Fried out on salvia?


Sr. Verde

Can it be done?

I've taken like 25 trips in the last month and every once in a while ill be looking at some shit and it will kind of change into something I cant explain, yet it looks perfectly normal to me, then I snap out of it and realize im tripping

Like I'm really starting to get what feels like an entirely different perspective on everything, kind of what you feel like in the afterglow of a salvia trip..

Anyone else get this shit? With other substances maybe?



Active Member
um dude did alot of ex and shrooms over the years and ocaisonaly ill have visions flashbacks are whatever you bwana call it yeah still trippen but its cool lets you now your alive salvia only tried it once it was a cool exsperience sorry about my spelling bro


Sr. Verde

um dude did alot of ex and shrooms over the years and ocaisonaly ill have visions flashbacks are whatever you bwana call it yeah still trippen but its cool lets you now your alive salvia only tried it once it was a cool exsperience sorry about my spelling bro


its all good my man I didnt recognize anything wrong until I read sorry about the spelling hahaha


Well-Known Member
Oi, i just see you took 25 trips in a month.... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i tryed it once and will never do it again, the trip it gave me was like nothing else and is something i wouldnt recomend to anyone, as for shrooms i have taken them twice and boths times it has been a cool expereince, i have heard of many bad trips tho, one time my girl and her friend ended up stuck in the back seat of her car tripping of bad clowns or some shit, i had to drive from like 5 hours away to get them, after that neither one of us had done anything but smoke some good old weed

Sr. Verde

have your blood presure checked...
Why do you say that?

I've gotten the static in the air before, that was tripping on DPH though.

Oi, i just see you took 25 trips in a month.... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I havent tripped in like a week and a half though

I havent had any 'flash backs' until I started this thread, so I think I'm in the OK. :P


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You're fine, it was probably remnants of tripping dude. :-)

I have not heard of any dangers from salvia.

Sr. Verde

You're fine, it was probably remnants of tripping dude. :-)

I have not heard of any dangers from salvia.
Yeah that's what I was checking out on.

Thanks, your the man shep

lol I just took the time to figure out the w.w.s.j.d thing... good shit ill fucking remember that hahaha