Waterfam 8-Pack help needed, 1st hydro attempt


Active Member
Just got the waterfarm 9 pack delivered. I dont have any nutes just the buckets and the rocks!

can a person with waterfarm experience please suggest the nutes for me to use.

the basics... to get stated/ no clue what to buy...

any help would be appreicated
the gh series that come w/ the kit are great for starters. u will also need a recirculating kit if your system isn't one. widen the holes in the drain buckets is a smart move also....


Active Member
the gh series that come w/ the kit are great for starters. u will also need a recirculating kit if your system isn't one. widen the holes in the drain buckets is a smart move also....
All i got was a thing called Pura Vida BLOOM 2-6-6 anda thing called FINISHER.
nothing else?

what items do i need at least?
2 containers of nutes?


Well-Known Member
The drip rings have a tendancy to clog due to salt buildups. I don't remember the name of it, but it's a product that will break the bonds between the salt and plastics so they won't clog as easily or at all.