bagseed pics +rep


Well-Known Member
lol nice but i fully believe in keeping a calander in ur grow op it is very important to keep track so you have an even better idea of time when it comes to clones or the same seed
I have kept a calander of the grow. :hump:Tomorrow will be day 42, the start of week 7. The comment about day 35 or so was because i posted them in a hurry and wasn't sure what day they were taken at first. it was actualy day 33 when those pics were snapped.



P.S thanks for the +rep.


Active Member
i wanted to grow for the longest time, but never could get my hands on good seeds (just to paranoid to order through the mail, sorry). so i said "fuckit, i'm gonna grow from whatever seeds i can get my hands on." that just happened to be some super-schwaggy outdoh i got from my neighbor. it didn't have a pleasant color (drab olive green), it didn't have a distinctive smell, it tasted like shit, and the high was brief, tiresome, and it left a bad taste in your month.

this was my first grow. i was not going going to be nay-sayed by those who say you should have pedigreed seeds.

and i got this:

everything you see in the background is from the ONE PLANT!

The final yield was actually MORE than i expected!

After dry/cure, I filled up both of these ball jars - as you can see, a lot has been poached since cure started (i cannot help it!!!).

And yes, the high is amazing, it smells like a spruce forest, it's covered in trics, and i am so proud of it, i can't stop giving out samples to friends. and for some odd reason, it tastes like licorice!


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple diff bag seeds I did
hardroc its an honor to have u post in one of my threads u and sicc have the best grows ive ever seen and ive seen alot of grows but you guys put some real work into the grows that u pull off and like i said before its an honor


New Member
lol, well thanks man, yea that party cup grow was hell, too much time spent on it, having to water 3-4 times a day is crazy work. Turned out ok though. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
exactly my point but if it has a lineage than its not shwag bag seed it is haze seed granted i agree that bagseed is bag seed but i want to see some shitty regs turned into something beautiful does anyone have pics of the bud they got there seed from
kk sounds good, ill post the start of my nugs.. lol there only 11 days into floweringand are penny sized nugs


Well-Known Member
ya ur gonna rape mine in production lol nice gotta q for ya is it just me or is she really light green is she ok very nice node production


Well-Known Member
man i hope i get enough to last a little at least haha. its my first grow from seeds i found in my QP

i dunno... ever since the second weed of veg.... the bigg fan leafs slowly went a more pale green...
i though it was getting to much nutes.. so i flushed her, but it wasnt that..?
they have been like that for a little bit with no signs of getting better/worse... lol
i have no clue what it is... maybe a little dry.. but i was wondering if i could trim some the big light yellow fan leaves for light to get through??


Well-Known Member
ya but not to many it could through it into a schock id say up your nute a small bit and wait if nothing then maybe ph you should take clones now so when time to cut her ull have more ready to go in just cause i got that feelin ur a lil like me lol