Noob, why arnt my plants growing?


Active Member
HELP ME OUT! I dont know what I'm doing wrong, its been almost 4 days now snice I planted my seeds and I still dont have big weed plants yet. I'm doing everything right, I planted them in some dirt I dug from the garden, I figured if it was good for outdoor plants and flowers and shit it would be great for weed. Then I watered every 4 hours, for fear they were going to dry out. Not to mention I moved my bed into my closet so I can sleep by them and be there 24/7 to watch them. Also I had my sherpa bless them and he too is living in the room with the plants and me, its crowded but I figured the CO2 we breath out will help the plants.

I have my light running constant, its 1 foot from the plants (4 incandescent plant lights), I'm using miracle grow tomato food, since its a cheap brand I'm using double strength cause I cant afford all that super concentrated shit you guys can afford, hell I had to pocket this shit walking around at kmart.

Please tell me what to do without spending ANY MORE MONEY! I wanna grow that sticky icky icky but I dont have even another dollar to my name.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Where'd you get the Sherpa? E-bay?
I gotta get me one of those.
Oh yeah, plants - try smearing a big old dollop of yer shit on the dirt & seeds - lots of N there.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
lol you actually did everything wrong. Dirt from outside has bugs don't wanna bring plants and soil from outside unless your cool with pests. 4 days is not enough time to grow big plants. Incadecent light bulbs will not grow plants for longer than a week or two. Your watering way too often you don't need cuddle up with them you need to read the FAQs and save up $.


Well-Known Member
you don't need cuddle up with them you need to read the FAQs and save up $.
pipe your so right

is this a joke?

4+ days is completely acceptable for seeds to crack open and pop the soil

dont water every 4 hours, every day is often too much

can you even grow with incandescent? do you mean florescent?

and you already killed the seedlings with all those nutrients so scrap all those plants

do some reading, germanate some seeds and start over


Active Member
agreed! i made the first mistake down to the exact detail other then soil from my garden, u need some cfl's (compact florescent lights) in there not incandescent lights and it needs to be about 2 inches from your babies. as for miracle grow it's miracle shit for weed! it burns the hell out of it and at that age of their life's you have defiantly stunted or stopped all further growth. I would say do some research before you start again nothing sux more then wasted time money and energy when it all can go right from 1 day of research