Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Your right about the autos Doc, cute, but not worth the time(outdoors anyways). Seemed like they had more insect problems being close to the earth. I played with the deiselryder, easyryder, lowryder2, and lowlifes auto-ak before going back to non-ruderalis.


Active Member
Hey Del-

I think ya should be ok maybe bring her in if going to rain atnight. Let me know if ya build a little roof for her as i've been thinking about building a little greenhouse for my family and have been reading about different cover materials and light diffusion.

I know the kinda blue tinted ones from home depot work GREAT :clap:


Well-Known Member
Right On Puna! Thanks! Yeah, i was gonna ask you guys, do you think its better to grow in direct sunlight or under some kind of light diffuser?

i was thinking about building a 10 x 10 x 4 little covered thing in my yard to grow under. cover it with something that has 90% light emission and leave the sides kinda open. Might help with the wind and controlling moisture in the pots.

What you guys think is better?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Either way is cool with me:D I grew in a makeshift greenhouse with painters plastic as my cover. It grew well too! Had to take off the cover eventually cause the plant outgrew the greenhouse! lol:lol:

.. I say you're good to go either way you choose to go


Well-Known Member
oh forgot, kkday, i harvested that OJ kush. still in the bag drying, going into the jar in afew days. smoked some popcorn buds. Ona, the punk is MEAN!!!!! can't wait for the cure, gonna be real sweet.


Active Member
Right On Puna! Thanks! Yeah, i was gonna ask you guys, do you think its better to grow in direct sunlight or under some kind of light diffuser?

i was thinking about building a 10 x 10 x 4 little covered thing in my yard to grow under. cover it with something that has 90% light emission and leave the sides kinda open. Might help with the wind and controlling moisture in the pots.

What you guys think is better?
Um I got a 10 x 10 x 6 greenhouse and I can only fit 3 plants max at a time, but it works great. And wrap that thing with 60 % shade cloth. Wind goes thru but rain doesn't ! Biggest problem is overcrowding don't get caught up on plant count. I would rather have two plants that take up the whole greenhouse house compared to 7. Must have atleast a foot of clearance all the way around each plant(tree) to prevent Mold issues.

Hope this helps:bigjoint:


Active Member
Either way is cool with me:D I grew in a makeshift greenhouse with painters plastic as my cover. It grew well too! Had to take off the cover eventually cause the plant outgrew the greenhouse! lol:lol:

Doc I found the cure for to tall ! fishing weights hung like ornaments, She bends sideways but can still move with the wind ! Main cola follows the roof and goes nuts !


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Puna! BI peeps is the bestes! I know what i'm doing this weekend! 20 x 20 x 8' And stopping at fishing store on way back.


Active Member
i haven't seen this thread for a long time. last time i looked was only aunty lehua and her newphew.

Thanks cru3l for reminding about this sight last night at class. if my ol lady resized my pictures i can upload some for add.

Hawaii Kind...u make the custom cabs or the teacher of class? I'm working on a design for that perpetual cabinet you made. Hopefully i can stop by the shop to talk story and da kine li dat.


Well-Known Member
i haven't seen this thread for a long time. last time i looked was only aunty lehua and her newphew.

Thanks cru3l for reminding about this sight last night at class. if my ol lady resized my pictures i can upload some for add.

Hawaii Kind...u make the custom cabs or the teacher of class? I'm working on a design for that perpetual cabinet you made. Hopefully i can stop by the shop to talk story and da kine li dat.

No sweat bro


Well-Known Member
this is going to my first outdoor grow and i have 97 seeds. I'll appreciate all the help i could get or just come by and check my grow journal out and subscribe. see how everything turns out for my gorilla grow!


Well-Known Member
yeah I subbed too, 97 plants is a big task, and I hope it all goes through for ya. I got plans for the summer also.

maybe he's sorry about posting the same message in every outdoor thread? Just my guess. But that is pretty rude to get thread attention.


Active Member
Wow.. havent been on this site in awhile. Anyway I threw some bagseed in two party cups just for fun and they are now on their 5th maybe 6th week of budding. Pretty excited for something I did just for the heck of it hahah. Also I looked on my plants today and there are a couple of tiny red bugs on it, I think they might be spiders? Anyone of a remedy for it?