Club 600


Well-Known Member
not to beat a dead horse budget grower but i dont know how much vertical space u got but if u wait much longer those babys are gonna crowd each other out something nasty that is if there all female if u still have to pull males than u shoul be alright...and overgrown growspace is like triple the work
no its seed, i already have found 6 or 7 males so i should have 6 or 7 females
my options are:

9 - 2 gal pots
4- 3 gal pots

not sure which would yeild more 2 gal pots would definatly rootbound the plants by the third month.

should i pick my best plants and go big pots, or let all the girls grow? :confused:


Well-Known Member
i would go 3 gallon but if u have to use the 2 gallon to flower u could do a lil root pruning to make up for it


Well-Known Member
MCP- well that makes two of us. Looking at it doesnt make me sick but certain smells of it will. I still cook with wines and stuff like that though. Checked on my girls today and they are looking up. The bottom leaves still look bad, so i try not to look at them. The tops are looking good though. The pics here they are under the light so they look more yellow than they really are. Plus here is my grow room. 3.5 x 4 x 9. Not bad for a fake wall in a closet. Ok not bad for my first real attempt anyway. I am happy with it.
if your bottom leaves are yellowing dont ignore add some veg nutes...whats the npk of the nutes ur using now


Well-Known Member
if your bottom leaves are yellowing dont ignore add some veg nutes...whats the npk of the nutes ur using now
I think JL had some initial issues with his little yins so I think it's just the first leaves that have yellowed and frazzled....there ain't nothing he is gonna do for them now so I don't think he needs to start throwing extra nutes at young plants, in my opinion...but then they are probably just starting with veg nutes...they aren't that old I don't think.

Hey folks, so a little sample of my first Headband nug. At 8 1/2 weeks it smells of an extremely chemicaly diesel smell. After my initial samples of Orange, then Casey, and now Headband, I am not quite sure what to expect....

looking forward to the warm snuggly feeling around my brain...back in a bit.



Well-Known Member
that head band looks realy good. and swish your plants are lookin great and they do look like the dankity dank, bombity bomb


Well-Known Member
As chemically and dieselly tasting as it is is smelling. A real THICK oily smoke...kinda like smokin a dark hash like nepalese...I am hoping some of the sourness comes through as well, this is leaning toward an OG, but my whole body at the moment feels likes its wrapped in a duvet...very snuggly indeed:weed: And this has only just gone into the jar so I think the dynamics of it could change (slightly, lets hope not too much:-P) Perhaps it should just be called The Duvet. I've got 4 of them to chop down tomorrow, and quite a few more left, plus Thelma, still to come. I was almost wondering why I bothered with these Headband with the hermie tendencies - some of them have been busy) but I am totally convinced she is the girl for me (sorry wife.....its that time, cards on the table...hahaha)

Right, I want more:weed:

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
DST, nice pics.
Solcyn26- yeah they are youngens yet. I mest up and tried to give nuts to early. I am going to veg them till they are 1 to 2 feet tall then flip to flower. If you look back at my posts I posted pics of them. Thanks for trying though. I appreciate all the help i can get. This is my first real grow. So will see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
can u top a plant that stands about 1 foot tall and has like 10-15 nodes, and top it say at the 5 node to keep it short would that cause to much stress or the same amount as if u wer to top it higher up on the plant. pretty much taking off the top half of the plant


Well-Known Member
Took my males out of the garden, excluding the two still in 1 gal pots, they will go to a different chamber for pollen collection. the 8 in 2 gal pots are my hope to be ladies, still no signs of pre-flowers. they look alot better with some room to breath :)



Well-Known Member
can u top a plant that stands about 1 foot tall and has like 10-15 nodes, and top it say at the 5 node to keep it short would that cause to much stress or the same amount as if u wer to top it higher up on the plant. pretty much taking off the top half of the plant
from my understanding plants are built to withstand damage from weather and animals it responds by pushing out the side growth..i would only remove 1/3 of a plants leaves at once so i think that would also apply to topping


Well-Known Member
sorry it just posted somehow...anyways like i was saying would i would do is top it in sections..remove like 5 nodes and watch the reaction and then remove the next 5 nodes to reach your desired hieght


Well-Known Member
Ok, Here's my late update. Ran into a few problems. These pics are from monday, rest of the ics and explanation of the problems in the journal...


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Here's the latest batch of pictures from my partner in stupid...and from the looks of his babies, we should get plenty stupified.

Masonman, for you, the first pic is his white widow. The last pic, that bud is as big as a soda can.

And now for the porn.



Well-Known Member
Swish.... Integra..... Heads Up.

Just beautiful. Like a perfect afternoon, or a nice breeze.... all the pics just make me happy inside.

Thanks for posting. :leaf: :weed: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
had the good camera again today so i took some more pics. i cant find any micro settings on it though to get close ups.

the yellowing is still goin on but allwell, im at the point now that i just want these 2 to be doen and move on. also added 2 shiskaberry clones to the flower room. alot more pics in my journal to if any one wants to check them out.

also does anyone know a place where i can enlarge pics without them being blury. i found some pics of my first grow and i want to show them but they are to small and wheni enlarge them they get hella blury:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
whats up my riu friends, just wanted to share some new pics.... most of these were taken at the end of week 8 and there is one with the 600 off to show how sticky they got. last night i did my final feeding of nutes, hope they turn out danky
Hey Swish them girls are looking good bro. Taking good care of them ladies:clap:


looking forward to the warm snuggly feeling around my brain...back in a bit.

Ughh god that looks tasty D. I just popped a trouser tent. lol

As chemically and dieselly tasting as it is is smelling. A real THICK oily smoke...kinda like smokin a dark hash like nepalese...I am hoping some of the sourness comes through as well, this is leaning toward an OG, but my whole body at the moment feels likes its wrapped in a duvet...very snuggly indeed:weed: And this has only just gone into the jar so I think the dynamics of it could change (slightly, lets hope not too much:-P) Perhaps it should just be called The Duvet. I've got 4 of them to chop down tomorrow, and quite a few more left, plus Thelma, still to come. I was almost wondering why I bothered with these Headband with the hermie tendencies - some of them have been busy) but I am totally convinced she is the girl for me (sorry wife.....its that time, cards on the table...hahaha)

Right, I want more:weed:

Peace, DST
Im in love with Mary honny?? :mrgreen: . Its nice to have a wife that understands that we gents need our bud porn. lol

can u top a plant that stands about 1 foot tall and has like 10-15 nodes, and top it say at the 5 node to keep it short would that cause to much stress or the same amount as if u wer to top it higher up on the plant. pretty much taking off the top half of the plant
MCP i dont think it would stress it to bad. One could argue that its a better method being your main feeder branches are well developed and thus will make new growth, grow more rapidly. Give that girl a whack. Ill show ya how my butcher job on my purp mom looks and i whacked her up perty good. still gotta go to the cave yet update coming.

Here's the latest batch of pictures from my partner in stupid...and from the looks of his babies, we should get plenty stupified.

Masonman, for you, the first pic is his white widow. The last pic, that bud is as big as a soda can.

And now for the porn.
Good googly moogly Heads Up!!! Them are some beauties. :clap::weed: I cant wait. My Blue widow bean has cracked already & i dont suspect the Lemon skunk will be far behind.

Swish.... Integra..... Heads Up.

Just beautiful. Like a perfect afternoon, or a nice breeze.... all the pics just make me happy inside.

Thanks for posting. :leaf: :weed: :leaf:

Ill second that Jig. A trully gifted bunch here. Nice work everybody. Some day ill have some bud porn my friends. My camera wouldnt do the ladies any justice anyways hahaa. Finally got some good gear for the weekend. Some SD gonna go roll 1 up now. Peace Roger 600 watters:joint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke: