ther small cheese is comnig out tomorrow on my day off, and the big cheese and the aK will have a week more, first flush for those two was this morning, i'#ve been flusing the small cheese just undera week now. then the two strawberries will go a further 3-4 byt the look of it. gotta work out what to replace the two cheese with, my two cheese mums or try a no-veg hydro lolabout. will probably chuck the mums in for shits and giggles once i know that my clones are safe (will probably pot up a lcone in coco just in case! cus god knows i don't know what i'm really doing stilll)
had one of the scariest days at work today, very unpleasant, just finnishing up when a colleague gave a small girl, maybe 4 years old, a hardboiled sweet, which he really should have asked the parents about first, but being a child, she gave the sweet all the attention it dfeserved and promptly started choking hereslf to death. the mum just turned away from her child in terror so had to jump in and try and sort it out, resuilted in having to shake her upside downh by the feet while slapping the crap outta her back. it's pretty scary when you don't know how hard is safe to hit the shilds back to not cause injury, but that if you don't hit hard enough she's gonna be dead pretty fast. lots of blood and mucus and shit al over the floor and bitten fingers etc, but it all worked out ok, just enver again! i swear to gofd i'm gonna learn CPR propperly following this, i'm still totally shaken up[ by the whole thing