Cooking with Vaped marijuana + sciency/math bonus question


Well-Known Member
So I have an i-inhale vaporizer and I've been keeping all the spent goods. I would say that I get about 3-4 times as much out of vaporizing with that device than smoking. Would anyone say that it is really worth keeping these for cooking later? That has always been my plan.

I have a large ziplock bag filled evenly across the bottom about an inch and a half. Does anyone have any idea say - how much vaporized weed it could take to equal a gram of unvaporized weed when cooking with it?

PS: extra credit to anyone that can also help me with this thought. If burning marijuana yields you 10-20% of the thc, and vaporizing yields you 40-60% (general figures I've heard before), then how much can burning vaporized weed yield you?
PSS: sorry I did realize i should keep the leftovers, but what I really meant to ask was how potent it would be compared to unvaped weed (what ratio do you guys think I should go with?)


Active Member
In theory you equation would make so that you first would have lets see 100%
then you take the 60% for vaping
now you have 40% which is your new 100%
so what is 10% of 40%
well about 4% so you could get about 4% if you burned the vaporized weed
might even get up to 8% if you are lucky
that means you are looking at having to need 5 times as much weed to equal just the effects of burning and 10 to get the effects of vaping


Well-Known Member
First off bud smoked from a joint delivers 29-32% thc. A bong delivers 45-60% and a true vap 205c should burn the cannabinoids @ 93-98% you therefore are left with max 2 percent within a leftover bud. Since baking if done properly all thc should secrete I would say 18-25 grams should do the trick.


Well-Known Member

Sr Verde it should work fine. I use a 30" x 1/2" inside diameter copper plumbing tube for 28 grams - loading the pipe evenly without compressed spots is important for extraction. Tap the bottom and side of the pipe, never press the plant matter.

To start with I go with an 18" x 1/2" pipe for about 12g-16g depending on the grind size and how you load the pipe. One can of Calobri will do a pipe that size. You could run the Honey Bee for a couple of runs before making your own extraction pipe - it's just a but inefficient and I read that IF there's going to be any leaching it should take several extractions before it begins.

Make sure that you extract and evaporate outside with no electricity or flame, line up all of your tool and do a dry run before your first extraction to be sure every thing you need is at hands reach.



Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
First off bud smoked from a joint delivers 29-32% thc. A bong delivers 45-60% and a true vap 205c should burn the cannabinoids @ 93-98% you therefore are left with max 2 percent within a leftover bud. Since baking if done properly all thc should secrete I would say 18-25 grams should do the trick.
Where do you get your stats dude?

Okay, let's say I have a pipe, and I smoke it and get 30% thc, now I burn it and smoke it the same way, but I run it through water.. how the fuck does that add 2x the thc???

NORML did a study and found it was like 24% for smoked cannabis, and 49% with a volcano using 3x 45 second exposures... just google NORML volcano study.

Second of all nothing burns in a volcano, or any true vaporizer for that gets vaporized into the air, the lack of combustion is what
makes the volcano efficient and clean.

@ hobbes, I was planning on doing a cannabutter, but if oil is more efficient ill do that :P

So 45g of vaped herb ran through 3 times, I'm hoping for space cakes :P