Dumbass question.


Active Member
Hahah I was wandering this too, Im just leaving it though I think, or maybe move it back 30 minutes each day til its on the correct time


Well-Known Member
how often do u look at your timer in all reality?? dont touch the timers!! i think ive acually thought about this last time it happened! lol. but plants dont have day light savings time.


Well-Known Member
Haha I asked the same exact question like 8 hours ago. Lol.
But they told me not to mess with it because your timer doesn't know the real time.
Thanks for the feed back!

I honestly look at my timer everyday. Its kind of a POS I set it for "said" time but when open the door its dark. i have to click it ahead. I need to invest in a better timer.

what if I let the light come on then pull the pins and set it to the correct time?

Then when I get a new timer I just switch it durning the dark period. That sould work right?


Well-Known Member
Just get yourself a digi timer set it and whendaylight saving times rolls around reset it. Is the light comming on or going off an hour earlyier or later going to matter?


Active Member
my plants sleep right through the actual hour the clocks go forward so what i did to compensate for this was turn them off 30 mins early...and turn them back on 30 mins later than usual. therefore their lost hour of darkness was made up to them.

now i will continue on my regular time of 18/6 (still veggin)


Well-Known Member
The timer nor the plants know daylight saves. If ur timer is set for 12 on 12 off is still gonna do that regardless of what time it is. I'm putting mine forward with the time only cuz I have it set for to come on at 6 when I get home from work and if I leave it then it won't be on till 7 which is later then I want. I like to come home from work and blaze 1 in the garden while I look at it and I don't wanna wait an hour after work to do so. Its an hour of light missed, big deal.

Dai Dai

Wouldn't changing it kinda throw the plants off cuz you inevitably have to change from 12/12 or whatever you are running?


Well-Known Member
You can change the timer, no problem. Just do it while the plants are in the dark cycle. The light cycle is what's important not to interupt.
well I did it, I let the light come on at the normal time, then pulled the pins and reset the timer for the same 12/12, with the correct daylight savings time. thanks for the imput everyone.


Well-Known Member
I just left mine alone. lights come on and go off at the same time to the plants still. they dont know what daylight savings time is....i think(maybe they do and are plotting against us all.....). lol