Plant leaves


Plants leaves are starting to turn yellow more and more.
Happing to almost all of them.

Any help would be very nice,
Thanks much


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them?

yellowing from the bottom usually means nitrogen deficiency. those dry crispy leafs will never come back; trim the dead leafs so the plant can focus its energies on new and surviving leafs


Well-Known Member
let them suck the dead leaves dry!!that way it slows them from hitting the others need more -n- and bigger pots.


you cut them at a 45 degree angal???

and i just started using Miracle grow(the blue shit you mix with water)

if you need to know anything let me know


Well-Known Member
sly , throw that miracle grow off a bridge, go to your local hydro store , and purchase some real nutes. miracle grow is super chem, and contains an outrageous amount of salt. it will make for a nasty smoke, and i dont believe its really that great for your plants in the first place, dont feed your ladies poo poo nutes.


Well-Known Member
MG is shit, you should get (almost) anything else. do you have any plant stores around you better than walmarts plant section?

also what is the NPK of your MG plant food?

i dont think the angle in wich you cut them really matters. and i dont know what validity greenpeace's statement has; keeping them may keep it from spreading to other leafs


dont have a hydro store here, what might the nuts i should get be called and i can look around the stores here


Well-Known Member
yeah , id like to know if greenpeaces statement about leaving the leaves on is true or not ... ++rep for anyone who can give a straight answer on that one.


Well-Known Member
NPK i think is 15-10-15
well thats a good level, other than the chemicals and shit thats not bad. use it while you look for better nutrients

people really love FOX FARM and humbolt as far as nutrients go. if you can order them online, do so. and get the whole line (veg boost and bloom nutes) because youll need them all eventually

also, your going to need bigger pots soon. i know some people belive rootbound is a myth, but seriously, any plant can only grow to the limitations of its root system. if the roots cant support the plant the plant cannot grow any bigger. look into 3-5g pots so you wont need to transplant again


Well-Known Member
yeah , id like to know if greenpeaces statement about leaving the leaves on is true or not ... ++rep for anyone who can give a straight answer on that one.
i mean it makes sense, but im not certain myself

he is feeding them now and they are getting nitrogen, so i think it spreading is a non-issue


I think its time to transpant to bigger pots. Make sure the soil drains well. you could be developing root rot & you def. need to get some Better Nutes. Look into Fox Farm Nutes...


Well-Known Member
Depending on how simple you want to keep things... Just make your own soil (super rich in the right things) or get fox farm soil. If you successfully make your own soil for the larger pots, you won't have to feed them any nutes for the rest of the grow (they will get it all from the soil). Many ways to do this, and it will definitely save you money on nutes. The best part about doing this is you should be able to find everything you need at local nurserys and various garden shops and avoid having to order online and wait another week. Just get those transplanted ASAP and watch them explode..