do monkeys have cannabanoid receptors?


Well-Known Member
you rascal you,,,,,,,

best damn question i've seen in a looooong while,,,,,

i do not know the answer,,,

aahhh crap, another knowledge quest,,,,,

if them fuckers have it, then my whole theory on life is shot to shit,,,,,,,

thanks a lot aoh:fire:, something else to keep me up at night

boomerb here,
them little fuckers
better leave my stash alone,,,,
i've et their brains b-4,
and have
my spoon in the drawer,,,,,,



Well-Known Member
All that article proves is that monkeys like getting high as fuck so what, if I were a monkey id press that lever 500 times and get a 500x dose of thc from those fucker scientists, hah thanks for the smokeout asshole.


Well-Known Member
All that article proves is that monkeys like getting high as fuck so what, if I were a monkey id press that lever 500 times and get a 500x dose of thc from those fucker scientists, hah thanks for the smokeout asshole.
so them lil' turd flingers don't have the receptors?

if so, i'll sleep a lil' better tonight,,,,,,

boomerb is so relieved,
no monkey to be found in me,,,,
la tee da, la tee dees.
in yer face ya chimpanzees.



Well-Known Member
They should. If I'm not mistaken all mammals do. I know one of mammals first common ancestors the sea cucumber has THC receptors. I believe that was the first creature on Earth to do so.


Well-Known Member
They should. If I'm not mistaken all mammals do. I know one of mammals first common ancestors the sea cucumber has THC receptors. I believe that was the first creature on Earth to do so.

Enki put me here so i don't follow that evolution thinga majiggy, missing link and all, ya know?

and i just checked the family photos and couldn't find one see cucumber! I thought i had, but it turned out to be a picture of my great aunt, no wonder she never married. eeeewwwww.

my name is boomerb
in a pickle, i'll never be,
Lord Enki will return
for me,,,,,,,,,,,,
