we used to be COOL


Well-Known Member
a long time frend of mine used to smoke wit me aroun the way anywher an we used to get into trouble an search for girls we always used to see eye to eye one day somethin happend that changed his life i wont spill the beans on that paticular event but long story short he quit puffin reefer (i aint knockin that) when he sees me blaze up he tells me its bad an i shud quit cause i coud get addicted to it :!:. so i look back an tell him while high jus like hes addicted to kit kats ass an gettin typsy (hed tell me that he doesnt drink 'like that' but the muthafucker drinks PERIOD). now that im 20 hes tryin to get a comedy career wher his jokes are harsh very MUCH too soon an... basically crappy if he aint got no material he'll mock me jus to be cool:finger:. that asshole is long dead so im jus hopin to find som new pals to blaze wit an jus hav fun high while gettin high.


Well-Known Member
shit man, was that guy ur only friend..
Well id blaze one down to the end with u man but ur still a stranger atm so u could be DEA.. so wen ur posts top like 2500 we'll blaze


Well-Known Member
a long time friend of mine used to smoke wit me around the way anywhere an we used to get into trouble an search for girls we always used to see eye to eye one day something happened that changed his life i wont spill the beans on that particulate event but long story short he quit puffin reefer (i aint knockin that) when he sees me blaze up he tells me its bad an i should quit cause i could get addicted to it :!:. so i look back an tell him while high just like hes addicted to kit kats ass an getting tipsy (hed tell me that he doesnt drink 'like that' but the muthafucker drinks PERIOD). now that im 20 hes tryin to get a comedy career wher his jokes are harsh very MUCH too soon an... basically crappy if he aint got no material he'll mock me jus to be cool:finger:. that asshole is long dead so im jus hoping to find som new pals to blaze wit an just hav fun high while gettin high.
God, I fixed some of your grammar in the quote. The original in unbearable to read.

Firefox does have a built in spell-check.