Agreed. I am not really for recreational substance use anymore, but I do think that if you're going to do it, atleast be safe.. and regulation is pure & safe (or atleast safer).
I agree. Back to the first point, better regulated and pure if they are going to do it anyway, I guess it is the first step in harm prevention.
I fully agree with you guys. I feel that if everything was legalized and regulated it would make the underground community much safer. I just fear many people driving on psychedelics. But yeah, if they were legal then people would know what they're getting so they'd be able to dose themselves much better. Also, people would know if something might be dangerous in combination with what they're on, instead of thinking they're on LSD and actually on DOB or something that might have contradictions with other chemicals. Hell, we could even have places to test how much your body/mind can handle. Everyone responds differently to drugs. I also feel it would cut down greatly on the use of inhalents (gasoline, paint, etc) and other dirty chemicals as most people I know who have used those it was because they couldn't find anything else. It also would take away most of the income from violent gangs, hopefully that would cause the gangs to decrease in size, at least it would make it harder for them to get kids as quick cash from drugs is what tends to get kids involved in gangs.
I do think there would be a surge in drug use, as many people who've wanted to try certain drugs never did as they were illegal. But I feel it will slowly drop back to what it's at now, hopefully lower. In alcohol prohibition, once it was prohibited the use actually increased, mainly by those who never drank in the first place as it was more "cool" cause it was illegal. It also caused the potency of alcohol to greatly increase. Think about it, if an ounce of shwag gets you the same criminal charge as an ounce of some fire then people sell fire because more money can be made with the same criminal risk.
Dealers don't care about selling to kids of any age, a store does. Certain things should be 18+ certain should be 21+. Kids wouldn't get kicked out of high school/college because of pictures of them smoking, or refused from jobs.
Also, people shouldn't fear the cops like they do in these times. Cops should be people we can safely go to and ask for help, "to serve and protect" instead of always fearing them finding something illegal in our cars/house so decide not to ask for help.
Ima stop now