WW 16 Days, growing weird or normal?


Active Member
is it bad if you plant some seed and they shoot up REAL quik in like the first two days they were allready aournd three inches tall. the reason im asking is because i know a guy and he was sayin some shit like he was callin them "string beans" or some shit and he was sayin i should pull them up.


Well-Known Member
is it bad if you plant some seed and they shoot up REAL quik in like the first two days they were allready aournd three inches tall. the reason im asking is because i know a guy and he was sayin some shit like he was callin them "string beans" or some shit and he was sayin i should pull them up.
You need more light, the plant is stretching trying to get some light...:-?


Active Member
but the thing is, i was growin a plant for about two months in exactly the same conditions untill i had to get rid of it cause it got too big in my room, and the plant didnt act like that. i just didnt know if it was normal.


Well-Known Member
but the thing is, i was growin a plant for about two months in exactly the same conditions untill i had to get rid of it cause it got too big in my room, and the plant didnt act like that. i just didnt know if it was normal.
Is it winter now? Might not be getting as much light?


Well-Known Member
each seed has a different growth potential - the genetic map it was given by its mom and dad. generally the seedlimngs will stretch if they are "seeking" more light. It would be helpful for you to provide pics or other information of the grow environment, and then we may be able to provide you reasonable answers.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you start a new thread and explain the problem, you will get alot more help... you also need to say what light you using, nutrients and all that....


New Member
is it bad if you plant some seed and they shoot up REAL quik in like the first two days they were allready aournd three inches tall. the reason im asking is because i know a guy and he was sayin some shit like he was callin them "string beans" or some shit and he was sayin i should pull them up.
I can almost hear this guy quietly tapping his keys so his mom and dad don't hear in the next room...:roll:


Well-Known Member
the highest mark I got in uni....was computer science....and that was card punching!...hahahahaha that's purdy amazing....the rapidity of advancement...


Well-Known Member
hey Harkin...you say not bad? I say....looking purdy sweet.......give urself a good pat on the back...12 days into flower....I think they are looking awesome.....I am so excited....with only 7 days flowering today...I guess I might be able to expect some of this kind of development rather soon......


Well-Known Member
Some nice pic's there harkin, and a job well done so far with a 200w envirolight.
Thanks Skunk...I have the 400w HPS and the 200w blue Envirolite on her now, not just the Enviro..but yeah seems to have helped:hump:
hey Harkin...you say not bad? I say....looking purdy sweet.......give urself a good pat on the back...12 days into flower....I think they are looking awesome.....I am so excited....with only 7 days flowering today...I guess I might be able to expect some of this kind of development rather soon......
Cheers Tahoe...I am pretty chuffed by her, not tooo long to go I suppose, and you are just behind me haha :peace:

tose r some nice flowers
Thanks Butters...I thought so too, it's totally stinking my whole house out at the moment but I don't mind:blsmoke:
its only a few weeks in if you want more hight move the lights farther away .... but it looks really bushy for being so young..... she will probly get huge just give er some time dont worry bout flushing and things right now just keep doing wat your doing.... i dont see any problems yet .... small and bushy is good for veggin.... gets the main steam strong..