problem with my dog can anyone help.+rep


Well-Known Member
I have a 8yrs old black lab, and he has been a outside dog since he was 3yrs old. He has never been on a leash just runs around the yard. Well he has been acting weird lately, he has never tried to come in the house, well now we cant keep him out of the house. As soon as I open the door he is trying to come in now and I dont understand why. He has food, a dog house, and everything he would need. I thought this might be the problem, ok when he was a baby we lived in this same house and he was a inside dog then. When he turned 3yrs old we remodeled the house and he became a outside dog. I think he is getting alzheimers diesease or something I dont know please help, this dog is my baby.


Active Member
might sound dumb but maybe there is a big storm coming, animals can sense pressure changes that us humans cant. how long has this been happening?


Well-Known Member
he started a few weeks back, but we havent had any storms. I made sure he wasnt hurt or bleeding, or anything wrong with him. Its got me puzzled, I really wish I could understand why he is doing this all the sudden.


Maybe something happened to him while he was outside thats got him spooked out.. Or maybe he decided he likes it inside better.. lol. Dont you wish you could just call that cesar milano dude.. its freaky how well he knows dogs.


Maybe you should take him to the vet just for a routine check-up. You never know what it could be, since your dog can't talk to you, so its better to be safe than sorry. If it is a health problem, you want to catch it early..


Well-Known Member
id say do a vet check and maybe something happened to him outside that has him terrified of going back out there. im not sure what kind of climate you live in but my friends dog did the same thing. come to find out there was a rattle snake that made a home under the doghouse and thats what spooked him inside.


New Member
Hard to say what might be going on. Could he be sick? Something internal that can't be seen? Or, anyone in the family sick? Not to scare you but dogs can sense cancer and other stuff. Any changes in the household? People coming, going, tensions, or anything? Any changes in the dogs external environment? New things he has not seen before, or other stuff?

Stuff to consider. Good luck with your pet.


Well-Known Member
He's just getting old and wants to be inside. An 8 yr old lab is pretty damn old, would you as a 60-80 yr old man want to be outside all day and all night?


New Member
He's just getting old and wants to be inside. An 8 yr old lab is pretty damn old, would you as a 60-80 yr old man want to be outside all day and all night?
Good point. Larger breeds get old sooner. If you can afford it, bring him to the vet. Maybe arthritsis?


Well-Known Member
He does have arthritus, but he has had it for like year now so that cant be it. He usually doesnt sleep in the dog house, he sleeps on the porch on his blankets and pillows I have out there for him. He isnt to cold, he has a thick coat and yesterday he got in our pond to cool off. I cant let him inside because he will use the bathroom inside, also he will track mud in the house. I may need to take him to the vet and get him checked out, I give him heart worm meds so he is good on that. He also had his shots when he was a puppy, so I dont think it is a sickness. Oh yea I want to know if this could be it, I also have a chiwawah(sorry for spelling) and he is a inside dog, my lab sees me take him out every day and put him back inside, could he be jelous of my cat and other dog. Or could it be alzeimers and he is remembering when he was a baby that this was his home and he was able to go inside.


Well-Known Member
it could be some sort of jealousy...i dont want to seem mean, because i dont mean to be, but i know that i could never take one dog in the house with me and leave the other outside, even if they do their business in the house, train him not to do that...maybe he just misses you and wants to be around you? my dog is like that. and i find that the older a dog gets the more they want to be warm, comfortable, and close to their owners. definitely have him checked out by the vet just to be on the safe side...but maybe all he wants is to just be around you all the time...
could be any of these things or just signs of old age. But i had an indoor/outdoor dog years ago who started acting funny in a similar way and i think he may have been hit by a car on a nearby road. An x-rayat the vet might be 100-150 bucks but prob worth the peace of mind.


He does have arthritus, but he has had it for like year now so that cant be it. He usually doesnt sleep in the dog house, he sleeps on the porch on his blankets and pillows I have out there for him. He isnt to cold, he has a thick coat and yesterday he got in our pond to cool off. I cant let him inside because he will use the bathroom inside, also he will track mud in the house. I may need to take him to the vet and get him checked out, I give him heart worm meds so he is good on that. He also had his shots when he was a puppy, so I dont think it is a sickness. Oh yea I want to know if this could be it, I also have a chiwawah(sorry for spelling) and he is a inside dog, my lab sees me take him out every day and put him back inside, could he be jelous of my cat and other dog. Or could it be alzeimers and he is remembering when he was a baby that this was his home and he was able to go inside.
Oh, you hadn't mentioned the other dog.. How long have you had the Chihuahua? Did this start happening soon after you got the other dog? Cause animals do get jealous and it could possibly be just that.. He sees you taking the other dog inside where its nice and warm and of course its gonna make him wanna go inside, too. Animals can be more emotional than you think. I would just put some effort into house-training him and let the poor guy in.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you hadn't mentioned the other dog.. How long have you had the Chihuahua? Did this start happening soon after you got the other dog? Cause animals do get jealous and it could possibly be just that.. He sees you taking the other dog inside where its nice and warm and of course its gonna make him wanna go inside, too. Animals can be more emotional than you think. I would just put some effort into house-training him and let the poor guy in.
yep very much agreed. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it could be some sort of jealousy...i dont want to seem mean, because i dont mean to be, but i know that i could never take one dog in the house with me and leave the other outside, even if they do their business in the house, train him not to do that...maybe he just misses you and wants to be around you? my dog is like that. and i find that the older a dog gets the more they want to be warm, comfortable, and close to their owners. definitely have him checked out by the vet just to be on the safe side...but maybe all he wants is to just be around you all the time...
I agree with all of this. I especially agree with the highlighted part.