Reschedule cannabis


Well-Known Member
I urge everyone to write to your state representatives and tell them that you want them to reschedule Cannabis/Marijuana from Schedule I ,to schedule III in YOUR states laws.
Especially in States that have MedMJ, there is just no truth in keeping Cannabis listed with Heroin and Meth,LSD etc.
:weed: DO IT.


Well-Known Member

If you do that it will be a Federal Felony to posses it and only drug companies will be allowed to produce it. We want it decriminalized.


New Member
Decriminalization is the wrong answer. Regulate it, tax it, leave it up to the states to some extent like with alcohol. I used to be all for decriminalization but regulation makes more sense with respect to making it less accessible to children and bringing in billions of dollars of revenue that can be used for whatever. Besides, decrimialization still leaves society wagging its collective fingers at us tokers.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if Government regulation is necessarily a good thing. As soon as you do that you are looking at having to purchase a license and possible inspections by the governing body and who knows how much red tape.

Also, while I think people have a right to smoke weed if they want, I think it is a bad idea to put the full power of the free market behind promoting its use. Social proof is an amazingly powerful motivator (read "Influence" by Chialdini). If we allow this to happen, pot use will become a problem, especially among our youth. This really isn't debatable if you understand social proof.

Even in Amsterdam, pot is technically illegal - it is just tolerated for this exact reason.


New Member
What license and inspections and red tape? Alcohol is regulated in the same way I would like to see cannabis regulated, and I can start brewing my own personal supply today if I wanted. Regulation is also the key to keeping children away from it. Dealers don't inspect IDs at the counter, they just want the money. Kids have an easier time getting their hands on weed nowadays then alcohol or cigarettes thanks to prohibition, and under decriminalization this would be exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
yeah but if its legal us small growers will be over run by walmart, alcohol and tabacco companys mega farms


New Member
Regulation would be a huge kick in the gut to a lot of posters that support themselves by growing if the mega corps got to it. I don't expect my stance to be a popular one or anything. I like to believe that all the growers who are already established and good at their trade would have a head start with respect to taking advantage regulation, if it ever happened. But mega corps have more money and in that respect it would simply not be a fair fight, even against an established grower.

I only grow enough to supply myself and my fiancee, so I have a bit of a bias in that respect.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about rescheduling state by state, have any of you looked at your states laws ?Here is a link to WA.states RCW ,
RICK WHITE,,what do you think it is NOW? Lowering Cannabis to Schedule III will allow greater access to Cannabis, take a look at your states laws. Especially in states that have MedMJ , how can the government maintain that Cannabis should be schedule I when they have laws on the books that allow doctors recommendations for Cannabis?

jeff f

New Member
this is gonna be a grass roots thing if it ever comes to fruition. you need to talk to the local politicians. they talk to the local cops and thats where it needs to start. the little busts on the streets. i went to school and played sports with at least 11 of our 13 police officers. we have a mutual respect that goes back a long way. near by news paper recently wrote several pro pot articles. i always mention it to my cop freinds who all know i smoke. i am a n upstanding citizen and business man. they appreciate the honesty and i always tell them they are waisting time and money fighting pot and thyey all agree with me.

in my mind i think thats where it needs to start. and you have to put an economic spin on it, how much it cost to incarcerate this bullshit.

bucks makes em think twice especially the 2 chief of police in my town who i played sports with for mor than ten years. and bekeive it or not, they are a lot of us around. several school board members i personally smoke with, loads of teachers, college grads mostly. things are changing here.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is a naturally occuring substance. Should we tax growing tomatoes too? Lettuce? Herbs?

The legalize and tax people miss a very important aspect of liberty. If you should be able to OWN yourself, why should you have to pay for it as if it were a privelege via taxation? Why trade shackles on one leg for shackles on another?

The bastards put millions of people through hell for marijuana "crimes" and now you want to fund their pensions through taxation? NO. Fuck them.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is a naturally occuring substance. Should we tax growing tomatoes too? Lettuce? Herbs?

The legalize and tax people miss a very important aspect of liberty. If you should be able to OWN yourself, why should you have to pay for it as if it were a privelege via taxation? Why trade shackles on one leg for shackles on another?

The bastards put millions of people through hell for marijuana "crimes" and now you want to fund their pensions through taxation? NO. Fuck them.
but so is alcohol
i like the regulation and tax idea
and there would still be room for the small grower


New Member
Rob Roy, no offense, I understand your frustration and I see where you are coming from, but find a new topic to rant on. Everyhting is taxed, inlcuding lettuce and tomatos and herbs. Get used to it. Or move to a country where they have no taxes, no public services and you have to fend for your life.

And no one taxes the weed I grow in my own home and never will.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy, no offense, I understand your frustration and I see where you are coming from, but find a new topic to rant on. Everyhting is taxed, inlcuding lettuce and tomatos and herbs. Get used to it. Or move to a country where they have no taxes, no public services and you have to fend for your life.

And no one taxes the weed I grow in my own home and never will.

You can be put in jail for not paying taxes on "your" home. You can be put in jail for growing weed. You might think they are different issues, they aren't.
Both situations relate directly to self ownership.
You SHOULD be able to own your body WITHOUT being taxed. You SHOULD be able to own your home without there being an automatic lien on it.

You say nobody will ever tax the weed you grow in your own home, but yet you accept that the home itself should be taxed? Besides, if you get caught, you will be "fending for your life", in THIS country, trust me.

Public services are a misnomer. Services are something you WILLFULLY purchase. Services and paying for them
should always be by mutual agreement between buyer and seller or they are not willful transactions. Services are something the buyer decides if they have value or not and elects to purchase or not of their own free will.

Extortion on the other hand is when the SELLER of the "services" decides you WILL buy whether you like it or not.
Please explain to me how Government extortion is any different than being extorted from by a gangster? Both will harm you if you do not comply.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
but so is alcohol
i like the regulation and tax idea
and there would still be room for the small grower
But so is alcohol? Two wrongs do not make a right.

Regulation and tax idea? I hate it on principle. I only like it when put in this perspective, it is better to be punched in the gut than kicked in the head. Isn't it a shame that we must compromise our
selves and say sure if you'll stop kicking me in the head, I'll accept the body blows?

I understand that the only way massa gon let us has a lil bit o freedom is if we be's a good nigga. I don't have to like it though.

Prior to marijuana prohibition, pot was treated like any natural occuring substance, not illegal, not taxed, it was simply a plant with value to those who knew how to use it.

Grass (the kind that grows in a field, not marijuana) is naturally occuring what if somebody found a way to derive pleasure from it? Would you then say grass should be taxed? What else that is pleasurable should be taxed? Should we have an orgasm tax too?

The "need" of the state now means it might be okay to smoke pot if we allow ourselves to be extorted? If we "buy permission" ? Doesn't THAT reveal the true nature of government to you?


New Member
You can be put in jail for not paying taxes on "your" home.

Actually, I live in an apartment in Oregon. We have no state tax. I pay no tax in my rent (at least not directly).

You can be put in jail for growing weed.

Only if the fed comes to my door and busts my state sanctioned 6 plant grow. Doubt they will anytime soon.

Extortion on the other hand is when the SELLER of the "services" decides you WILL buy whether you like it or not.
Please explain to me how Government extortion is any different than being extorted from by a gangster? Both will harm you if you do not comply.

I guess the only difference is that no one ever votes on which gangster will extort them. Like I said, I see your point, I am a fan of the analogy, I feel like the fed gov is raping me and telling me it is raping outside. But hell, I do drive on roads and read books at libraries and call the cops when I need them and attended public schools and universities and took unemployment in my time of need and enoy a cheap round of golf at the local municipal course, so I feel like I am often getting my dollar worth.

If you would like to have a discussion about how taxes should be lower, or which services should be taxed, and which public services should be 'opt-in' services, I welcome that discussion. Like for example, I am all in favor of giving anyone who wants an 'opt out' option for health insurance, like some other rich capitalist democracies with universal health care have done.

Anyhoo, to sum up, I am with you 100% in sentiment, but not even close to 100% in practice. I bet you use public services too

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You can be put in jail for not paying taxes on "your" home.

Actually, I live in an apartment in Oregon. We have no state tax. I pay no tax in my rent (at least not directly).

You can be put in jail for growing weed.

Only if the fed comes to my door and busts my state sanctioned 6 plant grow. Doubt they will anytime soon.

Extortion on the other hand is when the SELLER of the "services" decides you WILL buy whether you like it or not.
Please explain to me how Government extortion is any different than being extorted from by a gangster? Both will harm you if you do not comply.

I guess the only difference is that no one ever votes on which gangster will extort them. Like I said, I see your point, I am a fan of the analogy, I feel like the fed gov is raping me and telling me it is raping outside. But hell, I do drive on roads and read books at libraries and call the cops when I need them and attended public schools and universities and took unemployment in my time of need and enoy a cheap round of golf at the local municipal course, so I feel like I am often getting my dollar worth.

If you would like to have a discussion about how taxes should be lower, or which services should be taxed, and which public services should be 'opt-in' services, I welcome that discussion. Like for example, I am all in favor of giving anyone who wants an 'opt out' option for health insurance, like some other rich capitalist democracies with universal health care have done.

Anyhoo, to sum up, I am with you 100% in sentiment, but not even close to 100% in practice. I bet you use public services too
Thank you for agreeing with the sentiment.

Presumably your landlord must pay property taxes, so let's face it, YOU pay taxes by paying your rent. A person CAN be jailed and/or lose their home if they refuse to be extorted thru property taxes. That's not morally right no matter how you slice it.

Legal pot? Lucky you. You aren't one of the 850,000 or so people who will get arrested this year. My point stands, maybe YOU won't get arrested, but many others will this year, next year etc..

I use very little "public services" and work with friends as much as possible outside the system via bartering, trading labor etc. I am semi-retired so perhaps it's easier for me to do this.

I use roads, which are paid for by a hefty gasoline tax and local property taxes. My kids are grown, but I still pay for others kids to go to school, thru the coercive system. You do realize public schools are the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto? There is a lot of revisionist history taught in public schools and alot of things are swept under the rug that should be taught.
Homeschoolers smoke public school kids on standardized tests, there's a reason.

Like everybody I am forced to pay many taxes including the hidden "inflation tax".

Concerning Police we've got one cop, he's a decent sort which makes him a rarity among cops. He's nearly a "peace officer" rather than a pig. There are lots of pigs in neighboring towns though that I have no use for. They relish enforcing victimless crimes and are of very low intellect to put it nicely.
I have no problem with "Peace officers".

Libraries are nice, but in the crowd I run in we do fine by trading books back and forth. I volunteer at a private food bank and help a couple of elderly neighbors.
Some of my friends man our volunteer fire dept and ambulance squad.

I've no objection to people cooperating to achieve what they want. I have strong objections to anybody being forced into somebody elses cooperative though. Nobody likes to be force fed, that's why I strive to be a Sovereign Voluntaryist rather than a subject. I pose no threat to others and believe I shouldn't attempt to run their life, unfortunately my sentiments are not always reciprocated.

If you read any of my posts there is a common theme, perhaps ad nauseum :mrgreen:... I reject the government it is broken and "broke". More government will mean more problems, and fewer freedoms. I think it would be hard for anybody to disagree with me there. I've simply stopped looking for the nanny state to solve problems they've created. It is hard to try to be free in the face of government, but I'm trying.


New Member
I agree with everything you said in that last post. Not just in sentiment, just 100% agreed. Touche

That said, my dream would be to live in a peaceful collective that lives off the land, yet can still barter to get things like advanced medicine or modern technology when needed. Alas, I am too domesticated to ever have that as my reality. Damn this whole love thing


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Schedule III sounds amazing. That would make medical marijuana available for "off label" uses! I am personally for this idea.

Quite frankly I am content with medical, I don't care if people want to smoke to get high, I care that patients with legit medical needs get their proper medication.