Outdoor Grow -Season _1


Active Member
Hello , everyone first off wanted to say how good it is to be apart of rollitup.

As my topic says i am going to be doing a outdoor grow this summer.

I live in just 2 hours away from New York , At a Elevation Of 1800 ft .

It is currently March , spring just started .
The weather is nice , the tempeature is a few degrees cooler then in Newyork since i live in the woods , but that means also more humidty.

I have a whole bag of regular seeds , but i am currently thinking of ordering some femenized seeds to save me time and troubles in the long run.

I will be ordering from Nirvana , I had some ideas of witch strains i want , but would prefer to get your opinions about witch strain to pick from.

I have included some pictures of 3 different grow sites that i am thinking of picking from.

Also to save me trouble i was thinking of buying Big Pots for my plants along with chicken wire and Big bags of miracle grow potting soil.

And I will buy new organic fertilizers.

I have already dug a few holes in 1 of the sites im reconsidering now , but when i say i want buy Big pots it is mostly because the soil is very rooted with other plants and lots of rocks.

Any feedback would be much appreciated for this grow log will be for medicinal big bush plants that i plan to plant now and harvest sometime late .

Also for the seeds i plan to get i only plan to have 3 different strains.

Location 1 :

Location 2 :

Location 3 :

Sorry , i tried to use the insert image but did not work , so these are individual albums for each location.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Your pics didnt show up but I would use grow bags or 5 gal pots and put them in the hole. Dont buy MG man! Go to the nursery and buy pro mix or sunshine mix or something like that. Get some worm castings or bat guano to mix in with it and you'll be perfecto!! Pro mix or sunshine mix normally comes in square bails. One bail should be enough for several 5gal pots.

It's still too early in NY to be planting outside


Well-Known Member
NY covers zones 4, 5, & 6. I grew up very close to NYC and the rule of thumb was "Plant 2 weeks after Easter"

Down on Wax is Spot on again!!


Active Member
i dont like the pics i know its picsof late winter early spring but with those fallen logs thos ladies are gionna stand out.


Active Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Your pics didnt show up but I would use grow bags or 5 gal pots and put them in the hole. Dont buy MG man! Go to the nursery and buy pro mix or sunshine mix or something like that. Get some worm castings or bat guano to mix in with it and you'll be perfecto!! Pro mix or sunshine mix normally comes in square bails. One bail should be enough for several 5gal pots.

It's still too early in NY to be planting outside
The grow bags sound like a good idea , it would save me money on pots and can be disposed up easily.
As for the sunshine mix or the pro mix - they both sound ok , i guess without the guano they would not be all that great.

Why should i not get the miriacle grow soil.
I think its was 3.8 cubic feet for 5 dollars on sale.
Ive grown plants in miracle grow soil before .
The only down side to miracle grow is its got the fertilizer pellets inside , bu im sure after 6 months of growing those nutrients will be depleted and i can flush it with no problem.

I think average last frost for Zone 5 is April 15th-20th.

So be careful if you plant before that.
Thanks , I plan to order my seeds in april and plant sometime of middle april or begining of may.

NY covers zones 4, 5, & 6. I grew up very close to NYC and the rule of thumb was "Plant 2 weeks after Easter"

Down on Wax is Spot on again!!
2 weeks after easter /april sound great.

i dont like the pics i know its pics of late winter early spring but with those fallen logs thos ladies are gionna stand out.

Well In location # 1 its further off of Location # 3 .
Location # 1 it looked liked used to be a old hunting area , but the property is empty no1 lives there anymore and there is lots of room i can find many spots around there .
Since no1 comes there it most likely will stand out but that will be ok ,I hope.

Location # 3 , i grew a plant there last year but i over fertilized it and it died , it was from shwag seeds so it was a pain.

Location # 3 is empty property as you can see it looked kinda like a farm land its right next to the road but no1 comes there , 1 person came once to check that barn that is falling apart , so i probably wont do anything there , but i wouldnt mind planting just one in that location since that there would be the most sunlight.

As for Location # 2 where i dug the couple holes and is right next to a nice pond.
Im worried that since its near a pond there is a chance that there will be lots of insects and possibly i will get a bug infestation in my grow.
Also there is a small path threw the bushes i can get too that leads to a house and i would hate for them to spot it.

At the moment Location # 1 seems the best.

Where do you guys think would be a good spot from what i just said.


Well-Known Member
you have hit the jack pot of grow areas! looks like its going to work to me. good luck and keep us posted. oh and try to get the pics to work i hate imageshack its so slow! thanks !


Active Member
good job so far. im from mass so ill be starting up soon. i just popped my 3 kush seeds into the soil yesterday to start them. Right now they are in my window sill just giving them a head start on the season. i was planning on planting in 2 weeks or so when they start to be recognizable as i live in an apartment with my mom. I cannot wait to start an outdoor grow and hopefully it will yield better product than my indoor last year.


Well-Known Member
You should plant a few at each locaton to increas your chances of survival, in case one is found or eaten ect...

Start em indoor asap to help em be healthy and ready to take off when they go outdoor, remember to hardem a bit to the outdoors befor transplanting.

I couldnt decide one one pack of seeds so i went with "the single seed center" an got 6 nirvana fems at like 8$ each. I chose Ice, bubbleicous,white widow,norhern lights an ak48 for my out door this year.

I will be using Miraical Grow s Moisture control soil (uses coco), adding some water crystals (Starch based) an mulching the topsoil to hopefully cut watering trips in half.


Active Member
you have hit the jack pot of grow areas! looks like its going to work to me. good luck and keep us posted. oh and try to get the pics to work i hate imageshack its so slow! thanks !
good job so far. im from mass so ill be starting up soon. i just popped my 3 kush seeds into the soil yesterday to start them. Right now they are in my window sill just giving them a head start on the season. i was planning on planting in 2 weeks or so when they start to be recognizable as i live in an apartment with my mom. I cannot wait to start an outdoor grow and hopefully it will yield better product than my indoor last year.
You should plant a few at each locaton to increas your chances of survival, in case one is found or eaten ect...

Start em indoor asap to help em be healthy and ready to take off when they go outdoor, remember to hardem a bit to the outdoors befor transplanting.

I couldnt decide one one pack of seeds so i went with "the single seed center" an got 6 nirvana fems at like 8$ each. I chose Ice, bubbleicous,white widow,norhern lights an ak48 for my out door this year.

I will be using Miraical Grow s Moisture control soil (uses coco), adding some water crystals (Starch based) an mulching the topsoil to hopefully cut watering trips in half.
Thanks Guys for the support and the feedback.
Ive joined other weed forums before and had hardly any responses.

Location # 3 is where i grew a plant last year the barn that is there is abandoned and the owner came once .

But thanks the area gets plenty of light.
I will try get the pics working next time , i might just upload it straight from my camera instead of inserting a link , if that is possible.

Thanks meridan , and Wish you luck with your grow.
Thanks SCARHOLE , i plan to plant about 3 to 5 plants in each location.
I dont think they will get eaten , i had a problem last year with the deers , but this year i plan to get some chicken wire or some sort of mesh to prevent anything from eating it.

Im thinking of just planting them directly in the 5 gallon grow bags that ways they naturally adapt to the natural surroundings.

As i said before i plan to order from nirvana , and i plan to get 2 -3 diff varietys of seeds.

I want to grow some big plants with lots of buds , like christmas trees , Is this possible to do in 1 grow season , before the next winter?

What seeds would be a good pick , from the descriptions of some of the seeds they say they grow short , is it possible for a short growing plant to grow big ?

Also , will the 5 gallon bags be big enough to grow sutch big plants or do i need bigger bags ?

If the bags turn out to need more room i would tear the bottom and let the roots grow into the ground.

Thank You


Active Member
Ive been looking at all the femenized seeds and i picked out a couple that interest me.

Chrystal - http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/chrystal-feminized-5-seeds.html

Kaya Gold - http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/kaya-gold-feminized.html

PPP - http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/ppp-feminized-5-seeds.html

Wonder Woman - http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/wonder-woman-feminized-5-seeds.html

I had a question about the kaya gold , it says it is pest resistant , what does that mean that is will not get attacked by gnats or whiteflys or spidermites or any other insects ?

Also i really like the ppp wonderman and chrystal , but if the kaya gold is pest resistant truely and grows really tall .

Thank You


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell by your pic's if it's a good spot because no vegitation has begun to grow in yet. I'm dealing with the same delema, I got some good spots picked out but until I see what the native vegitation does I just dont know....


Active Member
It's hard to tell by your pic's if it's a good spot because no vegitation has begun to grow in yet. I'm dealing with the same delema, I got some good spots picked out but until I see what the native vegitation does I just dont know....
Word man , i know exactly what you mean , right now the sunlight is blasting threw to the floor , but there are trees and once the leaves start to grow , a lot of light will be diminished , but i still found some good spots that will be prime , i just followed the sun movement and see where it would hit and when , and i got like 2 locations that will work fine .

But as for other locations , i plan on using my big cutters to cut down small trees and small vegetation.


Active Member
I was looking threw the nirvana seed bank's seeds , and found a good 3 strains that interest me , but i had a question about another besides the 3 im about to mention.

First off there is this one - > http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/chrystal-feminized-5-seeds.html

Then there is this one that i reall like -> http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/ppp-feminized-5-seeds.html

And then there is the third one that interests me also -> http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/wonder-woman-feminized-5-seeds.html


As for the strain i had a question about , its really a question regarding its and other strains characteristics .
--> http://www.nirvana-shop.com/en/feminized-marijuana-seeds/kaya-gold-feminized.html

This strain says that it is pest-resistant , does this mean that there will be no chance for gnats or whit flys or spider mites to attack ?

The same questions can be asked for mold resistant , in damp climates i assume that it will not rot at all ?

Please fill me in, and give me your opinions on the seeds i have picked.

Thank You

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, you very easily could lose a whole grow due to cops, thieves etc. Spread the plants around and maybe do a little more scouting if your up for it. It's also good to plant mj next to plants whose vegetation doesn't die or turn brown come winter cuz they will stuck out like a sore thumb. Its not a necessity but it definitely helps come harvest time when all the leaves are falling off. For instance I found a mint spot that had 4-7 feet tall spruce trees in a scattered area this would be perfect cuz thats the optimal height of the plant, they look bushy like a plant, and they stay green year round. Good luck on the grow


Active Member
I had a quick question , i was about to order some grow bags .

I just wanted to know what a optimum size would be for a outdoor grow ?

I was just watching urban grower , and he was using 5 gallon buckets , witch would be the same as a 5 gallon grow bag witch is what i was planning on getting .
And his plants were like 2 feet.

So when i said i wana grow outdoor christmas trees i meant that i wanted them to be at least 5 feet.

Again i will ask , How big of a plant can i grow in a 1 grow season.

Will i achieve my goals , or are all these big tree like marijuana plants grown somewhere where the temp never drops below freezing ?

Thank You
Gods Creat0r

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
I say for outdoors 7 gallons would be the minimum. But if your looking for trees I'd say shoot for at least 10 gallons if not 15-20. Its really all about what you can afford and the effort you want to put in. Also the monster trees are sometimes vegged for a longtime indoors before being put out. Like starting them in february and vegging them all winter and putting them out in spring and then they veg some more and then flower. So just remember the more soil the bigger the plant and the sooner the plants are started the better. If your direct seeding them in spring it'll be hard to get a tree but not impossible

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Your pics didnt show up but I would use grow bags or 5 gal pots and put them in the hole. Dont buy MG man! Go to the nursery and buy pro mix or sunshine mix or something like that. Get some worm castings or bat guano to mix in with it and you'll be perfecto!! Pro mix or sunshine mix normally comes in square bails. One bail should be enough for several 5gal pots.

It's still too early in NY to be planting outside

Yep BoneMan is right. Instead of castings I use Marine cuisine from FF. Stuff is great you should check it out.

Hey speaking of Pro-Mix, I just picked up a whole pallet the other day:fire: