My first grow - indoor cfl soil grow . ! Need help !!!

ok well i'm gonna go see what i can find . . do you think i should pick up some vermiculite ? do a perlite/vermiculite/soil combo ? 33%/33%/33% ?
i think all the hydro stores are closed by now . will i be ok picking up nutrients tomorrow ?


Well-Known Member
ok well i'm gonna go see what i can find . . do you think i should pick up some vermiculite ? do a perlite/vermiculite/soil combo ? 33%/33%/33% ?
i think all the hydro stores are closed by now . will i be ok picking up nutrients tomorrow ?
that's fine, i've definitely seen worse than this where every thing recovered just fine
perlite is a great idea, i haven't used vermiculite, i'm a bit wary of it, i don't think it's needed for most organic soils
vermiculite is 'sponge', it holds onto water, perilte adds drainage
i use 15% perlite with the mg organic garden, the soil is quite dense and needs the perlite to improve the drainage
dolomite is real good additive for most organic soils, 'sweetens' the ph as many composts are fairly acidic, and adds magnesium and calcium
gosh i'm so frustrated for some reason . there's like so many options of how to handle this and i'm going nuts .

i think this is what i've decided to do

3 plants will go in the Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Soil+30% Perlite+Dolomite.
3 plants will go in some Fox Farm Ocean Forrest (or Light Warrior) after i pick it up tomorrow mixed with Perlite and Dolomite.
and i'm gonna pick up 4 more clones this week after i order the 4 pot DWC hydro kit to grow those 4 separately.

I was originally gonna grow 1-2 plants and now i'm projecting 7??? ...

Gonna head to home depot now and see what i can find . . . do you know if they have worm castings ? i'm guessing no from what i hear =\


Look bro i know that u chose soil becuz you thought it would be cheaper but in the end (unfortunately) your clones may die :sad: but I have some good news, a couple of 5 gallon buckets and a pump and your growin hydro its cheap and the best part is it simple to adjust at any time. trust me man do some research and be creative. I have had hardly any problems since i started growin hydro. and the growth is amazing, good luk


Well-Known Member
gosh i'm so frustrated for some reason . there's like so many options of how to handle this and i'm going nuts .

i think this is what i've decided to do

3 plants will go in the Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Soil+30% Perlite+Dolomite.
3 plants will go in some Fox Farm Ocean Forrest (or Light Warrior) after i pick it up tomorrow mixed with Perlite and Dolomite.
and i'm gonna pick up 4 more clones this week after i order the 4 pot DWC hydro kit to grow those 4 separately.

I was originally gonna grow 1-2 plants and now i'm projecting 7??? ...

Gonna head to home depot now and see what i can find . . . do you know if they have worm castings ? i'm guessing no from what i hear =\
my home depot doesn't have worm castings, but you might get lucky
it's hard in the beginning when things go sour, but things will improve
reading is good and you need to do that, but it often takes some 'hands on' to get it right
and once you get in the 'zone', the old problems will be just a memory
yeah i've done TONS of reading, both from books and trolling forums . it sucks that it's going sour the first time cuz i love nailing shit first try but i'm learning more than i ever could from reading so i'm taking it with a grain of salt .

ii decided i'm gonna start a grow journal . if you don't mind critiquing me here and there i'd much appreciate it .

thanks again for all the help . i'll keep you posted


Same issues. One plant in MG potting soil (Bagseed), and tons of nute burn. Had to be transplanted, but waited too long and it got REALLY bad burn. Throwing it out now, because the yield won't be worth the light cost, and I've got others on the way.

Definitely be careful with time released. Get them out of that MGMC soil as soon as you can.
out of mgmc
out of mg organic choice potting mix

in fox farm ocean forest (70%) and fox farm light warrior (30%) with a small small layer of perlite at the bottom of each pot for better drainage .

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
out of mgmc
out of mg organic choice potting mix

in fox farm ocean forest (70%) and fox farm light warrior (30%) with a small small layer of perlite at the bottom of each pot for better drainage .
Man real page turner here---I love all the ideas. I use Miracle G's new soil
Yes it is on the 7 side of the green soil meter which BTW is abbrev in my journal WSPH wet soil Ph

The Dolomite lime was an interesting experience for me that stuff I have yet to figure and from what I read it is a time release type deal Like Months!

I have a pic to attach my first inside grow
I had the same issue except not for heavy Purple stems. That is a deficiency of sorts.
Yet a clone is the same as a 4 month old plant so you will see mature things quicker
(not mustaches or tits haha)
but stem streaks etc...
I think it is a Sulfur deficiency that makes the plant have a multitude of purple stems with the leafs lightning. Source the Medical Growers Bible.
Yet I doubt your soil is lacking it more like a nute lock out as Sulfur is an immovable nutrient. Your water is best served from the night before (as chlorine from city blows off) i don't wait always... 6.5 to 6.0 is how I serve the water. Also get a Ph water meter as they are different then soil.

Contraryto someone here but the PH is is OK down to 6.3 see some Seed growers sites and the recommendations.

Transplanting---as you maybe doing this right now and I hope you used vitamin B at 1 oz to 1 gallon plus a few drops of Super thrive take plant out of current medium and dunk into a 5 gallon bucket at that ratio if for some reason after adding Lime your Ph is going down crazy.
Getting Ammonium Nitrogen or something like that it says 20-0-0 is the stuff to lower your Ph in the soil and also is why it climbs after growing in it. the plant takes Nitrogen after a month of Lights on 18 hours and the WSPH climbs and that is why you add Nitrogen (very sparingly) as that will burn your shit like a Tijuana burrito. :fire:
Flush Transplant after setting in new medium with Vitamin B at mixture above at 3 times the amount of container size...
this will also help with a good flush of old used up salt nutes in roots and help with a soil marriage and not get an air gap lock out with your t-plant.
let drain do this in the morning early let her drain out and preferable outside or open air with good fans. Sometimes a humidity dome will help a girl out in shock. Yes, I know a lot of the soil comes out with that flush O.K replace with Pete Moss on the top so Roots are not open and will be great for feeding in a few days.

You got this and with hydro your mistakes are less tolerant. Yet the Results seem to be great as the videos you mentioned are good ones.
Perlite is nothing more then Styrofoam that absorbs water so the soil is drain able.
Pete Moss or whatever the Physo name is will also help hold your Ph down, Try this formula and see if you like.
Let it stand for a day then water soil and check WSPH Transplant if you like.

1 foot of Miracle grow soil about enough for a nursery 5 gallon container Not a painters!

Soil mixture 80% MG soil 20% Pete Moss
1/2 tablespoon Ammonium Nitrogen 20-0-0 blend
2 tbsp of garden Lime
see your soil sit at 6.5 there abouts see my plants after emergency T-plant as described above because Lime was crazy.
Remember at Flowering to leave a couple of inches to stir in a tbspoon of Super Bloom the first week of Flowering.
I also go every other time with food and when feeding the water and Nutes are at 6.5 or lower before watering as not to increase PH with Water or whatever food you are giving her. Actually the MG food for planted pots for use with watering buckets has a great blend of metals along with the right NPK. Every other time on that stuff Hope this helps... Long but I need the distraction.
Also that Nitrogen is sold for like 7 bucks for 20 lbs you can make a solution at 1/4 tbs to 16oz sprayer and use for natural bug repellent and the leafs love it.
Peace out 5000

