whats the lowest youve stooped to to smoke weed?


Well-Known Member
myself personally have rolled a joint out of phone book paper(not a good idea really) and made an alluminum crack pipe out of Reses mini wrapers.

how about you all?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Pop can? Apple? I don't really think that's low, though.

I did steal weed from a guy once. Yes, stealing is wrong, I know.A few weeks before this incident,this guy got so fucked up he passed out at a table at the bar.His money fell out of his pocket, I put it back in for him.
Now, for the theft: My brother's girlfriend and I were at the same bar a few weeks later...I think I was celebrating my birthday late or something. This same guy had kind of a thing for me.I wasn't interested in him that way, but I still treated him like a human being. When closing time came around, he said there was an awesome party to be had at his house,and there would be plenty of "party favors." By party favors, I mean "drugs."
So we agreed to accompany him.He was so drunk,my friend drove. We got to his house.It became apparent as time wore on that "party" meant just the three of us and his special guest, "Roamin' Hands." And "party favors" meant some beer and about a quarter of stemmy weed.It did the job, though.
So my brother's girlfriend got pretty drunk and ended up on the kitchen floor on a mattress. I ended up in this guy's room fending off clumsy attempts at seduction while I smoked his weed.
After a couple of hours, we told him we wanted to go home. He kept putting us off. We couldn't walk it, it was about a 20 mile hike. Shitfaced the Magnificent sneaked into the kitchen as I smoked on his bed and attempted a clumsy seduction on my friend. She immediately got up and said, "I want to see Stoney" (obviously, I'm not using my real name),as he attempted to shush her and corner her.
I came in and said, "What's up?" and he knocked it off.
So then he goes in and passes out on his bed. We repeatedly asked to be taken home. He kept insisting, "Just a couple hours of sleep."
Finally, we said fuck it,and we prepared to go. He had left his weed sitting out on his desk.She and I looked at one another,and we did not need to even speak;this shit head would pay for his stupidity with weed.
Into my pocket it went,and I also took four dollars that was laying on his nightstand so we could give it to someone for a ride.After all, he should pay for that, too,we figured.
We announced that we were going,and he got up (It was near dawn)and said, "No, I'll take you, I'll take you."
When we got in the car, he stopped at a "friend's" house and tried to get us to go in there with him because his friend liked to party. Yeah, I've seen that movie,and I think a ball gag and sodomy was involved. We insisted he take us home, or we would walk. Finally,he did.
We smoked all of his weed. I never saw him again.
Now, before I get a lecture, yes, I know stealing is wrong, and stealing weed is really wrong,and I'm not attempting to justify it. But lying and molesting are wrong, too. Just sayin'.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
naw stoney dont feel bad, your just the hand of karma pounding on this skummy person. id have done the same thing even if he hadnt been trying to seduce me(i really hope that never happens) for the sheer stupidity of leaving a sack out while he has strangers in his room

grow space

Well-Known Member
Pop can? Apple? I don't really think that's low, though.

I did steal weed from a guy once. Yes, stealing is wrong, I know.A few weeks before this incident,this guy got so fucked up he passed out at a table at the bar.His money fell out of his pocket, I put it back in for him.
Now, for the theft: My brother's girlfriend and I were at the same bar a few weeks later...I think I was celebrating my birthday late or something. This same guy had kind of a thing for me.I wasn't interested in him that way, but I still treated him like a human being. When closing time came around, he said there was an awesome party to be had at his house,and there would be plenty of "party favors." By party favors, I mean "drugs."
So we agreed to accompany him.He was so drunk,my friend drove. We got to his house.It became apparent as time wore on that "party" meant just the three of us and his special guest, "Roamin' Hands." And "party favors" meant some beer and about a quarter of stemmy weed.It did the job, though.
So my brother's girlfriend got pretty drunk and ended up on the kitchen floor on a mattress. I ended up in this guy's room fending off clumsy attempts at seduction while I smoked his weed.
After a couple of hours, we told him we wanted to go home. He kept putting us off. We couldn't walk it, it was about a 20 mile hike. Shitfaced the Magnificent sneaked into the kitchen as I smoked on his bed and attempted a clumsy seduction on my friend. She immediately got up and said, "I want to see Stoney" (obviously, I'm not using my real name),as he attempted to shush her and corner her.
I came in and said, "What's up?" and he knocked it off.
So then he goes in and passes out on his bed. We repeatedly asked to be taken home. He kept insisting, "Just a couple hours of sleep."
Finally, we said fuck it,and we prepared to go. He had left his weed sitting out on his desk.She and I looked at one another,and we did not need to even speak;this shit head would pay for his stupidity with weed.
Into my pocket it went,and I also took four dollars that was laying on his nightstand so we could give it to someone for a ride.After all, he should pay for that, too,we figured.
We announced that we were going,and he got up (It was near dawn)and said, "No, I'll take you, I'll take you."
When we got in the car, he stopped at a "friend's" house and tried to get us to go in there with him because his friend liked to party. Yeah, I've seen that movie,and I think a ball gag and sodomy was involved. We insisted he take us home, or we would walk. Finally,he did.
We smoked all of his weed. I never saw him again.
Now, before I get a lecture, yes, I know stealing is wrong, and stealing weed is really wrong,and I'm not attempting to justify it. But lying and molesting are wrong, too. Just sayin'.:bigjoint:
I feel neutral about this...Nobody gained bad or good karma...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, yeah, but usually, I'm an honest "stranger".He just pissed me off, lol.
naw stoney dont feel bad, your just the hand of karma pounding on this skummy person. id have done the same thing even if he hadnt been trying to seduce me(i really hope that never happens) for the sheer stupidity of leaving a sack out while he has strangers in his room
Then all is unfolding as it should, lol.
I feel neutral about this...Nobody gained bad or good karma...


Well-Known Member
One gum wrapper had to have had a very harmful chemical in it.

Sucked for rolling.

Tasted like rubberbands and burnt hair


Well-Known Member
once me and some friends used a receipt from meijer.....they use the glossy paper for their receipts. ive smoked quite a few jibs out of writing paper and receipts before but the glossy paper gives it a little "plasticy" taste lol. and also we used the paper from some donuts that we bought, you know, that real thin paper they use to grab the donuts out of the case. but that wasnt bad at all, actually other than it burning super fast it was pretty good. im a farmer so ive used leaves from field corn and soybean plants when i run out of papers when im in the tractor.

great thread, some of the posts had me laughing my ass off.


Active Member
my boy and I jacked rims,tires and a battery (from a junkyard) for a friend cause she had a flat and there was 7 grizamz in it for us. It was worth it


Well-Known Member
Scratch that i was think the thread was asking somthing diffrent.

I went fishing with a buddy of mjine at like Four in the morning and right when we threw our polls in we wanted to smoke but had no papers or pipe, So i hollowd out a hotdog and used that..

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
i used a soldering iron with some melted solder on it cuz my flashlight died on me.

whoops i mean my lighter, not flashlight lol