1st time flower....week 8


Thanks Tib. Yeah, im curious as to how much it'll weigh once dried. question for ya. on the plant, the nugs seemed pretty dense. Now that it's cut and hanging they are in the "spongey" state, and dont seem to be as dense. Will they get more dense as it dries or...?


pilot: i vegged for 2 months. that was a little too long for me due to my height limitation, but i did lst to bring down the height and it turned out fine. Id say veg for as long as your height limit will let you. When you flower, the plant will double or triple in size (that's what i've read during my first timer process), so plan for that while vegging. Or you can perform LST to the plant and that will obviously help with the height limits...


Jboard, Awesome grow man! I'm nearing harvest time myself. I have a single 150 Watt HPS and I need some more side lighting. Gonna make some minor adjustments for grow number two. Feel free to stop by and check out my pics! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Quick question. How long should you veg for? I am a first time grower and am growing the bubblegum strain. My seed germinated March 11th, planted it in Foxfarm soil on the 12th and it has sprouted out of the soil. Probably is 1/2 inch above soil now. How many weeks should I veg before flowering?
A good rule of thumb is to veg until you see pre-flowers, usually 6 wks or so. This way the plant is mature enough to respond to the 12/12 with a minimum of stress and dilly- dallying once put in the flower room. This also gives you the chance to see which plants are fem before they go in, saving space and letting you plan your needs accurately. Of course, longer vegging gives bigger yields. If you have a bit of room you may find that each xtra wk of veg will pack on the buds exponentially.
pilot: i vegged for 2 months. that was a little too long for me due to my height limitation, but i did lst to bring down the height and it turned out fine. Id say veg for as long as your height limit will let you. When you flower, the plant will double or triple in size (that's what i've read during my first timer process), so plan for that while vegging. Or you can perform LST to the plant and that will obviously help with the height limits...
Thanks Jboard. How does this set-up and the plants look? They have been in foxfarm for about a week now. Any advice is appreciated. Also, I have them on a 18/6 schedule under T5 lighting and will not use nutes until day 31.


Well-Known Member
holy lord that is beautiful. what nutes do you use probo?
Thanks, I use Fox Farms (Ocean Forest) soil, and nutrients--Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.
I also use H2O2 as well as Black Strap Molasses. 1T ea./ 6L of water when i add these two.


Great, your ladies look amazing. I will look into the FF soil next time. I just used MG soil and the 3 FF nutes along with molasses.

Just tested out some of mine, definitly packs a nice high!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I use Fox Farms (Ocean Forest) soil, and nutrients--Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.
I also use H2O2 as well as Black Strap Molasses. 1T ea./ 6L of water when i add these two.
This is my first grow using fox farms, should I mix them together? How many tablespoons of ea.? to a gallon of water

I'm 19 days in flowering. I've got big bloom and tiger bloom


pilot: Looks like a nice setup. I used MG soil. Wondering how much better using FF soil would be. Cant wait to see how she turns out.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow using fox farms, should I mix them together? How many tablespoons of ea.? to a gallon of water

I'm 19 days in flowering. I've got big bloom and tiger bloom
All depends on how far along you are.
Start with BB, GB when you need the N boost, then TB when flowering, along with BB.
BB is mild and can be used throughout the grow.
Start with 1/4 to half the amount they say/gallon. Till you get a feel for it. Then
bump it up as you need to.
Just start with less and adjust up rather than too much to start and burn your plants.
Yes mix them together too. I even use 1/4t. of GB in flowering sometimes (4th or 5th week) dont forget to ph your water after you mix your nutrients.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the comments. Yeah, it's a bit "airy" but the buds that are there seem to be pretty damn dense, so its just a matter of gettin more light to the sides for next time i think :)

pipedream: what do you see that reflects spidermites? I'm not sure what to look for with that, but to me (a rookie), everything looks ok for the most part...please enlighten me...

Shallow: Once into LST and before i added side lighting, i was having a hard time with the bigger fan leaves cuz they were blocking so much light. I started by trimming back a few, and then a few turned in to a lot! lol. For the most part i'm happy with the results with out the fan leaves, but now that i have side lighting, i will let the fans grow out next time and see what difference i get.
on your 3rd pic in the first post there is a lot of yellow spots I thought it might be mites. Probablyt wrong but just check it out.
pilot: Looks like a nice setup. I used MG soil. Wondering how much better using FF soil would be. Cant wait to see how she turns out.
Quick question, I cant control my temp since my plants are not enclosed so I went and placed the plants inside a huge plastic box and stuffed a comforter around the plants to keep them warm at night. Besides being a redneck, do you think it will work? There is no top to the box, my T5 is over the box and plants.


Well-Known Member
That should be plenty warm.
A cheap heating blanket can be used too.
On low under the pots, just cover it with a plastic garbage bag.
And remove it before you water.
Or if your able to, flip your lights to on at night, and off during the day (12/12)
My lights go on at 4:20pm And off at 4:20am
The temps stay pretty steady in my place, and at these on/off
times, i can even save on heat/air by not needing
either very often.
That should be plenty warm.
A cheap heating blanket can be used too.
On low under the pots, just cover it with a plastic garbage bag.
And remove it before you water.
Or if your able to, flip your lights to on at night, and off during the day (12/12)
My lights go on at 4:20pm And off at 4:20am
The temps stay pretty steady in my place, and at these on/off
times, i can even save on heat/air by not needing
either very often.
Thanks probo24. I am currently on a 18/6 cycle and the lights kick on at 3:00 pm and go off at 9:00 am. I guess beiung new, I am expecting my plant to be 6 ft already and it has only been in soil less than a week..lol How long before I should be at 4-5 inches??