first grow help is much appreciated

ok iv been growing 2 plants in my aerogarden and they have been looking fine except for the past couple of days. the leaves have started to turn yellow but only the bottoms ones with some dark spots. is it to early to start using mircale grow or any other nutes?

thanks for any feeback



Active Member
Naw man you need to give them some nutes. Start them off with 1/4%. You should have started them with nutes once they had the first set of real leaves.
Look at your ph levels. Don't use sink water etc. And flush your Rez. Then see if they get any better. I wouldn't use nutes justttt yet either.
i just changed the water and rinsed out the res i put an airstone in and i mixed the miracle grow nutrients into the water..
i also checked the ph of the water and it was 6
i just changed the water and rinsed out the res i put an airstone in and i mixed the miracle grow nutrients into the water..
i also checked the ph of the water and it was 6
dude you need to stop using the miracle grow nutrient.s hey will kill your fuckingplant. lol they are made for outdoor plants that are much stronger than cannabis. go to your local hydro shop or and buy some FOX FARM nutrients or HUMBOLDT nutrients for VEG. please for the love of god..
damnn thats weird i was reading that the miracle grow was fine but you might be right
ill take that out and put fresh water in the res tomorrow and see if theres a diff
would that explain the yellow leaves?? cus the ph leve is around 6
damnn thats weird i was reading that the miracle grow was fine but you might be right
ill take that out and put fresh water in the res tomorrow and see if theres a diff
would that explain the yellow leaves?? cus the ph leve is around 6
well i am brand new to the hydro game as well, but i just put together a 2 plant dwc bucket ( 14 gal rubbermaid) and im about to drop some White Widow X Big Bud and Trainwreck feminized in my system with in netpots with hydroton with PLAIN 5.8 ph balanced water in the res for the first weeks as soon as i see some roots comin out of the rockwool cubes... then i will begin them on Fox Farm Grow Big Hydro formula at something like 1/8 or 1/6 of a tsp per gallon just to see how they react. people often use too much nutrients, or use them too early in the plants life and kill them in hopes that they will magically grow faster, when they could have left the damned thing alone with plain water and it would have THRIVED, as opposed to dying from too much love. i reccomend that you spend some HOURS studying what it is that you plan on doing before you just go germing seed, ( i have made the mistake twice) my advice to you is to either get fox farm nutes and use their feeding chart through out the whole grow. and dont do anything it doesnt tell you to do, or maybe just swich to dirt buddy. it will be alot easier on you, and much more forgiving if, or when something goes wrong.... just some words of wisdom from a fellow stoner
switching to dirt would defeat the whole purpose of buying the aerogarden and isnt an option
so im gonna change the res again an just put reg water in the res with the ph a little shy of 6
im gonna look around for the fox farm nutes.. and hopefully a store around me will have them


Well-Known Member
if you dont wanna spend the money, tho is not that much anyways, the AG nute tabs are just fine, and as it was stated, just start out at 1/4 strength, if you had some clearer pics that would help as well


Well-Known Member
yeah man when i was in hydro, and using the AG, i did the tabs for the whole first grow, i never had a problem with them, just make sure you pre dissolve them before adding into the rez.


Well-Known Member
this is what i did, take a water bottle, place the 1/4 tab in there, and just swirl it around until it dissolves, then pour into the rez


Well-Known Member
no the nutes should be fine, its only at 1/4 strength, and they need something to help them along, but only time will tell, just gotta wait it out and see how they react


Active Member
cut thoes dead leaves off at the stem.. they serve no purpose now.. be sure to ph your watter befor adding nuts.. then check ph 24 hrs after.. real nuts not mg have ph buffers that will help mantain a good ph... dont adjust ph up and down lots.. your plant absorbs diff nuts at differnt ph.. just dont go over 6.5.. 5.5 6.5 is great.. if u need to lower your ph do is slow.. add ph down to watter bottls or what not than add to rez... never just add it to rez.. ph is like the most imp. thing u can figure out whith hydro.. im kinda new to it but let me tell u i have learned..... im going to harvest my firt dwc grow in a few weeks... just my input... piece
ok thanks everyone =)
hopefully the will recover from them burns...i shouldnt have listened to my buddy who gave me the miracle grow lol they were doing just fine until i started putting that in lol
but hopefully she will recover and be back on her way =P