Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
damn SL, i thought my premature ejaculation problems were solved after i fucked my lady in matching red launderie and nightgown the other night, but that kushberry's branching= boner + the sharksbreath nugs= premature ejaculation

-pardon my vulgarity but i calls em like i see's em
:peace: as always my man


Active Member
Hey fellows the girls are doing great. But I have two minor issues.

Maybe yall can hep a brother out...:confused:

I didnt have a chance to take pics. I will tonight when I do the 3 week update.

The only change to procedure was I set the ph. I have not been checking ph
because of the meter probe. My meter probe has a short been fckn up and the probe is a $100.
My water tested less than 7 with the strips and they have been doing fine. Its funny that my first problem is when I set ph. :?

Heres my problems:

LSD1 on FF, the new leaf growth at the buds, the sides of the leaves are cupping in and the tips curling under.
This might be claw idk. Never seen it before. BB1 and SB1 are on FF and are not doing it.
They were watered this morning so I will see if it is better tonight.

Red Dragon is on DG. The lower leaves keep turning yellow and some have these tiny brown spots.
I uped the veg nutes to combat the yellowing.
Four other plants are on the DG and although they are not as green as the FF plants they are not yellowing like the RD, and none of the others have any spots.
You guys will need a pic of this one.

So what do you guys think? Anything to be concerned about?

I am not real concerned with the curling but the yellowing / spots on RD is a pet peave..:spew:.

may have to mix RD her on mix.

I put up some pics tonight because they are slepping now.:sleep:


i think it might be lack of light from underneth and they turn light green becuz they are taking the nitrogen into the buds


Well-Known Member
They are all looking quite pretty... Got in the journey a bit late but I want to see the finish subbed.
Welcome Ptone your just in time for the best part. :joint:

damn SL, i thought my premature ejaculation problems were solved after i fucked my lady in matching red launderie and nightgown the other night, but that kushberry's branching= boner + the sharksbreath nugs= premature ejaculation

-pardon my vulgarity but i calls em like i see's em
:peace: as always my man

Its all good Buddha

There is no government sensor around here! lol

Hows spring break going? You down on the beach?


i think it might be lack of light from underneth and they turn light green becuz they are taking the nitrogen into the buds
Thanks datboy

I get good light penitration with 600 watts in a 4x4 cabinet. I think its a cobonation of things. I have a plan and Ill let ya know if it works...



Well-Known Member
Here are some bud pics. I lost track of of whos Ill label the ones I know for sure...


Red Dragon : Just for you MV!


Not sure on these.
I think this one is BB



Well-Known Member
This one is for you wow! I just love how the BB1 is growing.
I topped her and now she is toping the branches herself into 2, 3 and 4 colas.
Never had this before. I could end up with several 2 ft long colas from this honey...
You can see how the flowers are in a big clump before they fork and spead out :weed:



Well-Known Member
how long do you veg for usually? that bb1 looks great!
Thanks MV, She is a special girl. Very unique structure. I hope I can replicate it...

I veg about 5 or 6 weeks. I try to keep them 8" to 10" beacuse of the stretch. The T5 keeps them short and tight. I also look for off set nodes. I read this is a sign of maturity. Also if preflowers show in veg then I know they are ready to flower. Just leaned that one.

Depends on if I top or not. I dont go by time but by growth, either way I like to get 6 or 8 nodes and then top and give them a week or two to recover then off to flower.

I am about to ramp it up a notch. I am moving up to 1000 watt with a dual spectrum bulb.

Ballast : Runs MH or HPS, runs 400, 600 and 1000 watt bulbs. The 1000w setting has a 10% overdrive.

Bulb - Has Super Blue and Super HPS in one bulb. The lumes are less that a straight Super HPS but its more than my 600. SolarMax also makes one.

I am only going to grow 4 plants. Veg a month or so under T5, My T5 is 432 watts, then a month or so under 600 watts, going to take them to 18" or so then 1000 dual arc for flower. I may try the 1000 dual arc all the way from veg to flower.

Based on last grow and this grow I think fewer bigger plants will do better overall for me and my setup. I can grow to almost 5' tall in the flower cab.

I will start them in the 2 gal smart pots and then up pot to 3 or 5 gal before 600 veg. This will give them more room to sprad out, better light penitration. The WWs did much better than when they are cramed together. I got 4.5 oz from one and 3 from the other. Longer veg bigger more yeild per...

idk if this is will work better for mw but its my plan. What do you think MV?

This sog or cropping lst thing I am doing now is cool but we will see how the bud do. I dont want an ass load of small nugs.

I think about 3 or 4 more grows and I might have a clue! lol



Well-Known Member
that says it is 1997$ each.. I hope that represents the case of 12 even so damn that is expensive my 400 watt bulb was 20$!

I knew you were goona say that. lmao

That solarmax price is for a case.
The dual arc 1000 are exspensive. I cheapst so far I found is $187.


Well-Known Member
partial quote by sl2

Based on last grow and this grow I think fewer bigger plants will do better overall for me and my setup. I can grow to almost 5' tall in the flower cab.

in my limited experience i would have to agree with you .also when then big like that you can do a staggered harvest . that's what i doing . i must say its a great way to get extra zips and max yield

I'm a slacker wow bro your babies are looking sweet . a picture of good health

this is my fav she going to be a yeilder . i hope you took clones or have a mother of her


Well-Known Member
partial quote by sl2

Based on last grow and this grow I think fewer bigger plants will do better overall for me and my setup. I can grow to almost 5' tall in the flower cab.

in my limited experience i would have to agree with you .also when then big like that you can do a staggered harvest . that's what i doing . i must say its a great way to get extra zips and max yield

I'm a slacker wow bro your babies are looking sweet . a picture of good health

this is my fav she going to be a yeilder . i hope you took clones or have a mother of her
Thanks GG :-P

Well see next grow. I think I can get the same yeild or better from fewer larger plants. I will have plenty of smoke to last me after this next harvest plus all the WW so there will be no hurry and I can veg longer. Just have to decide what to grow from my large seed inventory...

BB1 is awesome. I had some clones but threw them out last week. Not sure if I will be at this location, I rent and hope to buy a house this summer so I could not finish them. Im am going to try to replicate it on other plants by topping them the same way.

She is perfect for cabnet growing...:weed:

So what do you think about the 1000 ballast and dual arc bulb GG?

Worth the $$$?


Well-Known Member
Thanks GG :-P

Well see next grow. I think I can get the same yeild or better from fewer larger plants. I will have plenty of smoke to last me after this next harvest plus all the WW so there will be no hurry and I can veg longer. Just have to decide what to grow from my large seed inventory...

BB1 is awesome. I had some clones but threw them out last week. Not sure if I will be at this location, I rent and hope to buy a house this summer so I could not finish them. Im am going to try to replicate it on other plants by topping them the same way.

She is perfect for cabnet growing...:weed:

So what do you think about the 1000 ballast and dual arc bulb GG?

Worth the $$$?
?? I'm still contemplating that one . if yeilds increase 20 %and it can be used start to finish then yea its worth it .oh btw i told you i was think of upgrading to a 600 watter well take a look at this a tell me what you think . i didnt include the one for the 600 watt cause its almost the same price


Well-Known Member

Its all good Buddha

There is no government sensor around here! lol

Hows spring break going? You down on the beach?


:clap:yay fuck tha police:finger:

you know it man, hittin hotels, made a trip to ATL for a couple days, and now im just chillin at the beach tryin to get my white-ass a tan!

hmmm, i wonder what ur sharksbreath looks like in a bikini - i imagine she likes long walks on the beach right? whats her number?:fire:

haha sorry im an idiot at times:o
now to roll up a J for the mornin


Well-Known Member
?? I'm still contemplating that one . if yeilds increase 20 %and it can be used start to finish then yea its worth it .oh btw i told you i was think of upgrading to a 600 watter well take a look at this a tell me what you think. i didnt include the one for the 600 watt cause its almost the same price
Thats a good deal. That whole set up is cheaper than the ballast I want! For the money I dont think you could beat it for a complete 1000 system.

I like digital ballast though. Thats all I will buy. Burns mh and hps, runs cool and no noise, and the Galaxy has a 99.9% power factor efficentcy rating, soft start and quick to full lumes.

I have never used the cool tube. I dont see how they would throw light as well as a good reflector. But I have seen others do well with them. If you get the cool tube I would try a light spreader.

I also want to know what bulb I get. I know some are way over priced but I think you get what you pay for on bulbs. I could be wrong.

Going from 400 to 1000 would be killer...How many lumes per sf is too many?



Well-Known Member
:clap:yay fuck tha police:finger:

you know it man, hittin hotels, made a trip to ATL for a couple days, and now im just chillin at the beach tryin to get my white-ass a tan!

hmmm, i wonder what ur sharksbreath looks like in a bikini - i imagine she likes long walks on the beach right? whats her number?:fire:

haha sorry im an idiot at times:o
now to roll up a J for the mornin
I remember those days from back in the 80's, yea Im an old fart! lol

I hope you rip it up man!

I like SB naked but Im sure she would sport a bikini if you talk sweet to her!
She is #69 on speed dial! lol


Well-Known Member
Daayyum! Those are some good looking girls. Looks like you got another great thread here SL2. I haven't had near enough time to read it all yet but I will.
BTW, glad to hear you are from my home state. I've been here since about 75 but worked in FL for a few years and have been in Asia for about 5 years. Great to be back home for a while.
I'm 'scribed. Ketcha L8er


Well-Known Member
Daayyum! Those are some good looking girls. Looks like you got another great thread here SL2. I haven't had near enough time to read it all yet but I will.
BTW, glad to hear you are from my home state. I've been here since about 75 but worked in FL for a few years and have been in Asia for about 5 years. Great to be back home for a while.
I'm 'scribed. Ketcha L8er
Thanks Emunk they are doing quite well so far. Now I just have to not fckem up! lol

When did I say where Im from? lol

I was born and raised in Louisiana....a true southern red neck!!!:o