Maybe Stupid Question


Active Member
Alright I was wondering if its possible to grow without a pump or any air stones. If so what are the alternatives.


No one tell me to do research i already have


Active Member
Well are you talking about just deep water culture? Because there's ebb and flow, aeroponics, splashponics, soil? lol sorry not trying to be a dick.


Active Member
well if you did research you would already know the answer wouldn't you? hydro no soil yes..why skimp on something like airstones though get some with a pump for like $20..just save up your lunch money


Active Member
yeah im talking about deep water culture. Where the roots grow into the water. I need an air stone and pump for this for sure to create oxygen?


Active Member
yeah im talking about deep water culture. Where the roots grow into the water. I need an air stone and pump for this for sure to create oxygen?
Yeah nothing is going to beat the cost of air stones and a pump. Whats your angle here, why dont you want to use a pump?


Well-Known Member
U could blow into it with a straw several times a day but the oxagen level is low from exhaling out our lungs as we use most of the oxagen we breathe in. so ur gonna have to keep chopping ur plants down so they r no bigger then a foot


Well-Known Member
Alright I was wondering if its possible to grow without a pump or any air stones. If so what are the alternatives.


No one tell me to do research i already have
No Maybe about it. :dunce:


thank you for that,,,,,,

they call me boomerb,,,
still laughing my ass off and,
oh never mind,,,,



Well-Known Member
Not that I would do this cuz a pump is cheeper then h2o2,but u mite get away with adding low amounts every day. I'm sure ur outcome would be pretty shitty tho


Well-Known Member
Fart in the toilet water, and immediately put your plant in it..

Do this multiple times throughout the day.

Who needs a pump right?

K.I.S.S. Method :lol:


Well-Known Member
wow........i am shocked i thought you said u did research lol well ya ur gonna need fuck it u just need to go get some dirt hydroponics is going to be way to complicated for you i can just tell


Well-Known Member
lol ok one more Could I use air stones without a pump?
still laughing my damn ol' ass off and, oh hell,,,,

you said you did the research.

why not just use the pumps and some clear air line and just drop the air line in the water?????????

you really have no concept of what you are getting into.

here's a quick intro to hydro for you,,,,,,

stand over the toilet and drop yer benjy's in and flush it. this way you'll see where yer money is going.

yer much better off just buying bud from someone else that didn't screw up by not doing thorough research,,,

you are not even remotely ready and with yer attitude I'm betting you won't learn,,,,,

boomerb is what I'm called,
and i call em' like i see em',,,,



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ppl who helped. Fuck the ones with dick comments.
how's bout fuck those with stoooppidd kwestions,,,, especilly those that did all the research and still axe stooppidd kwestions!:cuss:

you can only blame yerself for the flamin,,,,,,:fire:

yep, it's boomerb,
boomin here, booming there,
hell, i'm booming everywhere.:finger:
