Well Water Question


Is there anything I should look out for or test specifically before I use my well water?

I don't think chlorine/chloramines will be a problem, but our water is VERY hard.

Any suggestions would be awesome, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Water from a well will normaly be far better than any tap water simply because it is normaly filted through some kind of stone.But there is a down side to useing any water from outside that has not been through a cleaning process.Check the water to see if there is any insects or anything that can cause damage to the plants.Take a look at a sample through the same kind a magnafication that you would use to check the thc heads.If the water has any liveing organisam in it then i would personaly avoid useing it.........................tyke..................................................................................................


Thanks a lot Tyke, I'll check it out.
Water from a well will normaly be far better than any tap water simply because it is normaly filted through some kind of stone.But there is a down side to useing any water from outside that has not been through a cleaning process.Check the water to see if there is any insects or anything that can cause damage to the plants.Take a look at a sample through the same kind a magnafication that you would use to check the thc heads.If the water has any liveing organisam in it then i would personaly avoid useing it.........................tyke..................................................................................................