Health, Fitness, & Bodybuilding


Active Member
True, I eat every two hours if possible except right before and after my routine. I wake up and get a cup of coffee and a 26g protein shake. I hit two amino acids on an empty stomach, they help your body break down usable proteins. Depending on my work schedule I get to the gym around 10 - 11. Depending on the week I will do different work out routines. I drink one more 26g protein shake before going to the gym and mix up a drink for during my work out call IntrAbolic. It's awesome stuff and really helps kill the pumps. I'll give you my week one schedule for an example:

Day 1
Chest, Triceps
3/8 Bench press (2-3 min rest between sets)
3/10 Incline Dumbbell press (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/12 Incline Dumbbell flye (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/8 Close grip bench press (2-3 min rest between sets)
3/10 Straight bar pressdown (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/12 Lying Triceps extension (1-2 min rest between sets)

Day 2
Shoulders, Traps, Abs
3/8 Overhead Barbell press (2-3 rest)
3/10 Upright barbell row (2 rest)
3/12 Lateral dumbbell raise (1-2 rest)
3/8 Barbell shrug (2 rest)
2/10 Dumbbell shrug (1 rest)
3/failure Hanging leg raise (1 rest)
3/failure Crunches (1 rest)

Day 3
Back, Biceps

3/failure Pull ups (wide grip first then when I fail I hit close grip)
3/8 Bent over barbell row (2-3 rest)
3/10 Seated cable row (1-2 rest)
3/12 Straight arm pulldown (1)
3/8 Barbell curl (2-3)
3/10 Preacher curl (1-2)
3/12 Incline Dumbbell curl (1)

Day 4
Legs, calves, abs (Legs will always take about two hours min.)
3/8 Barbell squat (2-3)
3/10 Leg press (2-3)
3/12 Lunge (1-2)
3/15 Leg extension (1-2)
3/10 Romanian dead lift (2-3)
3/15 Lying leg curl (1-2)
3/12 Standing calf raise (1)
3/15 Seated calf raise (1)
3/failure reverse crunches (1)
3/15 Cable crunch (1)

Day 5 (repeat muscle group from day one)
Chest, Triceps
3/12 Low-cable crossover (no rest move directly into next workout)
3/12 High-cable crossover (rest 2-3 min after completing all reps)
3/10 Incline barbell press (work towards maxing out on tenth rep 1-2 rest)
2/failure Decline push up (1-2)
3/8 Close grip bench press (2-3)
3/8 Press down straight bar (1-2)
3/8 One arm overhead dumbbell extension (1)

Imediatley after your workout you need to get 30-40g of protein and some carbs. Your body will need to burn carbs to convert protein into muscle. If you don't eat right away your body will starve itself and break down muscle and compromise all your hard work. Since I started my program I have been eating like a horse and haven't gained any weight, but have increased muscle definition and strength. I don't play sports, I Rollerblade in the summer and I jog, smoke weed everyday.

Thats just one week but it gives you a good picture. Pick a plan that fits your schedule and stick with it, I feel healthier and better then ever. It's also important to remember that you are trying to grow your body not shock it into perfection. It takes time and focus, but it pays off in the end I hate going a day without going to the gym now and my wife is following my lead and getting ready for bikini season.

Hit up it will change your life also google any of my exercises and I am sure you will find instructions on how to do them. That's all for now PEACE

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
True, I eat every two hours if possible except right before and after my routine. I wake up and get a cup of coffee and a 26g protein shake. I hit two amino acids on an empty stomach, they help your body break down usable proteins. Depending on my work schedule I get to the gym around 10 - 11. Depending on the week I will do different work out routines. I drink one more 26g protein shake before going to the gym and mix up a drink for during my work out call IntrAbolic. It's awesome stuff and really helps kill the pumps. I'll give you my week one schedule for an example:

Day 1
Chest, Triceps
3/8 Bench press (2-3 min rest between sets)
3/10 Incline Dumbbell press (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/12 Incline Dumbbell flye (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/8 Close grip bench press (2-3 min rest between sets)
3/10 Straight bar pressdown (1-2 min rest between sets)
3/12 Lying Triceps extension (1-2 min rest between sets)

Day 2
Shoulders, Traps, Abs
3/8 Overhead Barbell press (2-3 rest)
3/10 Upright barbell row (2 rest)
3/12 Lateral dumbbell raise (1-2 rest)
3/8 Barbell shrug (2 rest)
2/10 Dumbbell shrug (1 rest)
3/failure Hanging leg raise (1 rest)
3/failure Crunches (1 rest)

Day 3
Back, Biceps

3/failure Pull ups (wide grip first then when I fail I hit close grip)
3/8 Bent over barbell row (2-3 rest)
3/10 Seated cable row (1-2 rest)
3/12 Straight arm pulldown (1)
3/8 Barbell curl (2-3)
3/10 Preacher curl (1-2)
3/12 Incline Dumbbell curl (1)

Day 4
Legs, calves, abs (Legs will always take about two hours min.)
3/8 Barbell squat (2-3)
3/10 Leg press (2-3)
3/12 Lunge (1-2)
3/15 Leg extension (1-2)
3/10 Romanian dead lift (2-3)
3/15 Lying leg curl (1-2)
3/12 Standing calf raise (1)
3/15 Seated calf raise (1)
3/failure reverse crunches (1)
3/15 Cable crunch (1)

Day 5 (repeat muscle group from day one)
Chest, Triceps
3/12 Low-cable crossover (no rest move directly into next workout)
3/12 High-cable crossover (rest 2-3 min after completing all reps)
3/10 Incline barbell press (work towards maxing out on tenth rep 1-2 rest)
2/failure Decline push up (1-2)
3/8 Close grip bench press (2-3)
3/8 Press down straight bar (1-2)
3/8 One arm overhead dumbbell extension (1)

Imediatley after your workout you need to get 30-40g of protein and some carbs. Your body will need to burn carbs to convert protein into muscle. If you don't eat right away your body will starve itself and break down muscle and compromise all your hard work. Since I started my program I have been eating like a horse and haven't gained any weight, but have increased muscle definition and strength. I don't play sports, I Rollerblade in the summer and I jog, smoke weed everyday.

Thats just one week but it gives you a good picture. Pick a plan that fits your schedule and stick with it, I feel healthier and better then ever. It's also important to remember that you are trying to grow your body not shock it into perfection. It takes time and focus, but it pays off in the end I hate going a day without going to the gym now and my wife is following my lead and getting ready for bikini season.

Hit up it will change your life also google any of my exercises and I am sure you will find instructions on how to do them. That's all for now PEACE
you fucken beast


Active Member
lol well I've been doing it for twelve weeks now so I don't think much of it anymore. I had a nice one today and worked shoulders, traps, abs. Keep livin the dream!

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Baddfrogg, why not just include your trap workout on your back/bicep day?

Seeing as how the traps are one of the largest muscles in your back, you wouldn't be using them the day after shrugging when you are doing rows, etc.

Adequate rest is crucial and it working the same large muscle two days in a row hinders progress.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Adequate rest is crucial and it working the same large muscle two days in a row hinders progress.
well with this said
how much time should be given to rest
i give 1 day
i work a on off on off type of work out where i go every day but not the same thing everyday other then abs and cardio i feel as if i should be doing these every day am i wrog for this

:dunce:so thats 2 question


Well-Known Member
well with this said
how much time should be given to rest
i give 1 day
i work a on off on off type of work out where i go every day but not the same thing everyday other then abs and cardio i feel as if i should be doing these every day am i wrog for this

:dunce:so thats 2 question
Every other day might be a bit quick. I have a 3 days on, 1 day off. So I have 3 days of rest for a certain group of muscles.

Cardio and abs you can pretty much do everyday. But i personally would give a days rest for that. If your muscles aren't use to working out yet... i'd def give a days break. If not, then go for it. Only you know how your body feels.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
I once heard a wise and very muscular man say " There's no such thing as over-training. There is only under-recovering."

The great big fat guy I trained into a ripped bodybuilder was tutored using this as a motto. The only thing he did for a year and a half was eat, sleep, shit, and go to the gym. He ate like a horse, and trained like a champion, all day, every day. He would have a sleep during the day between gym sessions. I made him eat lots of foods with spices, anything hot which makes you sweat when you eat it. He ate a lot of steak, and foods which used a lot of energy to break down. I started him on the old 6 small meals a day routine but it wasn't fitting in with how much he was at the gym, so it evolved into a massive lunch and a huge dinner every day. I trained the hell out of him for 500 days straight and dropped half his bodyweight.

In the end, his metabolism was so wound up he could eat kfc and chocolate for breakfast every morning and it would be burned up by lunchtime. Metabolism is everything if you want to lose fat.


Well-Known Member
I once heard a wise and very muscular man say " There's no such thing as over-training. There is only under-recovering."

The great big fat guy I trained into a ripped bodybuilder was tutored using this as a motto. The only thing he did for a year and a half was eat, sleep, shit, and go to the gym. He ate like a horse, and trained like a champion, all day, every day. He would have a sleep during the day between gym sessions. I made him eat lots of foods with spices, anything hot which makes you sweat when you eat it. He ate a lot of steak, and foods which used a lot of energy to break down. I started him on the old 6 small meals a day routine but it wasn't fitting in with how much he was at the gym, so it evolved into a massive lunch and a huge dinner every day. I trained the hell out of him for 500 days straight and dropped half his bodyweight.

In the end, his metabolism was so wound up he could eat kfc and chocolate for breakfast every morning and it would be burned up by lunchtime. Metabolism is everything if you want to lose fat.
So you're saying there's no such thing as over training? Really?


Well-Known Member
i disagree
i think you just have to go hard

do 800 crunches a day and cardio 2 miles
200 lower
200 upper
200 left side
200 right side

after a month add a 100 each

you have to live the way you eat
this is why a lot of x athlets get so fat when they retire they are nolonger burning the 8 meals a day off but they still have those eatting habbits
Just when you say that, micheal phelps goes on a 12,000-calorie-a-day diet supposedly eats :

Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelet. One bowl of grits. Three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.
Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread. Energy drinks packing 1,000 calories.
Dinner: One pound of pasta. An entire pizza.More energy drinks.

wud he not die when he stops..? Lol or turn into the hulk.. that shit is dangerous

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
form my research i learned that weight loss
comes form
lactating (women)
squirting (women)
hair cuting
nail cliping
limb removal
skin removal
these ar the only way to lose weight
it just doesn't magically dissappear out of the body
you have to sweat, shit, and piss it out
eat less burn more


Active Member
I was wondering how can i gain some weight? I've been trying from ages. I exercise daily (dumbbells) but even when i take a break I am not able to gain anything. I've even forced myself to overeat many times but there is almost no weight gaining effect.


Well-Known Member
#1 rule for weight loss (as in fat)---BUILD MUSCLE.

And build as much as you can before age 30. What better way to burn calories WHILE AT REST?
There is NO substitute.

Why do people trip on Phelps taking in 12,000 calories? While my "lazy" days consisted of 4 hour work outs and on the side hiking/roller blading....and work at night EASILY burned a couple thousand calories alone.........don't you think that at my "light weight" I needed at least half those calories to keep going?

If Phelps had instead restricted his diet to 3,000 calories, he would be both unable to perform as he does and he would get skinny.....only to send his body the message, "I am starving.

If you are not intaking adequate calories, your body responds by burning MUSCLE for energy, and your body CLINGS to fat for survival.

Don't screw with your metabolism by working out like a fiend and nibbling like a rabbit.

Shocking as it is, those extra calories are necessary to keep your body burning FAT.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
babs, I think the people are tripping not cause of the amount of calories, but what he is eating

and quite honestly, I didn't see anyone trip:lol: :hug:


Well-Known Member
If you want to go into bodybuilding you have to get the right nutrients. Just like your plants. A bodybuilder needs a steady manageable routine I do 5 days a week average 90 minutes a session. Next the nutrients the right protein is the key. You want to get a daily intake of 0.8 - 1.0 grams per pound of body weight. Also you have to eat good foods. Lots of carbohydrates I eat peaches, oranges, and bananas every day. Lean meat and eggs are good too.

I put together a twelve week routine that I found in an old workout magazine. It broke training into 4 groups of body parts to train at different times to maximize muscle confusion techniques.

FYI: fruit is not a good substitute for quality carbs (IE: brown rice, sweet potatoes, old fashion oats etc....) Fruit contains fructose, which is almost as bad as high fructose corn syrup. The only benefit you get from eating fruit is antioxidents, dietary fiber (which i eat little of becuase i hate shittin all day long), and the actual breakdown of its calories, resulting in more burnt calories. But IMO isnt worth the insulin spike, and possible fat gain.