Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Wowwwwww.. looking FUCKING NICE man!!!! Damn... those plants have come a long way. lol. Nice and Frosty! Im lovin the new avatar pic too.. I just changed mine up the other day. Looks like we had the same idea goin. except your looks MUCH nicer and frostier. Gimme a couple more weeks. lol. I'll catch up. The BlueBerry and The Sharksbreath are deff my favorite!! BlueBerry's still #1 tho
Thanks chb. Well my mom allways said great minds think alike! :mrgreen: Like to chage up the avi...

Yours look great man! I was checkin them out...:clap:

I lovem all man. I want to grow each of them again but just grow 4 plants, either 1 or 2 strains, go to 3 gal maybe 5, dky, oh and my super spreader should be in. Get BacK JaCk! :lol:

I think they will do better because I am getting better. :eyesmoke:

Lovely colour that BB :) So lush and healthy looking
Thanks man...:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks chb. Well my mom allways said great minds think alike! :mrgreen: Like to chage up the avi...

Yours look great man! I was checkin them out...:clap:

I lovem all man. I want to grow each of them again but just grow 4 plants, either 1 or 2 strains, go to 3 gal maybe 5, dky, oh and my super spreader should be in. Get BacK JaCk! :lol:

I think they will do better because I am getting better. :eyesmoke:

Thanks man...:joint:
how big of pots are they in now?
- definitely gettin better, why cant i speed up time and be on my third grow gettin some dankkk like this, haha


Well-Known Member
how big of pots are they in now?
- definitely gettin better, why cant i speed up time and be on my third grow gettin some dankkk like this, haha
They are 2 gal smart pots.

Plant a seed get a big ass light and grow some big buds! :lol:


Well-Known Member
They are 2 gal smart pots.

Plant a seed get a big ass light and grow some big buds! :lol:
It seems no matter how many gimmicks people try it always comes down to the same truth right SL2? You want bigger denser better buds, get a bigger better light.


Well-Known Member
It seems no matter how many gimmicks people try it always comes down to the same truth right SL2? You want bigger denser better buds, get a bigger better light.
Would you like to super size, sir? Eh, fekkin right dol, gimme a 600 watter with all the trimmings!!! To go!!!


Well-Known Member
lol.. Im working with like 220 watts of CFL's.. shit give ME a 400 watt HPS and I'd be happy as shit!!

Na my White Widows doing good with the CFL's. All 220 watts are on JUST her... Sooo shes loving it! I got a CFL on like every side of her man. lol

Hey SL.. u remember those Siamese Twin Buds I had.. or Poly-something.. or "Double Buds".. w.e. the fuck u wana call it.. basically the two buds growing in 1 budsite?? You should see that ting man.. its gettin fucking HUGE!! That Twin bud is already bigger than my main Cola. lol. And i got another one on the other sisde of the plant.. and that one is also bigger than the main cola.. for now anywayz. I gave that Siamese bud its own CFL to try and make it grow bigger/faster..

But yeaa.Im deff impressed with your grow man.. cant wait to see more pics!! That BlueBerry is lookin BOMBBBB! And that KushBerry.. it just looks like it has a fruity smell. lol. When I touch the crystals on my White Widow.. it does smell like fruity pebbles.. =) oo yea.. u dont know what fruity pebbles are... =( I forgot.. well at least tell me you've had Fruit Loops before man?? lol. every stoner has had Fruit Loops!! but yeaa. the buds smell like Fruit Loops as well.. that type of smell..

Still can't wait to see that SharksBreath all finished up man!! I'll be stoppin by.. i cant wait to see more pics.. Those things are fucking BEAUTIFUL!!


Well-Known Member
Hey SL2 lookin SWEET man !!
Just wanted to know if you had any trouble getting the sharksbreath budding but by the look of the pic u havent.
How far in flower are they?
also how long did you veg em, if u dnt mind me aking m8.
Its just my sharksbreath has been on 12/12 for over 4 weeks now and, well ..



Well-Known Member
Here is a quick update. They are going good.
The LSD1 seems to have grown out of the leaf curl.
Still giving half strength nutes. Watering with a gallon per pot with good run off.
Me and the RD are still fighting the yellow leaves, its funny this is the only one.
I think I have it resolved or slowed. Picked up some cal-mag so going to try that in stead of the veg nutes.
Also got a super spreader to help distribute light to the edges and corners.
I dont have any temp issues but it also stops the hot spot directly under the bulb.






Red Dragon




Well-Known Member
It seems no matter how many gimmicks people try it always comes down to the same truth right SL2? You want bigger denser better buds, get a bigger better light.
Thats for sure MV. You need a good light to replace the SUN!!!

Would you like to super size, sir? Eh, fekkin right dol, gimme a 600 watter with all the trimmings!!! To go!!!
lol yea extra trimmings!

yeah I have a stupid 400 watt hps now I wish I had a 600, I hear the difference is huge!
Never heard back from goofy so mine might be for sale if your still interested.

lol.. Im working with like 220 watts of CFL's.. shit give ME a 400 watt HPS and I'd be happy as shit!!

Na my White Widows doing good with the CFL's. All 220 watts are on JUST her... Sooo shes loving it! I got a CFL on like every side of her man. lol

Hey SL.. u remember those Siamese Twin Buds I had.. or Poly-something.. or "Double Buds".. w.e. the fuck u wana call it.. basically the two buds growing in 1 budsite?? You should see that ting man.. its gettin fucking HUGE!! That Twin bud is already bigger than my main Cola. lol. And i got another one on the other sisde of the plant.. and that one is also bigger than the main cola.. for now anywayz. I gave that Siamese bud its own CFL to try and make it grow bigger/faster..

But yeaa.Im deff impressed with your grow man.. cant wait to see more pics!! That BlueBerry is lookin BOMBBBB! And that KushBerry.. it just looks like it has a fruity smell. lol. When I touch the crystals on my White Widow.. it does smell like fruity pebbles.. =) oo yea.. u dont know what fruity pebbles are... =( I forgot.. well at least tell me you've had Fruit Loops before man?? lol. every stoner has had Fruit Loops!! but yeaa. the buds smell like Fruit Loops as well.. that type of smell..

Still can't wait to see that SharksBreath all finished up man!! I'll be stoppin by.. i cant wait to see more pics.. Those things are fucking BEAUTIFUL!!
Thanks chb, she should do good you have lights on her from every angle.

My BB1 has multi tops on each branch. I need to get her out and take some good pics of her. Thats cool when they do that...

I had fruit loops 40 years ago! lol

Hey SL2 lookin SWEET man !!
Just wanted to know if you had any trouble getting the sharksbreath budding but by the look of the pic u havent.
How far in flower are they?
also how long did you veg em, if u dnt mind me aking m8.
Its just my sharksbreath has been on 12/12 for over 4 weeks now and, well ..
Thanks bru, both of mine have done well. I stunted them a bit from over N but its all good now.

I think it was 5 or 6 week veg. I go by size and alternating nodes or pre flowers. When they had 6 or 8 nodes I topped them all but SB1. Mine are starting to fill out and are frosty as hell...

Buds look a little small for 4 weeks. Im at30 days. What are light and nutrients you using?


Well-Known Member
dam a sea of green i think i ll go swimmin . you mind ? wow looks gr8t thats going to be a great yeild..



Well-Known Member
Here is the light spreader and boy it spreads the light. Much brighter in the corners and under the canopy. Should help lower and side bud developement.




Well-Known Member
lookin pukka mate glad to see ur sharksbreath is growin better than mine:bigjoint:
i reckon its gonna be sum tatey shit coz even mine tasted the bomb even tho i cut the ugly ducklin down at 6 weeks not much kick to her tho but im sure shes got good potential grown for the right amount of time:leaf: