scrOG closet grow

looking great man,

I'm glad you decided to top one and not the other. I find few things more gratifying than performing the scientific process myself. Can't wait to see your results from the experiment.

Speaking of.. Is that circulation fan the only one you're using? seems like you got a nice big space for your 250w light, so maybe that's all you need?

sub and +rep


Active Member
so i was reading this post that said i should put my screen 2 feet above my rubbermaid bucket.

does that sound right?

kinda sounds too tall right?

but ive never done this so i have no clue


Active Member
yea im excited about the experiment!! im curious if topping is gonna make a big difference..

yea thats the only fan i really use on it. kind of sad i think. do you think i need more??

i also did more research and found a lot of people have their screen 1ft above the bin.

so that being said I'm gonna start measuring out where the screen is gonna place and nailed to!



Active Member
so does anyone think having the screen 1ft above the bin too high or too low?

or does that sound good?

i just wanna hear opinions im new at this


Well-Known Member
i guess the height is determined by the length of the branches when you switch to flower, each grow will be different. probably about a third of the height from the box to the light??


Active Member
what does scrog mean??? it is the 1st time i heard about this. i saw the bin he had, and ive seen them over plants before. what is this doing to the plants? and can it only be done with hydro? any info. on the topic would really help me out... i am also starting a small closet grow. just got my clones yesterday
My last grow had the screen 8 inches above the pot top. its all about your space.

in terms of the fan.. your temperature is what is important. I am having troubles keeping my temps down right now, so I'm keen to it. If you're temps are good than your fan is awesome.


I've read that depending on how short you keep your plant, a Screen for the Scrog method should be kept between 12-18 inches from the base of the plant. If you're only topping one of your plants, you should think about making a screen only for that one plant, because the other plant may still grow through the screen, and if the screen keeps your plant down, there's a chance it will lift the screen causing your other plant to lose its structure


Active Member
Great looking forward to see this one go:bigjoint:
Thanks for the support!
what does scrog mean??? it is the 1st time i heard about this. i saw the bin he had, and ive seen them over plants before. what is this doing to the plants? and can it only be done with hydro? any info. on the topic would really help me out... i am also starting a small closet grow. just got my clones yesterday that is where i got alot of info from and this too!

My last grow had the screen 8 inches above the pot top. its all about your space.
in terms of the fan.. your temperature is what is important. I am having troubles keeping my temps down right now, so I'm keen to it. If you're temps are good than your fan is awesome.
yea thanks! since i have enough space and its only two plants im putting it at 8 inches too! and my temp are usually around 78 79 80

I've read that depending on how short you keep your plant, a Screen for the Scrog method should be kept between 12-18 inches from the base of the plant. If you're only topping one of your plants, you should think about making a screen only for that one plant, because the other plant may still grow through the screen, and if the screen keeps your plant down, there's a chance it will lift the screen causing your other plant to lose its structure
thanks for the information. i learned that i should weigh down my screen so this type of thing doesnt happend. so i have this string with a weight tied at the bottom and it holds the screen down solid! so hope things go well!!

my cousin currently has my camera sorry guys

but the plants are lookin greeat! and roots are very good as well im happy.


Active Member
ok! it wasnt exactly tomorrow but here they are!

ohhh! and i had a question! does anyone know if you can put the screen on too early? it might sound like a stupid queston but o well.. (im pretty sure it doesnt matter though)

and i also made a 2 liter co2 thingy haha

right plant(the topped one. and is now a little shorter)

left one( it looks like it grew a lil more than the topped one..)




Active Member
oh yea haha and that ball and string is the weight to hold the screen down so the plants cant push it up


Active Member
ok so heres my question. when training the plant to scrog some people say they weave it... and i was wonderin if my drawing is what they ment but i doubt it! lol

sorry for the ugly drawing haha


Active Member
im pretty sure thats what they mean by weave it but i dont think you have to do it like that. try different ways and see which one you like best. just be careful so you dont break the stems.


Active Member
thank god you told me that!! i was about to haha. more pics will be up soon! and also what does mho mean?

the plants are doing good! today its 22nd day of vegging and they look very healthy!!