DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
looks cracking as usual DST, hows the baby edam coming along? do you let them dry out in their pots for a bit before the chop?
thanks Don, hehe, baby edams!! ro shall we call them Baby bells...(disgusting things, my wife eats them...) Anyway, the little cheesey yins are on their second set of leaves. The bx1 just diidsurvive. It kinda popped up and was all shrivelled. But the bx2's are looking okay....although one is being proper attacked by some sort of little crawly thing. Thety alomst look like mini silverfish (if you know what they are) Anyway, sprayed them to buggery so hopefully the nasty's will pi$$ off!

And yeh, I basically don't water for the last week...


Well-Known Member
So, the veg tent is now the flower tent, and the flower cab is now the veg cab....

And here they are:

Flower tent: Back left: Thelma, Back right: NY47 (both at 10+ weeks flower)
Front left NY47 Clone, around 1+ week flower) Barbagseed - around 1+ week flower.

And the former zoo:

I have got a couple on the shelfs but still thinking of changing that a bit...we shall see.

Off to try the first dryish bud of Blackjack (seemed to bong not too bad - although I was wrecked already)

Peace, DST


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
bro that looks so empty now ;( i have seen the pics of u putting it together but seems strange with out ur monsters lol


Well-Known Member
bro that looks so empty now ;( i have seen the pics of u putting it together but seems strange with out ur monsters lol
Ach min, it looks better now, I have put some more BIG pots in it, haha.

seriously, it does look a bit depressing, but a few weeks and we'll be right.:bigjoint:
I've still not finished harvesting the first lot, and some are still on the go, so can't really grumble.

The Zoo shall return.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Cheers from London bru. We brought good weather with us.... hope you are enjoying it westy. Pretty sad seeing the space almost empty, but it will fill up soon enough.

All the buds are just super stellar. Everything seems like perfect little buds. And I love the state you get your girls before the chop. They look sooooo good. :bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how was the black jack D!?!? im going to give the no watering last week thing a go on my monster. i need to reduce the amount of time the flat smells like a coffee shop


Well-Known Member
hey guys, well the cheese seems to be free of previous orangey/yellow crawly things. will check again tonight.

blackjack is in the jar, had a joint yesterday and it tasted quite citrusy if i remember. it came in at 33 grams for the plant, which was only in a 4 litre pot and about 12 days from seed then into 12/12...would be awesome for a sog!! The buds look huge but lack in weight compared to that of say the OG.

Hey Jig, was thinking that today, the weather was mighty fine bru!

Ok, best go, wife is thumping around, hehe....

.....oh, the cider is out, she's in a good mood. Yippee!

Laters, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
good news to be rid so soon man well done. I so hope i dunt get em back lol tho i know the stuff to use now so sorted l;ol


Well-Known Member
good news to be rid so soon man well done. I so hope i dunt get em back lol tho i know the stuff to use now so sorted l;ol
lets not talk too soon, will update ya in a bit but they seemed ok. Just realised when I was checking my beans earlier, I still have a BX1 seed left:hump:


Well-Known Member
Ayy Ayy there D just stopping in to check yo cheese. loll I read 16 oz somwheres on the ole chop, nice bro. that aught keep ya in ya right mind ah haa ha. Peace bud laters. 1BMM


Well-Known Member
I have had a real fantastic few days smoking with a friend who was visiting, and will probably take a couple of days to straighten up fully:mrgreen: But in the interim to keep those who are interested updated: Last of the HB was cut and hung and has been in a bag for a couple of days and was transferred to a jar today. Another few grams to add to the total. Thelma has gone into the dark and will be chopped tomorrow:mrgreen:

The NY47 is hanging and drying, and once Thelma has been hung and bagged, I can provide a total for my first vertical grow.

It is already >18oz so far...any quesses on the final?

There is also Barbagseed and a NY47 Clone that has now been in 12/12 for about 2 weeks+.

All of the above detailed in pics:

bagged headband ready for jar

Quick peak at Thelma in the dark waiting for the chop...

The New York 47 chopped and drying

Nice cola, my visitor looks on....:mrgreen: was he impressed?

And the new New York 47


Barbagseeds flower is not quite as developed as the NY47

So that's Saturday, off to the potting shed and greenhouse to do some green thumbing:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
well was he impressed????, that barbag seed looks bit sat dom or is it me?
I think so, it was nearly as long as his arm, hehe.

Yup, sure is looking sativa dom Westy,,,bloody lanky bitch I can tell ya.:mrgreen:

It's gonna be a tall one for sure....obviously got some Dutch genes.

Happy Sunday peeps.



Well-Known Member
Time being of the essence today, I was up even before lights on this morning. On the cards today, chopping Thelma!!

So it was the day of the chop for Thelma and i was so happy with her I decided I will try and rejuvenate her. Who knows if this will work but it's worth a try. Basically cutting back the roots, and reppotting. I have left a couple of bud and cut the stem back as well. Anyways, pics below of that.

Also pics of my two Headbands that I have growing outside in the Greenhouse. First pre-flowers showing on one of them.

Thelma minutes before Madam Guillotine

Thelmas guts:

General Thelma porn

Rejuvenating Thelma

Step1 - the stump

Step 2: checking out the roots

Step 3:measuring up for the new pot

Step 4: Final sizing (just brushed away excess soil)

Last Step: Re-potting and finishing off:

She has gone back into 18/6 light so lets see what happens.

My greenhouse girls
My wife hasn't said anything yet so here they are:weed: chillin with the Oregano

First flowers:

Forgot to say:

Peace out, DST....time for rest