ATTITUDE delivery help!


I made my first order from attitude on 25th and im waiting for my delivery. i know its been only 3days but im kinda nervous about being caught by customs.
i ordered easyryder(3seeds) with t-shirt and i have no idea how they pack with it since people dont share about it on RIU.
can anyone tell me how they pack. you can send me a private message. you can tell me some advice about not being paranoid...


Well-Known Member
I made my first order from attitude on 25th and im waiting for my delivery. i know its been only 3days but im kinda nervous about being caught by customs.
i ordered easyryder(3seeds) with t-shirt and i have no idea how they pack with it since people dont share about it on RIU.
can anyone tell me how they pack. you can send me a private message. you can tell me some advice about not being paranoid...
Your being paranoid bro.. tons of people order beans all the time, even if they get snatched at the boarder, they just send you a confiscation letter and that tells you, you can go pick them up if you feel they've been taken in error.. They aren't going to call Barny Fife out to deal with 3 seeds.. don't fret man.

They pack them just fine though.. they don't stick out as a suspicious package, and there's a ton of mail they process everyday.. they don't have time to open and check a t-shirt, or a cd to see if it may contain marijuana seeds... no worries mate!

I'm not sure discussing how companies pack their beans on the internet for shipping is a smart idea. I sure wouldn't want any type of an edge leaning towards customs on what to try & keep an eye out for.
If they wanted to know what to look for, can't they just order some seeds and see how it's shipped.. then they'll know?

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the government knows. They aren't rocket scientists, but I would think it's safe to say there would be one manager that would think to order the illegal items to find out where they are shipped from, how they are shipped.. and then they add it to their training handbook..

Just something to consider.

mookie brown

Active Member
Your being paranoid bro.. tons of people order beans all the time, even if they get snatched at the boarder, they just send you a confiscation letter and that tells you, you can go pick them up if you feel they've been taken in error.. They aren't going to call Barny Fife out to deal with 3 seeds.. don't fret man.

They pack them just fine though.. they don't stick out as a suspicious package, and there's a ton of mail they process everyday.. they don't have time to open and check a t-shirt, or a cd to see if it may contain marijuana seeds... no worries mate!

If they wanted to know what to look for, can't they just order some seeds and see how it's shipped.. then they'll know?

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the government knows. They aren't rocket scientists, but I would think it's safe to say there would be one manager that would think to order the illegal items to find out where they are shipped from, how they are shipped.. and then they add it to their training handbook..

Just something to consider.
I do agree with you that governments have ordered seeds but at the same time us consumers discussing the different stealthy methods should not be up for discussion publicly or private messaging.


Well-Known Member
u can trust attitude, the t-shirt is a guaranteed shipping method, even if they get held up, you will get your bean... eventually only ordered from them once, ordered on the 7th of this month got them 2 weeks and 2 days later