How to beat drug dogs?


Well-Known Member

So heres the deal, I've received word from another student (Not sure how legit his source is) about possible drug dogs coming to our school next week. Now Monday I planned on buying like $30-$40 next week to, I plan on Monday, if these dogs to come on Monday when can I do to help.


Well-Known Member
Put pepper around the edge of your locker, works the same for your car. The dog will smell it and fuck there noses up for the rest of the day.

LOL Secret Jardin!! I was going to say the best to beat a dog is with a stick!

Oh yeah whulkmania how old are you??


Well-Known Member
That's crazy, I've never heard of them bringing dogs into a college. Just don't take it with you.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah realy if u know there coming y try to beat the dogs just dont have the fucking shit. and ur in college? must be for art


New Member
Same deal with the pepper. You can't beat the dog, you have to fool the owner. Just wrap your weed in a steak!

Sittin On A Cloud

Well-Known Member
Buy some ground beef and put the weed in something air tight but small. Then put the weed in the ground beef package so even if the dog smells the weed the officer will think hes hungry


Well-Known Member
none of the pepper poweder stuff works.. ive tried to hide dog treats from my dog like this.. lets just say i failed. and she aint no drug dog.. and meat wont work for you.. because why would u have raw meat in school.. jut leave it in the car. or plant it on somebody else car n hope the dont find it.


Well for one thing this has happened to me before. At my old high school they used to have drug dogs run through the halls. Now, I don't know about your school but if it's anything like mine, they do it out of nowhere while your in class and do a "lock down" where nobody can leave the room.
The way I always beat it was just don't keep your weed in your locker, keep it hidden on your person at all times, and just as another precaution when you go into a class room sit the furthest from the door that you can...
lol hope this helps.

Sittin On A Cloud

Well-Known Member
none of the pepper poweder stuff works.. ive tried to hide dog treats from my dog like this.. lets just say i failed. and she aint no drug dog.. and meat wont work for you.. because why would u have raw meat in school.. jut leave it in the car. or plant it on somebody else car n hope the dont find it.
Im talkin bout in his dorm room
If your still in high school then just buy the weed after school


Well-Known Member
Beating a drug dog if you don't have to is not worth it.

You can't cover up the smell.

Also, being the farthest from the door to the classroom doesn't necessarily mean you're safe. When I was in high school, we went into lock down. They removed one class at a time and walked the dog in front of us, then took the dog in the classroom on top of sniffing our lockers.

Keeping your stash in plastic is only good for a short period of time. Plastic is quite permeable, allowing the smell to eventually be released.

If you can help it, reschedule. I'm sure the feeling you get after being expelled from college due to cannabis is not on the top of your list.

Happy smoking, by the way.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Contaminate the place with the cannabis odor. Take a old zip lock bag that has been in used for storage and is all covered in resin and such. Turn it inside out, but your hand in it and rub it on things everywhere you can. Have everyone you know smokes do it. Poor dog will alert on everything that was contaminated...too the point the handler will probably pull out the dog because it will look like it isn't able to concentrate.

Remember, the dogs go after smell. When everything smells, sit back and watch the fun.


Well-Known Member
put a milk bone in your butcheeks, the dog will go for that and the situation will be far too awkward to question you further
