at what wattage do lights get "suspicious"?


Active Member
for a small home or apt, what wattage do lights start to suck up a conspicuous amount of juice?
I'd say for a small apt anything approaching 2000w. I live in a condo and my bill is over $150 /month without any grow lights even running, but that's because I have a lot of power sucking electronics like a gaming PC w/24" CRT and a home theater. I've heard people say you can use a 1000w bulb per bedroom. I've got a 4 bedroom condo so yeah much room to expand (I'm only using a 400w right now).


Active Member
When i was in an apartment i used a 1000 in a studio no prob for a year. Then i moved out.


Well-Known Member
i ran 5 1k hps 12/12 and 1 1000watt mh 24/7 in a 2 bedroom home for over a year Plus had heat on in the winter months have a 400+ power bill eah month. I have also seen a few commmercial grows in BC canada use 20+ lights (1000 watts each) in a 5+ bedroom home and have no worries with a 600-800 power bill

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
look dude if your asking that this means your prolly growing for personal use if this is so get you a 600w hps cooltube with a digital ballast grow like 6 plants in soil veggem 1month and this should get you close to a pound even if you fuck it all up 1/2lb and dont grow in an apt


Active Member
i ran 5 1k hps 12/12 and 1 1000watt mh 24/7 in a 2 bedroom home for over a year Plus had heat on in the winter months have a 400+ power bill eah month. I have also seen a few commmercial grows in BC canada use 20+ lights (1000 watts each) in a 5+ bedroom home and have no worries with a 600-800 power bill
Yeah, you're probably right, as long as you pay the bill and aren't stealing electricity you should be good to go(long as it's not completely outrageous). I'd say the heat is something to worry about more, you know those pesky helicopters with their pesky heat sig readers