SuperCloset, Sea of Green


Well-Known Member
So I was sitting around thinking of what I was going to do
with all those BB clones about to root.

An hour later I found my self at the hydro shop doing my
christmas shopping early...

I picked up this 400w HPS bulb, and switchable ballast. Got
a nice reflector too. I will not be in-line cooling so this fan
should do the job.

Next pic is my closet where I will be setting this up, along with
a drip system for 8-10 plants. Pics in a few hours...



Well-Known Member
This is the basic setup...

I got a 400 gph pump to use with this drip system...The roots will become
an issue eventually, and I'll wait until then to deal with them.

Some BB clones should be under this 400 watter very soon...


Well-Known Member
Yes, unfortunately. I got the Supercloset for stealth, and have now
have defeated the purpose. I haven't been bugged in a while so I
decided to go for it...I should be doubling my yeilds very soon.


I'm diggin it. When you mention the roots being a problem later on, from growing downward, through the rack? If that's the case, you could snip them, right?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tahoe, tleaf...This hobby is starting to become an obsession.

I'm diggin it. When you mention the roots being a problem later on, from growing downward, through the rack? If that's the case, you could snip them, right?
I have practiced root culture on transplanted clones that
re-rooted, but never on flowering girls...I will be experimenting
with one just for the exp., but I came up with this instead...

I'll be picking up another tray, and some timers.
I'm going with the 4" cubes for this one...the 6" barely fits
and hasn't nearly enough space for roots.

Got some work to do...gonna go find some inspiration.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
sup know i gotta do my weekly checking up on you...

i see you said fuck it and got bold with the closet idea....i guess your paranoia has decreased....thas w/sup man...

ill keep you posted with stuff on my end.....


Active Member
What up again jonny!? I am one of the ones who was so inspired by your first growth that i decided to get my very own super closet! I now see your new thread and saw that you modified your growing chamber and got some new hydro set ups! What hydro system did you go with and why did you go with them and how come the system that comes with the SC didn't work out for you in your current situation because, my plan is to do exactly what you are doing here, raising up my veggie shelf 3to 4 inches keeping a couple of mothers and do the SOG method, but i can't do that with the system they provide?


Well-Known Member
thanks Blunts...stick around.

I rememember you martin...It's good to see other's inspired to
get the SC...It really is a quality piece...I decided to get rid of
the aero because drip systems are very versatile...This one I am
using for my BB mothers now has not failed me and is taking
very little space...

Hey bwinn...good point. I decided to cover my reservoir for safety
and other purposes...Here is my new set up...



Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes, thought I would try something new...the next vid
should be much better. I have all the space needed to grow some
monsters in my closet...stay tuned.

I will be bringing up 2 more clones for each chamber in a few hours.
The dual SoG will be in full to come.