I love how self centered everyone on the right is. I will gladly help out your child if needed and I am able, and I do. You wouldnt do the same? for a child suffering? again your self centered! get over yourself.
I love now that this has passed, everyone on the left is now sleeping (according to the right). zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... oh hit that snooze button, imigration is next. (SARCASM)............ Ive been awake for years, your just waking up righty?
I love how the minority swears they talk for the majority. and keep telling us that. over and over and over, it wont change if you keep saying it.
I love how now people (on the right) have the audacity to call us lazy because we cant afford health insurance, or cant find a job. ever talk to a recent graduate of college? wow, theres alot of jobs for those folks huh? most dont get into the industry they went to school for because the jobs arent there. does that make them lazy? (your lucky to have a job right now jackass). ever talk to the millions of people applying to the same position. are they lazy, or just outnumbered.
funny how people that arent in the unemployed position think its so easy to get a job right now. recently a large hotel opened up in California, 400 positions were available. wanna try and guess how many people applied? the hotel had alot of work to do to go through all the apps. 400 jobs........6,000 resumes and applications. think theres a jobs problem? think they are lazy because they cant find a job? think theres a shit ton of competition out there right now?
I love how their lies didnt work so now its time to attack our character? "lazy potheads" "wanting handouts" My good paying job would still be there if you righties didnt de-regulate everything and make it so easy for the large corporations to crap on us, the American people. Government is responsible for all the lost jobs, so in turn they are responsible for the fallout. Whoa, theres a word that the right doesnt like........ responsibility for your actions. If you screw it up, its your responsibility to correct it right?
But you dont want it corrected, even if it means loss of life, or home, or family. You want America to fail. and will do anything and say anything to help make it fail. you guys are the traitors to your country! even if it were a righty in office I would still want America to succeed, i hated Bush, but it didnt make me want America to fail......even though it did under Bush.