM / EC goes up due to water evaporating (or whatever the reason, I have just noticed that it tends to correlate with lower water levels), I have just been adding a gallon of straight distilled to get PPM back down to the 1500's (where the recipe says it should be) and not adding any additional fresh nutes. Is that normal, should I be doing that any different. Like say add x2 gals. of distilled to get PPM down to say 1200, then add nutes for only x1 of the gallons to get PPM back to 1500, or will the nutes stay fresh for an entire week.

Essentially, how long are nutes good for?

I change res. religiously every weekend. Let it sit for the girls' 4 hours of rest that day (their on 20/4 obv.) then double check PH as you suggested righ before I turn light on (which is awesome advice, as I do notice that sometimes the PH does shift during those 4 hours of sitting).

Just wanna make sure I'm gettin them sexy bitches everything they need.

And YES, man this is a wonderfully exciting time, by fuk me, it would be nice if things went a little faster.

Thanks for everything my man.
everything you are saying is right on as it should be...

water and nutes dont get used up at the same rate... what your seeing is that they are drinking more water than using nutes.. which is good... it means they are being well fed... as the water level drops the nute concentration rises... thus bringing the ph down.... as long as it is above 5.5 let it drop.. its a good thing.. trying to maintain a perfect ph by adjusting daily is not a good idea...

if you find you need to add water just add the water.. dont worry about adding nutes.. or if you do add nutes only do 1/4 strength.. reason is that you dont know what nutes are actually left/available to the plant.. so its hard to know what to actually add... throwing just the water in there is perfectly fine for the week.. i assume that you only need to add the water towards the end of the week... any really it doesnt matter if you add water or not.. as long as your pump stays below the water level you dont have to add anything if you dont want...

the worst part of wanting things to go faster is they wont... once you get using clones you'll notice flowering goes faster.. well over all growth of the plant is faster with clones.. but it still seems like forever... at the end of the grow tho, you'll look back and wonder where the last 2 months went.. its slow getting there.. but seems like it was a blink of the eye afterwards..

I been a grower for a long time ,but only with seeds, Lately I been trying clones I have a ez clone set up , they root in a matter of 3 days, But I am leaving them there for 3 weeks to Veg and then flowering,The main problem That I am having is that the stem is too skiny and I have to stake them up , Is there any thing I can do to help the stem to get bigger, so it can support the buds?
best thing to do to strengthen stems is to keep a fan blowing air on them at all times... some plants naturally have a tendency to have thinner stems also.. so you could have one of those strains as well.. but the fan should take care of that issue...


Active Member
Hey quick question. I ordered a vortex 6 inch fan and it came in today and the thing is huge. Did I buy the right thing. I am new to growing so I am not really sure if the fan is supposed to be this big. It probably weighs 15 pounds. And how am I supposed to hang this big thing in a grow box. Or do I connect it to the wall. And if I do one of those how does this 15 pound giant not fall on the plants and break everything.


Well-Known Member
Hey quick question. I ordered a vortex 6 inch fan and it came in today and the thing is huge. Did I buy the right thing. I am new to growing so I am not really sure if the fan is supposed to be this big. It probably weighs 15 pounds. And how am I supposed to hang this big thing in a grow box. Or do I connect it to the wall. And if I do one of those how does this 15 pound giant not fall on the plants and break everything.
Man, I'm a newb & sampson will get ya proper 411. But I actually just had to go thru this.

Mounting was interesting. I would try & go outside the box for more room inside. & just run flexible ducting thru a flange u bolt to box or something. Anyway yeah mount to wall outside or something, but you DEF wanna bolt it to a larger piece of wood than just x1- 2'x'4' stud. Take a 16"x16" piece of wood (as studs are always 16" apart). Or a larger piece, whatev. Anyway, bolt that w/ carriage bolts to the x2 separate studs.

So now you have your piece of wood "spanning" the x2 studs. Mount fan w/ carriage bolts to that (direction really doesn't matter I found, horiz. / vert. whatev).

I learned the hard way that if you just bolt to x1 stud (it was a thick rafter too, like maybe 2.5 to 3". Anyway, the sheer power of that jewel made it kinds rock back & forth so badly that I didn't want to risk it for more than an hour before I broke down & evenly distributed that weight & pressure.

ANyway, sampson prob. got better idea. My main point is to distribute the weght & watch the direction when ya fire em out to check em out. If you get ur cock stuck in those janks you be a very unhappy man.

Good luck, stay up brotha


Active Member
Thanks for the info show. Ok so I should give a little background so he can hook me up with info related to my situation. I live in an apartment so rigging anything is out of the question. I do have a opening to the attic of my building because I am on the top floor, BUT if I run up there and some service man happens to be twiddling his thumbs one day in the attic I am royally fucked without even being kissed first. I was going to use like 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch multi density board for my box and hook it to the ceiling of the box but that sounds like a bad idea now. I was going to use 2 x 2 for the frame and that doesn't help the fan either. My box will be a little over 5 feet wide and two feet deep and 6 feet tall. That was the size before I seen this mammoth fan. Now I think I have to go bigger to accomodate. I am putting my box next to a tall dresser that I could put the fan on but I can't bolt it to it because it's my stepdads dresser and he has some type of weird fantasy love for his dresser and wants it back unscathed at some point. I have two 400 watt lumatek ballasts that are going on top of my box and they will be feeding 2 super sun 2 air cooled reflectors in the box. I wanted to hook a scrubber up somewhere but I am clueless to where that could be. Looking at the size of this thing kinda worries me now because I do like to sleep occasionally and this sucker is definitely not inconspicuous. Although I won't be letting anyone near the room and the apt people only come every 3-4 months to change the filter it would be very bad should some nosey limp dick out to catch me doing god knows what run in or I leave the door open on accident. I don't mind it being visible if it is the best way because I only want the best for my future lovers but hidden might serve good on multiple fronts. Another thing I am thinking, I haven't taken it out of the box yet just peeped in, is I need a freaking engineering degree to hook this stuff up. I was planning on having one half of the box devoted to older bloomers and the other half younger bloomers so they are 4 weeks apart and I harvest each month or so. I am hoping I can fit 6 square 3 gallon pots on each side. I was planning on vegging somewhere between 2 weeks to 4 weeks in a separate veg box with cfls. I want to harvest at least 2 to 2 1/2 ounces per plant and I am thinking this would be the way to do it with 3 gallon pots. If I can go with smaller pots please tell me because that may mean more plants. I will grow one plant of each strain I want and then clone the amount of plants I want to use for each harvest. I have a lot of worries and questions, but hey thats what being a noob is all about.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm a newb & sampson will get ya proper 411. But I actually just had to go thru this.

Mounting was interesting. I would try & go outside the box for more room inside. & just run flexible ducting thru a flange u bolt to box or something. Anyway yeah mount to wall outside or something, but you DEF wanna bolt it to a larger piece of wood than just x1- 2'x'4' stud. Take a 16"x16" piece of wood (as studs are always 16" apart). Or a larger piece, whatev. Anyway, bolt that w/ carriage bolts to the x2 separate studs.

So now you have your piece of wood "spanning" the x2 studs. Mount fan w/ carriage bolts to that (direction really doesn't matter I found, horiz. / vert. whatev).

I learned the hard way that if you just bolt to x1 stud (it was a thick rafter too, like maybe 2.5 to 3". Anyway, the sheer power of that jewel made it kinds rock back & forth so badly that I didn't want to risk it for more than an hour before I broke down & evenly distributed that weight & pressure.

ANyway, sampson prob. got better idea. My main point is to distribute the weght & watch the direction when ya fire em out to check em out. If you get ur cock stuck in those janks you be a very unhappy man.

Good luck, stay up brotha
well my brother, I'm stil not 100% that I'm gold. Haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise & your piece of mind is def. reassuring, just gotta be sure they are all un-tainted before I celebrate proper. But day-yum, I am still excited that they are virgins.

Anyway, check em out & lemme know what ya think. The one called stretch is to show how far they have stretch from the little bitty v-drip system @ the bottom. I must say they have done me proud. I just again hope I didn't eff em up w/ some cannasemen.

Any guesses on chop time would be sweet. Thinkin I have every bit of 3-4 weeks though. Popped from rooters on 1-17.

Also for the photo girls. Is there a way to slow them down. Yes, I realize I should have listened & waited per ur suggestion. Patience was never my strong suit. But and feeding & they are lookin sharp. Develop 2nd & 3rd sets o leaves, etc. Just don't want em too tall before autos finish. I really only have about 20" for them above tent.

Holla back when you can my brotha & thanks as always. P.S. Hope I ain't steppin on toes answer that cats question bout fans. But just went thru that after that lovely 100degree night i created a month or so back now. Thanks for stickin w/ me goose. You are the shit!


Well-Known Member
So i got some fans in my tent and started 12/12 and some lst today. But I am finding it sucks to worry about the light... Do LCD monitors put off light in a spectrum that will affect marijuana during flowering? Right now I just have some chunks of cardboard covering all the ways light as of getting in and using smaller windows on the internet. I am thinking I will at least use some bits of cloth to make a light trap (on piece hanging over the top on the inside of the air inlet, a piece covering up the bottom on the outside?)* something like that....

If I have to I may rearrange my room in such a way so that the monitor is not facing the tent...

Know of any clothes I could use that let air through well but no light?


Well-Known Member
it surprises me they didnt send any mounting hardware with the fan...

thats the nice thing about sunleaves windtunnel fans.. they are a little more expensive but typically have more cfms than equivalent sized fans plus come with mounting hard ware..

anyways... the suggestion SH2H gave is about the best suggestion i could give..

just try to make sure there are as few bends in the ducting as you can get..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info show. Ok so I should give a little background so he can hook me up with info related to my situation. I live in an apartment so rigging anything is out of the question. I do have a opening to the attic of my building because I am on the top floor, BUT if I run up there and some service man happens to be twiddling his thumbs one day in the attic I am royally fucked without even being kissed first. I was going to use like 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch multi density board for my box and hook it to the ceiling of the box but that sounds like a bad idea now. I was going to use 2 x 2 for the frame and that doesn't help the fan either. My box will be a little over 5 feet wide and two feet deep and 6 feet tall. That was the size before I seen this mammoth fan. Now I think I have to go bigger to accomodate. I am putting my box next to a tall dresser that I could put the fan on but I can't bolt it to it because it's my stepdads dresser and he has some type of weird fantasy love for his dresser and wants it back unscathed at some point. I have two 400 watt lumatek ballasts that are going on top of my box and they will be feeding 2 super sun 2 air cooled reflectors in the box. I wanted to hook a scrubber up somewhere but I am clueless to where that could be. Looking at the size of this thing kinda worries me now because I do like to sleep occasionally and this sucker is definitely not inconspicuous. Although I won't be letting anyone near the room and the apt people only come every 3-4 months to change the filter it would be very bad should some nosey limp dick out to catch me doing god knows what run in or I leave the door open on accident. I don't mind it being visible if it is the best way because I only want the best for my future lovers but hidden might serve good on multiple fronts. Another thing I am thinking, I haven't taken it out of the box yet just peeped in, is I need a freaking engineering degree to hook this stuff up. I was planning on having one half of the box devoted to older bloomers and the other half younger bloomers so they are 4 weeks apart and I harvest each month or so. I am hoping I can fit 6 square 3 gallon pots on each side. I was planning on vegging somewhere between 2 weeks to 4 weeks in a separate veg box with cfls. I want to harvest at least 2 to 2 1/2 ounces per plant and I am thinking this would be the way to do it with 3 gallon pots. If I can go with smaller pots please tell me because that may mean more plants. I will grow one plant of each strain I want and then clone the amount of plants I want to use for each harvest. I have a lot of worries and questions, but hey thats what being a noob is all about.
without seeing pics of your room and setup its hard to advise much on the fan situation still....

as far as a carbon scrubber goes, if you get an inline on you can just hook it up at the end of the exhaust.. where ever that may be...

everything sounds like its pretty much on track tho.. im a little tired and having trouble focusing so ill re read this tomorrow and try to help out a little more.. i think im just shot for the day....

well my brother, I'm stil not 100% that I'm gold. Haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise & your piece of mind is def. reassuring, just gotta be sure they are all un-tainted before I celebrate proper. But day-yum, I am still excited that they are virgins.

Anyway, check em out & lemme know what ya think. The one called stretch is to show how far they have stretch from the little bitty v-drip system @ the bottom. I must say they have done me proud. I just again hope I didn't eff em up w/ some cannasemen.

Any guesses on chop time would be sweet. Thinkin I have every bit of 3-4 weeks though. Popped from rooters on 1-17.

Also for the photo girls. Is there a way to slow them down. Yes, I realize I should have listened & waited per ur suggestion. Patience was never my strong suit. But and feeding & they are lookin sharp. Develop 2nd & 3rd sets o leaves, etc. Just don't want em too tall before autos finish. I really only have about 20" for them above tent.

Holla back when you can my brotha & thanks as always. P.S. Hope I ain't steppin on toes answer that cats question bout fans. But just went thru that after that lovely 100degree night i created a month or so back now. Thanks for stickin w/ me goose. You are the shit!
i dont mind anyone chiming in with answers... so dont ever worry if you do...

cant really slow down the sprouts... gotta go with the flow... just keep them close to the light as you can.. it will help keep them shorter.. might have to do some early super cropping or something... i think you should be in the clear with the height you said you have tho...

the autos are looking good... very healthy and happy... im going to guess you have 4 to 5 weeks... another week or so will tell the tale.... once they hit their flowering stride they will explode.. but still just a little early to answer... and assume at this point youll get around 1/2o per plant...


So i got some fans in my tent and started 12/12 and some lst today. But I am finding it sucks to worry about the light... Do LCD monitors put off light in a spectrum that will affect marijuana during flowering? Right now I just have some chunks of cardboard covering all the ways light as of getting in and using smaller windows on the internet. I am thinking I will at least use some bits of cloth to make a light trap (on piece hanging over the top on the inside of the air inlet, a piece covering up the bottom on the outside?)* something like that....

If I have to I may rearrange my room in such a way so that the monitor is not facing the tent...

Know of any clothes I could use that let air through well but no light?
if your monitor is close to the grow area than the light can affect them for sure... it just depends on how close... id say within 5' and you have to worry about it affecting the grow...

dont know anything light proof and breathable... best thing you can do is get a black towel or blanket or something... should block out enough light while allowing enough air through it..


Active Member
hey simpson thanks for the info. I don't have any pics yet because I wanted to build the box this weekend. So you think the fan would be better set in the box or outside the box. Can I mount it to a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch multi density board. If I do I am thinking maybe I should run some support beams across the top part of the frame so that it doesn't sink with the weight. I took it out of the box last night when I got home and it looks easy to hook up. Is it really loud? I was thinking I might hook it up on the floor and see how it runs. Do you think thats a good idea or dangerous. The fan will vent two 400 watt lights. And you think I should put the scrubber at the beginning of the lights with ducting moving from one side to the other and then to fan.


Well-Known Member
sampson, preesh the feedback & comments on the autos.

On to phase 2 w/ the photo girlies.

Got all rooters oprah style & into blocks & ready to rock. took the day off. ha.
to get separate res. & drippers goin. They are ready to rock.

All I need is for you to take a peak @ the old recipe for success (i attached the version you sent to me for quick & easy viewing pleasure), & advise which batch o' nutes to mix up. Been hand watering cubes w/ the "Seedling / Transplant" regimen of just Root 66 & Sugar Daddy. Following those directions exactly (2tsps of each per gallon).

But is it time to shift up to a 1/4 strength solution of the grow nutes?

If not now, if you could advise when I would be most appreciative. (Is there a rule of thumb on that, like after the 3rd set o leaves or something?)

A few cubes are still a little too young, so I am hand watering them still, but they should be ready for drippers in 2-3 days.

Also have a timer ordered that wil be here Monday so that I can drip for 10 minute intervals whenev needed. A little advice on how often to plan those 10 minute cycles for next week would be just as lovely.

A gentleman & scholar you are sir.

Thanks for your time homey.



Well-Known Member
Ok so 3 drinks later (no growbig) the pH has appeared to have gone back up to 6.5 (the meter liked 6.5 but kept flicking between that and 5 sometimes). They haven't had any grow big in 10 days (just finished watering and they haven't been fed the last 3). They seem to like every 3 days (when I went 4 days I noticed the tallest let its leaves hang, and they perked back up after watering).

My question is this: now that the pH appears to be back at 6.5, the next time I water should I feed them, or should I wait one more time? Also I am looking at that foxfarm soil feeding schedule Am I really supposed to be combining Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom the whole time during flowering (i know a bit about that no feeding the last 2 weeks or something), and then a couple times with growbig as well? *I started 12/12 yesterday


Active Member
Okay simpson. We have a new development. I would love to make this box huge and have a few others to boot, but I also have to somewhat please my girlfriend who lives with me. I am already making her mad enough about the box hosting 2 lights and after measuring the fan and looking at the room to see if I can go bigger I am thinking that she won't sign off on any bigger. So what I propose to you is that what if I put the fan on top of the box and I can even probably build a sound box for it to go in (don't know how to do that any suggestions). But and its a big but is my fan, 450cfm, powerful enough to suck through a scrubber two lights and make a huge u turn up to the top of the box? I wish I could just say fuck it and do whatever but I do like to have sex so that would screw me there. So what should I do? I don't think I can push the sides out any farther and I also just realized I will have to go a little farther out than planned anyway so that the ducting can be flexible enough to have both lights at different heights at the same time without disrupting the grow or air flow.