Knocked over plant :( Need some advice.


Let me state first that this is my first grow and these are my observations, I don't really know if some of them are relevant lol but hang with me here.

Ok so today me and my bro were in my closet (aka grow room) and he tipped over one of the plants (probably about a 2 foot drop). So anyway the plant and soil was everywhere (the plant is still small might I add).

We germinated our seeds in a paper towel originally and transplanted them to decomposable cups (which makes it you can bury the cups right into the soil and the roots go threw it, incase any of you didn't know, lol)

So anyway, based on that I could tell that a lot of the roots ripped when it happened because the plant was completely out of the cup and there where quite a few roots still sticking out of the bottom of it (unfortunetly no pictures because I was more worried about my baby than taking pictures, lol)

So we quickly picked it up put it back in and put in some more soil (still had some premixed) and watered it.

Anyway, I observed that when I got it back in the pot the stem would no longer hold it up and was drooping to the side, so I propped it up with soil and went to my friends house for a few hours. When I came back I dug some soil around the edge and the stem is holding up again! Besides that the stem has an increased amount of purple to it (it had some but a lot less before). My plant still seems to be doing good all in all, but hopefully more expirenced growers can see that I'm just worried.
(I attached some pics but they're not the best quality, there taken with my camcorder good on videos not so much for pictures, lol)

Also it's been only about 6 or 7 hours since this happened, it might be too early to tell, sorry if it is I'll post some pictures tommorow or whenever would be a better time to tell.

So in conclusion:
Do you think my plant is going to be alright?
Is there anything I can do to further insure it's survival?
and any other helpful information/oberservations you might have are great!

Thanks in Advance,



Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, that thing is tiny. If you haven't broken off the main tap root or put a big kink in the stem it will be fine dude. These are early days yet. If it starts to wilt a bit you can spray it with clean ph balanced water until it perks back up again.


Holy shit, that thing is tiny. If you haven't broken off the main tap root or put a big kink in the stem it will be fine dude. These are early days yet. If it starts to wilt a bit you can spray it with clean ph balanced water until it perks back up again.
Thanks for the advice guys, shes still doin just fine and you guys made me feel better, lol. I just get worried, don't want it to get fucked up this early in (or at all for that matter). But yea the main root didn't break, and there doesn't appear to be any serious damage to the plant minus some of the bottom roots ripping off. BTW I love your signature dude, lol


Well-Known Member
You need to get some support for that stem or its going to keel over. You should have buried it almost up to the two leaves.


Well-Known Member
She will be fine. A little stretched. But fine.
It happened to me when I had a baby that was two weeks old and I lost more then half the roots and it actually promoted the root growth. I actually used some of the lost roots for root cloning and it worked.
If at any point the stem snaps and it breaks completely off, like there's no skin holding a dangling piece, do a diagonal cut along the severed stems where the size is equal so the stems have firm support and tape the stems together.

As long as there is transfer of water it should be ok. I did it once with my first grow, kneeled the lone mother plant over and I almost had a heart attack.

I just taped the stems together and removed the tape carefully when the stem healed


Active Member
she looks ok....iv have put my budda cheese through worse...i had to transplant because there were roots coming out the bottom of my 1 gal the transfer i didnt see that there was a huge root ball at the bottom...i tore alot of roots out....she looked horrid for the first couple days...wilted leaves yellowing...but she perked up nice....and today i decided to put her into a 5 gal for the final transplant....i think i ripped more roots...good think i dont have kids becase department of children and families would have taken it away for abuse...hahaha. good luck bro....ill sub to your can watch mine if you a little further along than you...anyhow good luck!


ps. i would sub if this were a journal...try making a journal you get lots of advice and it helps you get your thought out of your head and on to paper.....


she looks ok....iv have put my budda cheese through worse...i had to transplant because there were roots coming out the bottom of my 1 gal the transfer i didnt see that there was a huge root ball at the bottom...i tore alot of roots out....she looked horrid for the first couple days...wilted leaves yellowing...but she perked up nice....and today i decided to put her into a 5 gal for the final transplant....i think i ripped more roots...good think i dont have kids becase department of children and families would have taken it away for abuse...hahaha. good luck bro....ill sub to your can watch mine if you a little further along than you...anyhow good luck!


ps. i would sub if this were a journal...try making a journal you get lots of advice and it helps you get your thought out of your head and on to paper.....
Actually I do have a journal just check my posts. But yea, I'm really not worried about it anymore. She's perked back up and everything (still paying extra attention to her). Thanks for the advice everyone!