Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.


Well-Known Member
very true. i'm finding that i'm having problems with my scale for rc's that i bought on ebay. doesn't actually seem to weight anything that light it just shows .oog does anyone have any advice for these cheap scales?


Oh sweet jesus I've been trying to find a substitute for lsd for a while now. (not that I've ever tried it) but it's impossible to find down here in central fla and I've been craving psychedelics like a mad man. Been reading on them for a while and this is just something I have to experience dammit. Please, where can I get some 2c-e?


Active Member
2c-e has been my tripping drug throught the summer :P was selling it @ Glastonbury and Shambala and had about 7-9 trips off it. Yeah its pretty fucking strong :P the biggest trip I did on e was 45 mgs (orally) was fookin crazy .. made me vomit but after that felt amazing and the visuals were sooo sweet :P currently looking for another vendor now though as the one I previousily used got shut down... but also wants to try and get some 2c-I as ive never had it..


Well-Known Member
as far as ive heard its legal too. wherever u get it just be careful and dont use the first place that looks good. take ur time to research ur overseas vendors. be patient and it will happen for u.


Well-Known Member
very true. i'm finding that i'm having problems with my scale for rc's that i bought on ebay. doesn't actually seem to weight anything that light it just shows .oog does anyone have any advice for these cheap scales?
I'd like to see some cheap scales also, that work

what about these type of balnce scales

would a balnce or triple beam scale be suffecient ?


Active Member
I'd like to see some cheap scales also, that work

what about these type of balnce scales

would a balnce or triple beam scale be suffecient ?
No, but my friend has scales that ive been using to weigh up 2c-B and 2c-E, not sure what they are called but will get back to you on this... it even has a little sqaure end rod that makes it so much easier aswell haha.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see some cheap scales also, that work

what about these type of balnce scales

would a balnce or triple beam scale be suffecient ?
The scales that works wonders for me and is under fifty bucks is called:

AWS- Gemini-20

Can't go wrong with that scale just make sure to calibrate every week or so or how often you use it.


I've read all 14 pages of this thread and is seems that all help is through Pms. (which I can't send or recieve them) Unless I'm really blind???

look at 1000's of links to purchase 2ce on google is pretty depressing.



Active Member
No one is gonna post a link of a legiot RC vendor on here... reason being anyone could be watching these boards.. and wee dont want any more legit vendors being shut down now do we? use your brain..


Well-Known Member
The scales that works wonders for me and is under fifty bucks is called:

AWS- Gemini-20

Can't go wrong with that scale just make sure to calibrate every week or so or how often you use it.
Is it the pro or basic ?



or another one I missed altogether?


Well-Known Member
It's American Weigh Gemini... featured in the first link if you scroll down. Order that and you don't have to worry about how much you're consuming or second guessing yourself... you have that extra reassurance!