1st time flower....week 8


The day is getting closer to cut her down. week 8 now, for first time grow. a week ago i aded a 150w cfl for side lighting...from the results, i'm wishing i started that a long time ago. it may be a laughable grow to some, but im very stoked on this..its all an experiment, right.. check out the pics:smile:



Well-Known Member
The day is getting closer to cut her down. week 8 now, for first time grow. a week ago i aded a 150w cfl for side lighting...from the results, i'm wishing i started that a long time ago. it may be a laughable grow to some, but im very stoked on this..its all an experiment, right.. check out the pics:smile:
You should be happy with your first grow. You got what you wanted out of the work you put, the nice buds. Looks like like some nice smoke as well. I'll be back to check out your final product and weight


Well-Known Member
Well I'd ask you to smoke me out when you were done, but it looks like you only have enough for yourself for that evening.

Dude, I'm so fucking with you, lol. Nice looking grow, ENJOY!!! :)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well I'd ask you to smoke me out when you were done, but it looks like you only have enough for yourself for that evening.

Dude, I'm so fucking with you, lol. Nice looking grow, ENJOY!!! :)
That was funny. Looks good man a little airy but adding a hps is gonna help. You will get some good buds and get better each time my first crop was seedy hermaphrodites but it was still ok. Looks like you may have some spidermite damage from some of the pics. If so make sure you clean up real well and do some bug bombs before setting back up.


Well-Known Member
If any of your friends laugh at you, ask em to count the stems and seeds in their bags, then see whos laughing.

Good job for your first plant.


Thank you all for the comments. Yeah, it's a bit "airy" but the buds that are there seem to be pretty damn dense, so its just a matter of gettin more light to the sides for next time i think :)

pipedream: what do you see that reflects spidermites? I'm not sure what to look for with that, but to me (a rookie), everything looks ok for the most part...please enlighten me...

Shallow: Once into LST and before i added side lighting, i was having a hard time with the bigger fan leaves cuz they were blocking so much light. I started by trimming back a few, and then a few turned in to a lot! lol. For the most part i'm happy with the results with out the fan leaves, but now that i have side lighting, i will let the fans grow out next time and see what difference i get.


Active Member
looking good bro I got two in flower now 6 weeks first time grow. they are looking pretty sexy as well. look like a nice smoke enjoy!


First Grow looks great. Im at week 8 of flower of my first grow too, ill try to post a picture on your thread tomorrow so you can compare, we got two totally different plants though thats for sure. Hope your harvest goes well. First grow is most important anyways.


Thanks. Well, I was gonna turn off the lights a couple days ago and harvest tomorrow, but when i went to go do it i noticed it had a big spurt going. new hairs/buds. so gonna let it go for a few more days, let it thicken a bit more, and then go dark for a day or two. i'll post a few pics when i cut her down.


Well-Known Member
Try to never cut fan leaves.
Get yourself some garbage bag
twist ties. Twist one end around the leaf
stem, push the leaf down or off to the
side, or whereever, and tie the other end to
a lower leaf, the stem, or the side of the pot.
The leaves will be out of the way of the bud,
yet still able to supply energy.


For sure Probo..thanks for the advice. I had read not to cut the fans, but at the time i couldn't help it. But i appreciate the advice, and will def use it next time!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants buddy,I'm also on my first grow and also kicking myself that I didn't start years ago!I'm 3 weeks into flower and everything has went pretty good no major problems except my 250 mh went on the blink,had to buy a 400w hps but glad I did cos the results are great with it.My only noob mistake was vegging them a bit too long,worried they might get too big but I won't make that mistake again.


THanks Haggis. I also vegged a bit too long. Was too tall and had to pull down into LST. I'm happy overall, LST is actually pretty damn sweet
Quick question. How long should you veg for? I am a first time grower and am growing the bubblegum strain. My seed germinated March 11th, planted it in Foxfarm soil on the 12th and it has sprouted out of the soil. Probably is 1/2 inch above soil now. How many weeks should I veg before flowering?