Yesterday was the day. The first time I hit hyperspace, and let me tell you what an amazing, beautiful and mysteriously frightening experience.
I first had wanted to extract this substance to use as an entheogen during my meditation sessions. So I started the evening off with my typical routine, working myself into a trance by which to ready my mind for the 0 to 60 mindfuck it was about to take itself on. As my trance got deeper, I ready myself more and more, until I finally ripped the bong. We loaded the bong with a little bit of weed, then placed a large (35mg+) DMT dose, sandwiched by another layer of weed. By barely tapping the flame over the weed, I achieved three solid bong rips, that as I reached for the third hit the buzzing in my ears began until I reeled back into the ethereal plane.
My closed eye visuals started with 3D fractal images that keep zooming deeper and deeper into each other, morphing, expanding and enveloping me. My physical body had melted into a plane of a pure light and energy as I dwelled in between two worlds. Creatures started to appear on the edges of my "view", they would move about me very quickly, speaking without speaking. I had the foresight to understand what they were doing, not why or how but I understood that I just needed to watch and enjoy they show they were making for me with their different shapes, colors and ideas. At some point during this energizing experience I sat up and centered myself as I caught a glimpse of my physical hands, I brought them to my prayer mudra and said an "om" which centered me almost, reminding me of the physical manifestation that overlaps all the energy that is present in everyday life. I slipped back into a state of pure awareness and understanding. I was at peace in this place, it felt like an orgasm.
Suddenly, my eyes jolted open and I was in my room but it was still not my living room. The open eyed visuals were so intense I that my typical MC esher-esque lizard drawings were appearing everywhere, morphing and stacking itself. I saw bugs and thick blobs that looked like macro-bacteria on everything in my room. This is when I started to get scared, because my rational mind started to kick in a bit more at this point and I remembered I had smoked this drug. But I also realized I was very fucked up still. From different trip reports I had read, I had assumed the trip would be entirely closed eye visuals from which you eventually "wake up" from. I did not realize that the opened eyed visuals would be so intense and I thought I might have permanently fucked myself up. This is when I reached out to my friend and asked through the haze "I'm I dead?" I felt like I was re-living my life and at that moment I was watching myself live/die in my own apartment. My friend answered back "You are here, you are with me here" But there was a mirror separating us. I sat back up into a full lotus position and could see myself reflected in he mirror on the opposite side of my meditation candle. The walls of the light were so intense, I felt like I could touch the different mirrors that were around me, infinitely reflecting in each other. I was still pretty fucked up, my opened eyed visuals were insane but I gave my friend the safe word "hyperspace," which meant I was coherent enough to realize I was fucked up but coherent enough to pull myself out of it a enough to talk.
Since it was both our first time, and I was the first one to smoke it, of course my friend had apprehensions about the experience as I started to rave like a lunatic. I wasn't trying to ruin anything and give him to much but I wanted to tell him everything that happened, because that was a wild ride unlike any other I've been on.
In the end, I highly suggest this substance, I think it is my new favorite drug. I loved the immediate take hold affect where I hit the bong and basically everything on this physical plane melted away. One of my favorite parts of psychedelics is coming out refreshed and renewed from ego-death type experiences, and I loved that this drug had a pretty quick "come-down," enough to give you the afterglow and renewed sense of self without having to experience the the ego death for several hours. If you don't already believe in some "higher power" outside of yourself, this completely reaffirmed my beliefs in a nirvana type afterlife where we are nothing and everything all at once. Every emotion, every memory, every person, pure cosmic consciousness experienced all at once. It felt so right and so pure to melt into that ethereal plane, smashing and foregoing the ego to live forever in the moment. No ultimatums, no plans, no reason, just be.