Whats the deal with ordering seed to your door?


Active Member
Ok well i am think of buying seeds and i have never got them online be4 whats the chance of pigs at my door?



Well-Known Member
i ordered them right to my door,,in my name,,no probs,,good luck

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
yeah alot people order them to the their door, i ordered mine online, with my name and address and my credit card...got my seeds there other day.....the coppers got bigger fish fry


Well-Known Member
your mailman isnt stupid...

s/he knows if that house is vacant or not....but ay thas just my opinion...

im thinking they would even let you pick the seeds up, just to follow you...

all because it may have got thru customs but the p.o may get curious...and even tho they aint supposed to open mail... that shit is just a sticky situation...and you know if they do open it and they call the local po's and of course they aint got shit better to do.....

just my two cents


Well-Known Member
i ordered seeds from online 2 years ago from amsterdam they where early misty thay came in a cd case behind where the cd goes but my dog ate most of them and the few i planted he got those to. why would i let that happen because i cared more about going out and getting fucked up then anything. now that i think about it i was just retarded then.


Active Member
Well i still think i am going to get some. Is there anyone who has got them sent to Australia??


Well-Known Member
your not suppose to say how they stealthed your seeds retards, i hope a mod deletes this thread, b/c its fails.


Well-Known Member
your not suppose to say how they stealthed your seeds retards, i hope a mod deletes this thread, b/c its fails.
Would it be as easy as let say.....getting ur ISP number from lets say.. posting on this web site....To track you down at ur,let say..billing address.

Doesnt ALL seeds come stealth? box/cd case, ect....
HA-ha! Now the FBI knows what were up too, the cats out of the bag!

Where can I hide!?..Not ur house,since they already know where you live.


Well-Known Member
if some law enforcement agency wanted to know what the stealth lookslike,,they could just order them them selves,,I show all on here,,cause I believe in what I'm doing,,I accept whatever happens,,and will not be corralled by anyone,,and i too showed how I got my seeds,,right on here:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
its called giving your enemy more power/info.... the more power and info you give em.....the easier it is for them...

why make it so easy


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah,,you gotta live in outerspace,,if you think they don't already know,,tru dat

Keep on Growin
