looks like it lolFuckin ell Fred posting at half seven, have you shit the bed? lmao
i keep gettin dragged outa bed by this shitting bollocks they call work lol tho hubby has said he's done enough of his degree to get a good job and would i like to quit my shit job and me mum and study and grow lovely weed lol hmmm! i'm seriously considering it, tho i tend to go a bit stir crazy when i dont work lol
When i take annual leave i hate it when it finishes and dread going back to work. I did 67 hours last week in 5 days and i'm back in at 3:30am on monday ffs i could happily never work again.
aye payday weekends a winner iver been drunk since 4pm friday had to help a mate move house yesterday whilest still hungover/drunk ne good...is it me or does the non-airpot have an godly main cola in comparisson to the airpot? or am i being daft?
its mostly wispy foxtails fella sadly
i've been scrumping the cheesxe all weekend but it's payyyydayyyy, whooaaaaaawhoaaahwoaaaaaooooooooooooooooooo
haha one spliff too far, apparently i was alright drunk this weekend till i had a smoke then i started falling about. missus had to drag me arse into bed.ok i just have to share how super funny last night was. we were quite quite ripped, we tend to go that extra mile on weekends lol and hubby whitied and crashed into the dishwasher drawer which was out lol
fun fun, happy tokin boys n girls
id love to be a house husband i reckon its the fucking life of riley!i keep gettin dragged outa bed by this shitting bollocks they call work lol tho hubby has said he's done enough of his degree to get a good job and would i like to quit my shit job and me mum and study and grow lovely weed lol hmmm! i'm seriously considering it, tho i tend to go a bit stir crazy when i dont work lol
congrats on getting back in touch with your fam man and a kid bro to sweeten the deal result![/QUOTE]Hey kmoo, what part of Oz you hail from? I have just been recently re-united with my old man, he lives in WA -nr Freemantle (I got an Ozzy bru of 9 years old, haha.) So he was tellin me on Skype the his neighbours are growing big trees in their garden (he said he'll get me a pic before they chop them - I'll need to tell him not to make his neighbours paranoid, haha!!! So can you grow legally outside there, or do diff state have diff rules? Sorry about all the Q's. I could probably gett sponsored to move to Oz!! ffs I got a litte bru there.
Peace, DST
Cheers, kmoo....and there was me dreaming of Little House on the Prairy endings...
dream on brother i have the same visions the uk's effed in the A
after all, why make some place utopian like when you can run a facist regime based on the petty power games of a fe eedgits.
Anyway, stoned and will stop rabbiting noo.
We are waiting on a couple of projects coming through, twiddling thumbs at the moment really....among the daily chore of doing books, invoicing, blah...
Peace peep, DST