how to legally grow & pay power bill

i am in southern california. i started a medical marijuana collective all is legal & by the book. southern california edison is going to be my power provider. i want to pay for my usage since im doing it legal but i am not sure if the high electric bill send the cops my way. i have all my paper work so i dont think the cops will get me but its up to them. i just want to avoid all possible encounters. please give advise


Find someone who knows how to hijack your home electricity.

i got a buddy whos a linesman and he laughes at people who steal electricity all the time . they do an "accidental power outage" nudge nudge and watch as the garage stays lit and the rest of the house goes out, since most peopel use it in the rest of the house after, your already stealing whats a little more. they call the police after that..

as for the legal grow part.. i dont know anything about how that works, if your Legit and totaly legal within your allowances and such, i dont see what they can do about it ?


Well-Known Member
electric companies only care if you steal it other wise it's money in the bank. just don't go to crazy with power consumption. 1000 watts per bedroom is general but you can go above just do not over kill it.I would stay under 100kw per day but best thing is to see how much electricity people with similar house use and use that as a guide line.though the more power you use the more risk. it's all about risk management.Also depends how much your growing since it's medical i assuming couple of pounds big is the location your growing in ,the bigger it is the more you can use without to much risk.if a 1br house is using 70kw a day compare to a 5br house.5br house is looking normal when the 1br is getting busted.See how much your local transformer is capable of,how much your place is rated for.I amusing your trying to hide power use from feds.Are you growing in a house? or warehouse? rural or urban. there are many factors that change how much is too much,such how much risk you are able to accept ?There is no one answer for all
thanks for the info. im actually gonna grow in a 5 bedroom house. 2000 sf. i only wanna grow about 90 plants maybe using maybe 20 1000 watt bulbs. i have never done it legal so i dont know excatly how to determine how much power i am going to use. i will defiantly not steal power. i know thats one of the main reasons they catch on. im prepared to pay over a thousand in electricity i just wasnt sure if SCE has red flags on power cosumption.