Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
You guys think I should do it now or wait til the light come on tonight at 9?

idk if time is critical....


Well-Known Member
idk and yes that is a big difference...D83 has logged off so I cant help you there.


Well-Known Member
I went and got the salt. Have you flushed yet how much did you use?
I talked to Jerry Garcia and DST, they both said wait and give water only for now. See how the new growth does. Jerry said the flush would strip all the nutes and might cause more problems.

Im going to see tonight. May just give her more water. If no improvement by wednesday or thursday I may flush. idk just going to play it by ear...


Well-Known Member
I talked to Jerry Garcia and DST, they both said wait and give water only for now. See how the new growth does. Jerry said the flush would strip all the nutes and might cause more problems.

Im going to see tonight. May just give her more water. If no improvement by wednesday or thursday I may flush. idk just going to play it by ear...
I flushed with straight water about 3 days ago and this is what mine looks like.

I saw no improvement so I have just flushed with 1 tbs epsom to a gallon of water. I have 1.75 gallon pots so its not taht extreme. I will give it a few more days and report if it helped.

Perfect timing really I am a few days ahead of you in this problem.



Well-Known Member
did yours start with the new groth only? Looks like yours is the whole plant now. Mine is just the new leaves around the flower, now anyway may be worse tonight.

Keep me post and I will you as well. Maybe we can figure this thing out together. I hate to waste good bud!!!

thanks for your help MV..


Well-Known Member
did yours start with the new groth only? Looks like yours is the whole plant now. Mine is just the new leaves around the flower, now anyway may be worse tonight.

Keep me post and I will you as well. Maybe we can figure this thing out together. I hate to waste good bud!!!

thanks for your help MV..
yeah it started with the long ass leaves around the top of the flower, and started moving down.

the lower leaves were drooping due to be super dry. They perked right up when I flushed and they got some water.
I will post a pic tomorrow morning if I can.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
skeet, valley im no exspert but garcia sounds right to me id stay with good clean lower ph water for now. my opinion is that just alittle to much nutes causing salt build up. do you guys check your soil ph often. it seems to me over time as the water is taken in by the plant the salts are left over and begin to slowly rise and causing ph and nute lock out. im not perfect so far a havent had a problem free grow yet but that what were all striving for aren't we. take it slow skeet over react and wont be able to figure out what really works. now lets see some pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks D, I have 2 gal pots how many gallons should I flush with? Should I use epson in all the flush water or flush with clean after?
u flush with epson salt water the epson salt breaks up the bad saltsthat cause nute lock out


Well-Known Member
table spoon and it helps if u get the water hot then add the salt so it disolves then when it cools enough water the plants other wise its hard to get the epson salt to disove. and im sure u guys are smart enough to get the plain jane shit not lavender bath stuff lol. hope it helps dont worry about having problems with the epson salt it doesnt strip nutes it breaks up the salts in soil that are locking certain nutes out. I use it every time i was using plain water in my grow. but now i got that clearex shit so ill see how that goes when i finaly feel safe enough to grow again.


Well-Known Member
table spoon and it helps if u get the water hot then add the salt so it disolves then when it cools enough water the plants other wise its hard to get the epson salt to disove. and im sure u guys are smart enough to get the plain jane shit not lavender bath stuff lol. hope it helps dont worry about having problems with the epson salt it doesnt strip nutes it breaks up the salts in soil that are locking certain nutes out. I use it every time i was using plain water in my grow. but now i got that clearex shit so ill see how that goes when i finaly feel safe enough to grow again.
will the affected areas of my plant recover? Am I going to suffer terrible yields due to this mistake?


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all those who helped with advice. :clap:

Here is the LSD1 with the the claw, I guess thats what you call it.
I thought it was terminal and I hate to waste a good plant so I was trying to find out if there was something I needed to do right away to save it.
See what you guys think? I think it will be fine. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks to all those who helped with advice. :clap:

Here is the LSD1 with the the claw, I guess thats what you call it.
I thought it was terminal and I hate to waste a good plant so I was trying to find out if there was something I needed to do right away to save it.
See what you guys think? I think it will be fine. :leaf:


looks good nice structure + 32 bud sites = dank


Well-Known Member
skeet, valley im no exspert but garcia sounds right to me id stay with good clean lower ph water for now. my opinion is that just alittle to much nutes causing salt build up. do you guys check your soil ph often. it seems to me over time as the water is taken in by the plant the salts are left over and begin to slowly rise and causing ph and nute lock out. im not perfect so far a havent had a problem free grow yet but that what were all striving for aren't we. take it slow skeet over react and wont be able to figure out what really works. now lets see some pics.
Im going to play it by ear. I checked the PH at the start of the grow. My probe is fcked and cost $100, just bit the bullet and ordered a new one.

I read a thread by UB and he stated that ph is not as big a deal in soil. MJ in soil is very ph tollerant. And so far he was right but now the CLAW! lol I did not have this claw thing until I adjusted ph but I also upped the N or grow big. :roll:

I think it is a combo of low ph, me adding too much grow big and tiger bloom. My ph droped to 5 after the nutes were added and based on the MJ nutreint guide that would lock out N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Might be the cause of the yellow leaves and tiny brown spots on the Red Dragon. Goint to change my water technique like Jerry suggested. I am going to cut back the nutes and see what happens...:eyesmoke:

Thanks for your help T420A:bigjoint:

yeah it started with the long ass leaves around the top of the flower, and started moving down.

the lower leaves were drooping due to be super dry. They perked right up when I flushed and they got some water.
I will post a pic tomorrow morning if I can.
Is your new groth curling?

u flush with epson salt water the epson salt breaks up the bad saltsthat cause nute lock out
Thanks D83. I need to learn more on flushing...

table spoon and it helps if u get the water hot then add the salt so it disolves then when it cools enough water the plants other wise its hard to get the epson salt to disove. and im sure u guys are smart enough to get the plain jane shit not lavender bath stuff lol. hope it helps dont worry about having problems with the epson salt it doesnt strip nutes it breaks up the salts in soil that are locking certain nutes out. I use it every time i was using plain water in my grow. but now i got that clearex shit so ill see how that goes when i finaly feel safe enough to grow again.
Do you do this durring the grow or just at the end before harvest?

My run off goes into a saucer and the plant sucks it up. Should I let the run off drain th waste?

will the affected areas of my plant recover? Am I going to suffer terrible yields due to this mistake?
Jerry said those effected leaves will never straighten out, so look to the new growth to see if it has been cured.



Well-Known Member
32 bud sites is that all? weak... haha
Thats all??? Man that does suck....:lol:

The new groth is looking ok so I hope it will carry on!

Hey MV when you water do you let the runoff drain to waste or in a saucer and let the plant suck it back up?

Working on a theroy from all my replies...:bigjoint:


looks good nice structure + 32 bud sites = dank
Thanks GG yes man thats why I wanted to act fast if that claw was death.

I think Im onto the answer...will share when I know for sure...



Well-Known Member
Thats all??? Man that does suck....:lol:

The new groth is looking ok so I hope it will carry on!

Hey MV when you water do you let the runoff drain to waste or in a saucer and let the plant suck it back up?

Working on a theroy from all my replies...:bigjoint:

Thanks GG yes man thats why I wanted to act fast if that claw was death.

I think Im onto the answer...will share when I know for sure...

No I drain it. I did let it sit on a plate when I flushed it but that was the first time.