BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry


Well-Known Member
well the day has come did i veg too long or are these just some beasty ass clones...a most are the perfect size and have stopped growing so i know those are fine but four of them well they were on roids or something as u can see...the first 3 pics are yesterday and the other ones are u can see how much they grew over night...i think i might keep the lights out a few days while i figure something out...any suggestions let me know....



Active Member
I had 2 plants stretch 1.5 inches from the glass and stop. The colas ended up taking the rest of the space and squished into the glass. I tried bending them and shit but it was a mess. ended up cutting there heads off 5 weeks in( cola :( ) and they still produced 2 oz each. The bud was very different compared to its sister who did not strech as high. Very fluffy, steamy and corn cob looking. Either u can bend plants which would work big hastle.........or ............. Cut there heads off. I suggest cutting them down several inches. They will recover quick. The heat stress being so close to the glass seems to effect the entire plant ruining the quality of all the bud on the plant. Cut them down and u will lose a bit from the top but will save the rest which should be 1oz - 2. Your plants barley have flowers so this is a good time


Active Member
i wouldnt chop em yet id try to tie em downday or 2 they should point right back up i do that when my tops r too close together pull em back tie em and very fast they r back up headed towards the light


Well-Known Member
Sorry I been out of town...and i am still out of town..thanks for all of the advice....i pulled a all nighter and came up with a plan...i just hope it all works out....i will be back with pics and updates..on wednesday....hope all is well...but we will see if i made the right desision....more to come....dont want to say what i did and jinx myself but you will see...


Good luck your journals are very informative I'm getting a producer next month, also looking for a second one used


Active Member
Hey Smacc... looks like you are going to have some space issues like me. Trust me, tying down is a huge pain in the ass! It is a daily project and a daily struggle to keep them tied and low enough to avoid damage. If you think they have lots of stretching to go, including top cola development, I'd chop the heads off a bit. Many of my top colas burned up... even ones that hadn't yet hit the glass.

By the way, my second grow has begun. I'll let you know when I start the journal.


Well-Known Member
So this is the Deal...i decided that i did not want to cut them and wanted to take the next step that i planned on taking in a few months and just did it now...I got a Sun Hut XL....took my hydro tub out the producer and got it sittin under a 1000w eye far so good...i broke of the plants when i was in the process of moving them but i think its gonna be ok...let me know what u guys all in all what i want is a perpetual grow and crop on a month to month basis...they seem to be growing pretty good i trimmed the bottom... and im hopping that the 1000w will yield a little more...the producer will be bacc up and running later today i got a 2nd hydro table on order so that will be here wednesday and i will get that going here are a few pics...i know i need to work on my tent skills a little more but it was an all nighter.....let me know what u think...



Well-Known Member
oh yah great idea now u got double the crops. Got co2 in that tent?
ordered a tank and it should be here tuesday but i guess for the time being i can just take off the one that i have on the producer....i need to get one of those time release regulators..i think i saw one at the hydro store for about $150.00...thanks though i am pretty excited to see how this one turns out...


Well-Known Member
just a quick pic up...they seem to be doing pretty well....i just changed the res on friday and seems like they were pretty was almost half empty....i also loaded it up with ice today....i will start doing that once a week...and i got my other clones today so i can throw those in the producer while these are going...



Well-Known Member
spidermites suck....hope i caught them early far looks like only one plant....but im not takin any chances....checkin everything tonight....