what kind of g/watt can you expect from cfls


Active Member
just curious about growing with cfls and i wanted to know if its less per watt using cfl rather than hps and how much less per watt


Active Member
It depends on how many light you use, but I'll tell you this, HPS is a lot cheaper in the long run if you want to produce a lot of bud. Maybe for now, focus on producing good bud, then work on producing a lot of it.


Well-Known Member
I had a 388w CFL grow going with 6 plants. I yielded 5.5 oz in 2 months which I think breaks down to about 0.6 g/kWh. Lower than the 1g/kWh that HPS boasts but it was great bud in record time and yield would have been higher if I had been running more plants with the same power consumption.

.388 * 12 * 30 * 2 = 279 kWh 160/279 = 0.573