Houston we have a problem


Active Member
man that chick is drooping badley not shure whats wrong with her im a noob well hopefully someone helps you out cant seem to get my question answered either guess need to research some more


Active Member
they look all 3 lol. whats you temp? check that first if temps ok then if there fine you have overwatered and the yellowing could be nute burn. i am only a newbie so maybe i may be wrong but there the basics
Does any one know what is wrong with these bitches.I cant tell what is wrong heat stress,too much nuets,something wrong with the roots.never had this problem before pleese help.
It looks like your overwatering them... Will lead to root rot if your not there already...

Let the top 2-3 inches of soil completely dry out before you rewater.

Good luck!


Active Member
I would flush using peroxide treated water (to fight possible root rot) and give them some nitrogen and maybe a little magnesium (epsom salt). Those stems are quite purple suggesting nitrogen lockout.
Could be overwatering but it's just as likely its got nute burn, I'm putting my money of nute burn because as long as the soil is well drained and ur container has holes for the water to drain the. It's pretty hard to overwater, I've given seedling a full Water bottle and nothing happened. I would flush them or put them in sum new soil. Good luck bro:(


Well-Known Member
It's pretty hard to overwater, I've given seedling a full Water bottle and nothing happened

over watering doesnt refer to the amount of water, its more of the frequency you introduce the water to the roots.
you're roots need to breath, so letting your soil dry a bit is good for them.

that doesnt look like nute burn to me.

this happens to me if i over water or if i underwater.
so just let the soil get nice and dry before you re water.
Sorry, to be more specific I gave sum seedlings a full water bottle each everyday around 3 in the afternoon and nothing happened. And idk why the fuck any1 would water their plants multiple times a day unless they were growing outdoors in a scorching hot place where the soil dried up extremly quicky, but by the looks of it this guy isn't facing those conditions. I've grown plants where I only watered them once a week a they still did good, so that's why I think it's pretty hard to overwater and underwater. But hey that's just from my experience so I still think it's nutrient related or the soil isn't draining or doing sumthing properly. I'll that 4 u to decide. Good luck tho


Active Member
Sorry, to be more specific I gave sum seedlings a full water bottle each everyday around 3 in the afternoon and nothing happened. And idk why the fuck any1 would water their plants multiple times a day unless they were growing outdoors in a scorching hot place where the soil dried up extremly quicky, but by the looks of it this guy isn't facing those conditions. I've grown plants where I only watered them once a week a they still did good, so that's why I think it's pretty hard to overwater and underwater. But hey that's just from my experience so I still think it's nutrient related or the soil isn't draining or doing sumthing properly. I'll that 4 u to decide. Good luck tho

alright bigbudbandit. iv not grown yet so i wouldnt know exactly but by the look of it and the basics i would say either temps of overwater or nute. not read anything on root rot as yet or seen pics on the symptoms so this will be interesting to keep an eye on for future ref. :-P


Active Member
Does any one know what is wrong with these bitches.I cant tell what is wrong heat stress,too much nuets,something wrong with the roots.never had this problem before pleese help.
alright feller hows things going, any news on ur babys?


Well-Known Member
whoa I know its been a while but check it out . With these ladies I had quite a few problems, 1 they were started from clone that that I took from a previous grow I left them in the party cup to long (root bound) 2 when I put them in the flower room I could not keep it warm enough when the lights where off (temperature problem) 3 I watered them to much( begining of root rot ) 4 I keep the light to close to the tops for to long(few leaves got bunt) These bitches went to hell and back but they surived , not without scars .Now we are all must done.Time for the next batch.

