i love ak47 but now a days it sounds like a myth


Active Member
i am a huge fan of ak47. i havent smoked it in a long time, but since i started growing a couple of years ago, ive wanted to grow it myself. The problem is: i cant find any seedbanks that sell regular ak47s, all the ones available are either crosses or auto flowers; i just want the damn original!

so if anyone could recommend me a reliable seedbank that sells mythical AK47, it would be greatly appreciated....also +Rep :fire:


Well-Known Member
just go to attitude seeds and order serious seeds ak 47 the original. just google attitude seeds.always purchase their gauranteed shipping.if you dont get your beans they will reship it again.
if you like AK 47 you will love white russian.


Active Member
everyone here is awesome. +rep

weird some of them were found on attitude, guess their search function leaves out some products?


Well-Known Member
Serious Seeds - AK47, truly one hit wonder, Attitude seedbank....................Have a plan for odor control it is a very strong smelling plant, very strong smelling doesn't begin to describe it.


Well-Known Member
i think they have femmed white russian...i think id buy a pack or regulars you will get a stronger female out of it.


Active Member
lol i searched serious' tab and the search option and couldnt find it. how do you do it smokinmayne?


Well-Known Member
i just click on the breeder name on the left hand side of the screen

and scroll through the strains they have available


Well-Known Member
you can find some keepers in ak47,dont think anything is one hitter,but ak47 has some nice genes in it and flavor to boot.white russian you can find a nice ak in it.