Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!



Yeah, I'm not too concerned with frost. In Nov the rains can come down pretty constant. I'm more worried about mold, spcifically with the Arjans Haze. I'll just have to keep an eye on the forecast and maybe take the AH down early if it's not looking good. Wouldn't want several lbs of AH all molded up :weed:
Hey Van.

I recommend you watch Browndirtwarrior's videos on youtube. Watch the videos called Prohibition, watch them all, and LEARN. He's from Vancouver, and he documents his entire experience growing as a guerilla grower.

Here's the link to the first episode. WATCH THEM, they will help you tons I guarantee!


Well-Known Member
Hey Van.

I recommend you watch Browndirtwarrior's videos on youtube. Watch the videos called Prohibition, watch them all, and LEARN. He's from Vancouver, and he documents his entire experience growing as a guerilla grower.

Here's the link to the first episode. WATCH THEM, they will help you tons I guarantee!
Yeah, I've watched them all, they're quite entertaining, especially the tials and tribulations of his personal life :mrgreen: . it's always worth a second or 3rd watch though.

I'd really like to get into specifics like mountain soil pH and strategies to supplement the existing media and how to prepare the transplants to accept the new environment. I've got a pretty good idea, but it's always nice to hear others experiences...might save me a whole lot of work. One thing is for sure, I won't be dragging growbags into the bush...i figure the less tools you're busted with, the better your bullshit will sound.


Yeah, I've watched them all, they're quite entertaining, especially the tials and tribulations of his personal life :mrgreen: . it's always worth a second or 3rd watch though.

I'd really like to get into specifics like mountain soil pH and strategies to supplement the existing media and how to prepare the transplants to accept the new environment. I've got a pretty good idea, but it's always nice to hear others experiences...might save me a whole lot of work. One thing is for sure, I won't be dragging growbags into the bush...i figure the less tools you're busted with, the better your bullshit will sound.
Hey Van.

I have a class right now, but when I get back I'll shoot you some ideas I have for you..

Until then!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, eastern BC grower here.. I'm joining in because this is my first real effort for an outdoor mountain type grow. Looks like we will have a super early season this year... I'm so excited!!!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit are you serious? I have 7 Alaskan Ice, but I'm still going to throw them out there..

Did you harvest early then?
Yeah I harvested the first or second day of november because they were dying.Very weak stuff as it just started to form crystal.If they would have been growing in containers,I'd a brought them inside.

I also had the same results with the NL#5 /Haze from greenhouse.


Yeah, I've watched them all, they're quite entertaining, especially the tials and tribulations of his personal life :mrgreen: . it's always worth a second or 3rd watch though.

I'd really like to get into specifics like mountain soil pH and strategies to supplement the existing media and how to prepare the transplants to accept the new environment. I've got a pretty good idea, but it's always nice to hear others experiences...might save me a whole lot of work. One thing is for sure, I won't be dragging growbags into the bush...i figure the less tools you're busted with, the better your bullshit will sound.
Hey Van.

I understand your reasoning for not wanting to bring in huge bags of soil, but if I were you I would consider bringing in a bag of Bat Guano.

Bat Guano is really good for young seedlings, and putting in a hand full of it it in your soil will help your plants greatly when you transport them. All you really need is 1 bag of Bat Guano, and they are pretty small bags too.

There are also sorts of Guano's (Jamaican, Mexican, etc.), get the one that has the highest Nitrogen level (N-P-K, highest N number).

Hope this helps!


Yeah I harvested the first or second day of november because they were dying.Very weak stuff as it just started to form crystal.If they would have been growing in containers,I'd a brought them inside.

I also had the same results with the NL#5 /Haze from greenhouse.
Ah that's too bad to hear man.. I'm just going to pray to god that mine finish and if not... then I'll have to harvest premature.

Thanks for the info dude.


Well-Known Member
Whats up fellow Canadians? This year I'm trying some Kootenay Mountain Jumbo Grizzly and Ak-48. I haven't heard anything about the grizzly strain, so I really hope it doesn't fuck me.

Last year I did some NL and Ak-48...All of which got ripped off from my own property. It was in August, so they just showed sex and some cock suckers cut them down. They were in grow bags too. Just shows how stupid and ignorant some people really are. They could have had a good harvest, but instead they got nothing and I got nothing.

I live in the middle of nowehere though and no one knew about them, so I hate the thought that someone is fucking around my place. This year I won't be so nieve.


Well-Known Member
Whats up fellow Canadians? This year I'm trying some Kootenay Mountain Jumbo Grizzly and Ak-48. I haven't heard anything about the grizzly strain, so I really hope it doesn't fuck me.

Last year I did some NL and Ak-48...All of which got ripped off from my own property. It was in August, so they just showed sex and some cock suckers cut them down. They were in grow bags too. Just shows how stupid and ignorant some people really are. They could have had a good harvest, but instead they got nothing and I got nothing.

I live in the middle of nowehere though and no one knew about them, so I hate the thought that someone is fucking around my place. This year I won't be so nieve.
fuking cocksuckers! Thats a real rip-off especially on your own property! Put some traps out there and get those douchebags!


Whats up fellow Canadians? This year I'm trying some Kootenay Mountain Jumbo Grizzly and Ak-48. I haven't heard anything about the grizzly strain, so I really hope it doesn't fuck me.

Last year I did some NL and Ak-48...All of which got ripped off from my own property. It was in August, so they just showed sex and some cock suckers cut them down. They were in grow bags too. Just shows how stupid and ignorant some people really are. They could have had a good harvest, but instead they got nothing and I got nothing.

I live in the middle of nowehere though and no one knew about them, so I hate the thought that someone is fucking around my place. This year I won't be so nieve.
Sorry to hear Cokeyo. Sounds like teenagers to me. I've heard of things like this happen, and most of the time, it's just stupid ass high school kids who think you smoke the leaves to get high haha.

Question for you - Where did you get this Kootenay Mountain Jumbo Grizzly from?


Well-Known Member
Ah that's too bad to hear man.. I'm just going to pray to god that mine finish and if not... then I'll have to harvest premature.

Thanks for the info dude.
Hopefully ,your in a location with a longer season like south Ontario or something similar.This area I'm in gets the first frost anywhere from the last of september to the first of october.I hope you have a warmer longer growing season if you grow ANYTHING with haze in it.


hey guys. I was looking at kootenay mountain jumbo grizzly too, but there all sold out at vancouver seed bank. I think some of its lineage comes from dutch treat, so I may go with the next best thing ;)

how are the Dr atomic strains outdoors? Iv been considerding NL or NLxblueberry too


Well-Known Member
Hey Van.

I understand your reasoning for not wanting to bring in huge bags of soil, but if I were you I would consider bringing in a bag of Bat Guano.

Bat Guano is really good for young seedlings, and putting in a hand full of it it in your soil will help your plants greatly when you transport them. All you really need is 1 bag of Bat Guano, and they are pretty small bags too.

There are also sorts of Guano's (Jamaican, Mexican, etc.), get the one that has the highest Nitrogen level (N-P-K, highest N number).

Hope this helps!
Cool!! thanks for the's in my notebook! +rep


Well-Known Member
whats shakin hosers,there is another canadian thread also but ill join this one too,getting ripped sucks i lost 270 last year,this year im planning on bout 600-1000


New Member
Right on, just it time too. This will be my 1st outdoor grow this year. I've only had indoor grows. Should be a nice learning curve lol.
I'm in Nova Scotia and will get (hopefully) 5 Blue God clones from my buddy. I told him to save me 5 wether he does or not.........
I'm looking for a simple mix to use for outdoors.
+ rep to you Alexis wicked link for the frost's